1KSP: Pathway to Freedom For Many On STEEM? Please Share Your Thoughts On This IdeasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Anyone who regularly reads my blog here knows I am extremely bullish on STEEM. After looking at what is going on with this blockchain, I believe that we are going to see a massive explosion in the price of STEEM over the next few years. At present, we are seeing a number of apps already in use (albeit with some kinks to iron out) that have the potential to completely upend the social media realm.

The other day I wrote a post about why I believe we will see $100 STEEM. For those who missed it, you can follow the link:


Without reviewing the entire article, the main point I made is that the social media arena is enormous with an account base of 3 Billion on the major sites. At the same time, I foresee the Smart Media Token similar to the ERC20 on the etherium blockchain. Focusing upon the content creation/publishing world, this protocol gives providers the ability to create their own token on the steem blockchain while utilizing the curation/reward system. To me, this is going to be a difference maker.

As I ponder the economic fate of many in the world, I can to the realization that $100K would make a major difference in the lives of 98% of the people out there. Even in the United States, there are few who have anywhere near that net worth. Instead, they have student loans, car payments, little to no equity in their homes, and credit card debt. Wages are flat and, I believe, an impending technological thrust in unemployment is going to further magnify the problems.

Hence, I believe if we can get people to the $100K mark in STEEM, this will radically change their lives. Using some advanced math tactics which required me to take off my shoes, I concluded that if STEEM hits $100 a token, we are looking at everyone who has a minimum of 1000 (1K) SP as reaching that $100K threshold. Certainly this is not an outrageous number to hit.

After pondering the debates going on about the whales using steemit as their own piggy bank and "ruining" the system leading to a rich get richer situation, I decided to question everyone if they are using their allotted daily voting power. This led me to post this yesterday which questioned what people are doing:


In essence, my conclusion is that before we start attacking others, we need to ensure that our own voting power is being used every day to ensure we share in the part of the reward system we are entitled to (or those we vote for). Since most are not utilizing this, I think we are missing a tremendous opportunity to help others who are just coming on board.

So what is my solution? After some thought, and trust me when I tell you that all this thinking is hurting my head, I came up with the idea of the 1KSP (1000 SP) Program. This approach basically centers around the idea that even though we do not have the voting power of the whales as individuals, collectively we can outpace them. We simply need to band together and concentrate our votes.

Here is how this works.

To start, all posts by people with less than 1000 SP in their accounts can be tagged a1ksp. Each of us commits to going into that category each day and upvoting the content there. This can be done at whatever level of Voting Power on the slider someone wants to use. This will help get some people noticed.


Those of us with over 1000 SP commit to taking one or two people with less then that threshold under our wings and upvote their content at 100%. This is akin to the big brother/big sister program. The sub 1000 SP individual commits to posting at least 1-2 articles a day for which the other person will upvote at 100%. Obviously it is a good idea to find someone who puts up content you enjoy. This relationship continues until that individual reaches 1000 SP at which time he/she can adopt someone else which also frees up the first person to repeat the process with another.

Each of us has basically 10 votes at 100%. I do not find it unreasonable for each of us to commit to using 2-4 of those votes on someone who has very little SP. My view is the more people we get to 1000 SP, the more lives that will be radically changed in the next couple years.

The wonderful aspect of the steem system is that everything, in terms of power, builds upon itself. As we help others to fill their wallet with SP, those individuals have more power in their votes. Also, because of the curation system, our votes will also bring back more rewards since the split takes place on anyone placed after 10 minutes.

I would like to hear everyone's thoughts on this. Is this something you would like to be a part of and a way of bringing more success to the entire steem blockchain? We need to bear in mind the network effect of this technology and how much more valuable the entire ecosystem is when more people are involved (and succeeding). And, while it might seem like your vote isnt worth much, consider what it means to a newer person to have 6 or 7 people upvote at 3-4 cents apiece. A quarter is a lot of money to someone new, especially if they are from a third world nation.

