To the whales - Get your head out of your ass and vote good content up! You are harming steemit!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Please excuse the vulgar language. I dont want to insult anybody, i just use my words to express my feelings ;) Okay, so over the last days there where more and more posts from guys like this one: 

They explain why some superficial posts are voted up to the moon from whales, while other posts, good posts, substantial posts, posts from steemers who worked hard for their content, get almost no support from whales.

People like Gabriel say that all these shitty posts are so succesful, because the whales want to extend the spectrum of steemit posts to get the masses involved. He, and many others, say, that the whales are supporting this content because its new, while they dont support the hard work of other steemers because its not new. Well, let me tell you why this strategy is TRASH and why it has the potential to bomb steemit down. 

We all want steemit to be as successful as possible. It is important to reach out to as many readers/consumers as possible. Of course! We need mass adoption! But the strategy of voting crap up, just because its new endangers the whole project more than it could help the project. What happens when the people who wrote several hours (or even days) on a good article see that a male make up tutorial (guys, a fucking male make up tutorial!!!) gets $10.000 and their own post gets $1? Do you really think the hard working steemers will accept this injustice?! No, they will leave!

Steemit has to be a platform for normal users, as well as a platform for talented writers/singers/pothographs..., as well as a platform for professionals. Steemit is in a competition with many sites. And facebook plans to reward the content like Google is doing it already. If the whales go on, giving hard working steemers almost no attention at all, it will harm steemit. 

My post about"how steemit could revolutionize the music industry towards a fairer and more profitable business model" got 132 up votes, why is it not trending, while a post with 48 up votes made more than $2000? Because the whales have the power, and the whales are currently not supporting good content! Many writers will leave steemit and go on using wordpress, where they dont need whales. They use google ads and get the same money for every user who reads their posts. 

The masses will be there, were the best content is. Not there were the most content is.

So to the (killer) whales: GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASSES AND SUPPORRT GOOD CONTENT! You want steemit to be a success, i want steemit to be a success, so lets make it a success!

@steemit, @dan, @au1nethyb1, @blocktrades, @nextgencrypto, @berniesanders

The main issue is that we just can't vote on everything good (even if we saw everything, which is not possible with 7k new posts a day).
You have to be lucky to be seen right now. Once you're up, it's easier for other to see you, so those posts get more votes.

I understand that it may seem unfair, but that's what it is right now. If steemit gave us the possibility to lower our voting weight, we could at least vote for more than 20 posts a day. It'll still take a while until distribution reached a point where more good content gets the rewards it deserves.

"I understand that it may seem unfair, but that's what it is right now. [...] It'll still take a while until distribution reached a point where more good content gets the rewards it deserves."
I hope that will happen soon, steemit desperately needs a fairer system to reach out for the masses.
Thank you very much for your up vote :)

This post had a TON of great feedback from minnows!
I had a brilliant idea for STEEMIT's development, that even a dolphin endorsed it.
And NOT A SINGLE whale!!! Instead, after 12 hours, I see not one but TWO VERY LAME 40 minute old posts, both of HOT girls, no videos, poor formatting, generic "story of her life" blog, each get over $5000 ??? I doubt them girls have published a book like me. I DOUBT they know html like me. I DOUBT they know advertising metrics. Despite their hotness, I DOUBT they can bring thousands of new users in, LIKE I perfectly know very well how to do, and like how I WOULD do if I got $10,000 for my first KINDERGARTEN skill level fucking post!

POLL: should steemit let us steemers advertise using steem?
Click the #steemengine to vote!

Dude, you really need to chill the fuck out. I'm getting siezures from looking at your animated gifs and your entitled me, me, me attitude which i thought was a joke appears to actually be a character flaw.

Here is truth. ...
A wise man will sit quietly, speak little and allow those around him to believe him foolish.
A fool will open his mouth and remove all doubt.

im in a difficult phase of my life bro. that is all

I doubt they could create their own unique moving GIFS or have pictures function like links, very generic skills that I make work like a charm... My moving GIFS had a RIDICULOUS converting ratio within bitcoin ad networks. Not here? BROKEN IMO and IMA BITCH ABOUT IT FOR DAYS because I am fucking PISSED

NOTE: from one short paragraph on FACEBOOk, I brought in $50 worth of bitcoin today from someone wanting to fund my social network, and - BOTH sites that will dwarf some social media sites one day and I was hoping to partner them with steem but I very well might not. I am a CEO, not a small timer. I ccan bringt BIG business to Steemit if they gave me a chance. but no, more hot girls hot girls hot girls... I have not seen tara aka guerrent make a single post since her $30,000 makeup tutorial. WHY? I would be posting 2x a day out of grattitude, bringing in TONS of new users from every walk of life!

we just can't vote on everything good

Yes, you cannot! And that is what I have been singing for a while now. The curation power is not in the hands in good willing and deserving curators but in the hands in arbitrary chosen tech gurus... here
I know the day will come when you (the whales) will realize that for the better of Steem you should not burden yourself with doing something you are neither the best at nor have the time and desire to do .