Drop your thoughts in the comment section below. Let me know what you think about this and if you are willing to partake in it. Certainly, those of us from 1,000-20,000 SP can make a radical difference on this site if we all team up.

Please give this an upvote and a resteem.

Pictures from google images


I had been thinking along the same lines myself. If enough people decide to work for a common goal it can be achieved fairly rapidly. I try to maximise power on here by using it as much as possible within my limits.

As a fairly new user it can be very hard to get noticed and discouraging when you don't. If you could find minnows who are producing great content and who are active every day there is far more chance of them helping the next person when they reach the target.

I for one would be very interested to take part. Sitting on 300sp means I have a say but still have a long way to go to reach the level that I would like to be at.

It's so hard to get started on here that if there was a support like this for newer users it could really broaden the user base and encourage more people to join.

If I am doing well it is really easy to encourage my friends to join and help them to get started on the site. I have a couple more joining at the moment but they are still waiting on authorization.

Keep plugging along...I will be floating around to anyone that I see uses that tagline in posts.

The first order of business is to get you to 500 SP so you get the slider and can regulate your voting power.

I will.
Winter is setting in and I will have a lot more time on my hands. My plan is to push ahead with steemit for the next few months and build up my SP and my profile on here. I am hoping to post more regularly and spend more time curating.
Hopefully this helps and I might pop that tagline into a few of them if they are good quality. Thanks.

That is all you can do...post and comment are the paths to success.....I found it to be of great benefit. And use your votes each day...it is tough until we get you over the 500 SP level...but 200 isnt that far away...maybe we can do it in a month or so...

I love this idea!

I'm thinking $100,000 could be stretched at least 5x further in many nations. Re-blogged. I'll send this out on twitter too.

Absolutely @overkillcoin. $100K is a number I chose since I was writing about $100 STEEM price (since I fully believe that is in the cards in 2019 if not sooner). It also is a number that changes the lives of people in the western countries. But you point is 1000% on, in some parts of the world, that is worth 5 or even 10 times more than in the west.

And that is the opportunity we have here...to change the lives of millions of people.

Super cool idea and hitting 100k will greatly change many lives. This is the power of steemit really and the community is helping each other acomplish goals.

Thanks for the comment @bitcoinflood.

We have a few "conversations" on here so I know you agree with me when I say that the $100K is potentially a low number considering the fact that steem could well eclipse the $100 mark in a couple years.

I fully expect this to be one of the hottest blockchains there is. We are seeing a ton of activity on here wit the development. Work out a few kinks in some of the apps and watch this thing fly.

Thank you for thinking of solutions instead of complaining about problems! I like your idea. Big buddy system is pretty cool, I think I do this already, and I could do more!

You are definitely a giver, @lyndsaybowes ! You have a kind and caring soul. 😊

Same with you Angel @phoenixwren, you're very generous with your votes and your meaningful comments, I've never seen anyone take to Steem like you have, you make me smile!


You know me, I am all about the warmth and solutions. :)

Yes you do a fine job of it...I do agree. You are one of the "givers" on this site, that is what I always liked about you. I think this might be a fine way for us to help those coming in behind us. If we can help out a couple newbies get to the 1000 SP level, and have that person "adopt" one or two, then it might well grow.

Hell, we could even both have the same one, both upvote and move that person ahead that much quicker.

Yes this is exactly what I had in mind- the influencers adopting newbies trying hard and then they doing that good deed for someone else. I am so happy someone with a better power thought of it and is playing their part in it.

Love this! I'm still a red fish, but I use up my voting power all the time because I love the mutual aid aspect of Steemit. A handful of times I have used @treeplanter to upvote others, or @minnowbooster to upvote myself in order to get a bit more Steem Power so I can grow faster. I have sold my SBD for BTC and traded that for fiat a couple of times because poverty (thank you for paying my electric bill and buying cat food, Steemit!), so I don't put my posts at 100% SP, but while Bitcoin has been high I've been using those bots to reinvest, so to speak.

Well all have our own life situations so it is up to us to determine what we need to do.

However, I would say that STEEM is one of the best crypto investments out there since the way it was designed. The fact that each SBD can become SP which increases out vp which increases the return on our steem creates a compounding effect. Link most things, in the beginning it is hard to see since the returns are small. It is easy to see the change in vp when your account goes up 100 or 200 steem. But when it moves up 5 cents, it isnt noticeable. However, that five cents gives you a bit more power than before.

And upvote your article posts at 100%...you deserve it.

I haven't read the link how you feel STEEM can get to $100 but I certainly love this idea... I think my 100% UV varies between .06 and .08 but I can certainly spare a vote or two... (if I could quit upvoting everything in sight for a day or two, Lol) . Count me in.

We need to get you over 1000 SP my friend...only a little more than 50 to go for you.

And 8 cents could help someone a lot...especially if their post gets 3 or 4 8 cent votes. We never know what it takes to impact someone and get them motivated.

I agree... I went and upvoted someone earlier..

Congratulations.....you are on your way to many riches.....

$100K value of your account is in the cards....it will happen.

I went ahead and bought that last 50 SP I needed..

Very good points. I try to post every day because that seems to be the consistency level that gets the best results for people. (My perception. I have not plotted growth trajectories against post frequency yet. Paging #steembi?)
4 or 5 days a week I have really good ideas I want to express. The other days I struggle. So my average is actually 5-6 per week, but I haven't been here long. I don't know how anyone does quality content more than once a day, aside from traders posting technical analysis. One idea, many posts.

Maybe prolific Steemians are just smarter than me...

Many different ways to skin a cat as they say. There are as many different approaches here as there are people active on here. You will find what works best for you.

The basic model is post, comment, and upvote. That is what works. Now how you apply that into your methodology on here is going to differ from others. Consistency is obviously key as well as helping others. That is where the upvotes come in. If we can push others along and move them forward, it would be a great help.

After almost 7 years of trying to make fat people thin on the internet, I'm not too much for group efforts. But I definitely do my part to help the minnows below me and I really want them to succeed. I am 100% on your page about the power of a few small/medium sized fish who vote appropriately.

For me - the most important thing is to convince minnows that:

  • they need to keep their power up
  • they need to grow their sp over 500 asap
  • they need to vote for good content that will make reasonable rewards.

My focus is to contact minnows when I can and relentlessly give this advice which is also found in this post I'm sure you have already seen.
Make Money Blogging on Steemit Top Tips and Checklist for Better Results!!

I and many others live on almost no money in the 3rd world. $50 a month is a game changer for some. $300 a month is a job. $500 a month is a good job. So we do not need to make thousands to succeed and prosper.

I get many, many votes a week from minnows voting under 50% power. I am getting ready to contact all of them and try to get them to focus on that side of it. This will take time - I will look at profiles so I'm not going after lost causes.

I regularly run into people over rep 50 who vote under 50%. Just fixing them would be more rewards for all.

You can easily see your votes come in with steemnow and then go to your posts and click to those low power voters. I actually think this would help a lot.

Just ideas and I'm glad to connect and help your idea as I can.

Boy I'd be so well off with 500 a month!

That's not a very high goal for this place so go for it. If you have the content and the network, you can do it.

I could use some advice or mentoring if you can spare some, :-P

Glad to! Start with my post I sent you above and work with the ideas that seem to be good for you and your skills. In the beginning the most important things are:

  • keep your power up
  • grow your sp
  • make lots of comments
  • make a few posts a week or more
  • make connections

That's about as far along as I am now, but since I started focusing on rewards - things got better for me. Good luck and ask me questions on that old post or on any post and I will be happy to help.