It's not about time and desire, but about possibilities. Again, 20 posts limit. I for my part try to find as many undervalued posts as possible with those, your generalization is false.

It could actually be a good idea for the big whales to not vote at all. I doubt that'll happen though.

What I propose is: willing whales to vote - that is to say one who wish to commit the time and effort explained in details here should be able to do so.
Additionally in order to "not harm the whales" say 10% of each current account vests can be put in/converted to Curation Power at the beginning - this way whales interested in active curation will have a good head start but still reduced dominance compared to the current destructive IMHO levels.

@pharesim, while we are just in contact to eachother, i just created a new post.
You are much longer on steemit than i am, so maybe you can answer my question what will happen if people start selling their votes.

Things are like they are but things can change. I guess that's the point of this post. I have to agree with the OP to some extent.

I just read the white paper and I read about the fact that steemit wants the free market to regulate its content. But how can a market be truely free if only a few whales completely dominate that market ? Steemit is not giving the market what it asks for. Steemit is giving what the whales are asking for and leaving the market frustrated. This could potentially make the market feel very dissapointed and leave the platform.

So I wouldn't get upset with the OP. He has a valid point. Whales could potentially kill this project if they don't upvote what the market is asking for. Steemit will only thrive if it holds onto the free market principle. Anything other will destroy the project.

I agree. We really need this feature. It's already at the point where some whales' votes can give a post nearly $1000. If I were a whale (I'm not), and I either have the choice to vote for a post, giving it $1000, or pass it by, how can I decide? It's like the only choice is giving a post MASSIVE support, or none. The situation is slightly reminiscent of:

The distribution of whales today might not be the distribution of whales a year from now when the market cap is 10 billion and there are over a million users. By that time a lot of whales will have powered down or will be powering down. When they power down and other people are powering up what do you think happens to the voting power distribution?

Maybe you can't but this is why when Steemit becomes profitable enough for you to power down then powering down may be a responsible thing to do so that more people can power up and the whale power can be distributed among more people. Attention is the bottleneck here because attention is scarce when only few people are whales.

I think the same thing that happened with other social networks will happen with Steemit. Viral content will always be easy to access and understand from all ages and nationalities.

For instance, I was trying to start a discussion around a new kind of validation algorithm for a crypto currency. I spend some time doing the research and writing the article. When I posted the article.... I got 2 upvotes :

You see, boobs and funny animals will always beat the real content...



yeah - I saw the same in past. A lot of people wrote good guides or technical posts but it is typical highly valued content what get not viral (so votes and no money). I also found out the same at myself so I stopped finish my 3d printing guide writing here.

The more I use steemit the more I think it will fail on various things like spam, tag-hijacking and the "get rich quick" thinking of people. So any real valueable content what is helpfull to people over time is wasted time and effort here on steemit. Way better to host your own blog.... if you have some tits and look good or use some make-up it is the right place for you :-)

So the more I think the less I want to be here - lol. Really thinking of dumping all of my Steem the next days because it got a totally another thing finally what I wanted it to be.

What I like the most is the blockhain technology that keeps you content up and can't be taken down easily. Its free and you have potential viewers for you content by taging specific groups. There are less than 30 000 people on platform atm and at least 90% of them are seeking money insted of content. if u were to hang in posts about same things you like you will be fufilled by common expiriences.

I hear you. Don't be frustated. Try your best and get some strategy for getting upvotes. Try hanging on some of more popular content, and talk to creators, as far as I saw all are nice and happy to answer your questions and hear others opinions. Make friends and when they see you are allright present them your content and ask what they think of it. Also you don't need to delete yor old content because you can still be payed after first 24 hours.
I don't pursue money, try to have fun and talk with people that aren't so popular. I do that every time I find true content and I have wonderfull time.
When I see good content I vote on it and when it doesn't recieve enogh love I fell sad but that is just how things go. Later if I find similar topic I presnet that post to people in comments if ithink people would find it intersting. No system is perfect and this one does let you earn by sharing your thoughts.
edit: one of authors that i'm folowing has got trouble geting atttention last few times so he recently posted this one, maybe that will give you strenght to keep going:

Steem Power needs to be more distributed and over time as whales power down this will happen. Attention is scarce and the Steem Power has to be distributed to have a more distributed curation.


I attempted a funny post to help newbies not be intimidated by whales..

Check it out and let me know what ya think :D

Well ok then @steemitpolitics!

I can confirm whales are assholes, swallowed plenty of my bros whole.

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