I'm not sure how long it will take, but are you really serious re 500SP ?
at 0.001 x 1 or 2 votes per post?

"Visicalc => Lotus123=>Excel" I was there too!

Yes, I am serious about the 500 sp - just having a vote of anything over 1 cent is a lot.

I think it's more like a 90% failure rate to get to rep 45, sadly.

I will not be surprised with failure here ar eall and question my sanity at times. It's the Alexa that keeps me and now we have people over to bust which is a reduction on the alexa here!

I agree - It's not about me - I tell that to people constantly here - look at the bigger picture of sustaining steemit. Few care and will tell me, "I'm getting mine while I can." It's really an interesting jungle here.

I'm at 159 SP at just over two months. I just recently learned about not voting down so much (I'm currently sitting at about 75% so I'm stopping upvoting for a while to rebuild). I'm at rep 55.
It's possible, you just have to work at it. I haven't had any dollars to invest in Steem because poverty, my posts are all set to 50/50 rewards. In another few months, barring any unforeseen attention from whales or something, I could conceivably be at 500 SP.

Thanks for reply & info.

Have you thought of leasing sp with the sbd you have? It's helping me a lot. I'm up to around 1200 total sp, and my 10 cent vote is big down here! And by having the extra power - my actual sp is growing faster.

Huh, I'll have to look into that. Thanks for the tip. :)

It's one of the tips for making money here in the post I linked above. There is a lot we can do even if we are small :)

At 500 sp your vote i s 5 or 6 cents which actually ranks you pretty good on post payouts and then you start earning more on each one. You have to get over the hump of all the tiny minnows and be a bit bigger. It's like watching paint dry in a way.

It's just a "post crap/pic/BS" & get votes from mates (other whales). a self fulfilling downward spiral IMHO

Also look at the steemiteducation tag and steemstem - both have very good posts to vote on. I find great kr posts all the time. They have amazing technical abilities and such unique points of view from my perspective.

Communities will kill the place. We only have about 5K in real actual members. Separate them out, slice and dice, and hide them somewhere in little hives and the "lobby" dies. The tiny fish swimming in will die at 100% instead of 90%. It will be a blood bath if they do it. Communities is for a platform with millions of users - not a few thousand. So I hope it does not happen any time soon.

The kr posts I tend to vote on are just "squiggles" I can't read them.
I just "pattern match" what I think are winners based on profiles etc.

It's actually 7000 on this post that just came out. Lots of interesting stats and lots of interesting comments.


Thank you for such an in depth answer. I can agree with you about the weight loss. However when it comes to money, people have a different view. The US is known for people sacrificing their healthy for wealth. There are so many who have fat banks accounts and a fat waistline. I am not sure many set out to become rich diabetics but that is often the result. Of course, then they spend all their money trying to get some of their health back.

You bring up valid points about the voting and running it down. It seems there are two extremes...those who vote everything and end up with no voting power or those who do not vote enough.

As for the money in different parts of the world, I understand and hear you. I use the figure I did since it encompasses the entire world. I can believe that in many areas, a lot less is required. That said, there is no reason if someone in the US or England can pull in $20 a post, that you cant either. The internet known no geography. You content is just as good as someone from one of the first world countries and your compensation can reflect that....sure it might go a lot further in your country which is good for you.

Well, I'm not speaking for me as much as for the broader group of minnows I'm part of. You can see another answer to this post where the person would be well off on $500 a month. I know a fb friend here in Bangkok who pays $50 rent a month out by the airport and he's happy.

I hope I can help the people around me to do better and that's what I focus on - the ones that actually upvote me with 8% power. I found one guy posting great photos from korea so you never know. If I boost him and he becomes popular, he might remember me when.

I get good traffic from here and wonderful connections, so I'm with both feet for now.

This is a damn amazing idea!
And something I can definitely work with :)
Thanks for birthing this.

I love the idea!! Who wants to adopt me? n.n

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