Are we Steemians jealous creatures?

in #steemit6 years ago

By we I'm referring to us Steemians.

I think we are all jealous at each other, if someone is making more money we get jealous and try to harm them in one way or the other.

Some uses direct flagging and others would use their words to get back at them.

Such a thing is happening everyday and more or else everyone has to go through such stage.

I think there is no solution to this and it will continue to be like this, as Steemit grows and more and more people come here, this jealousy will also continue to grow.

As a writer or a content creator we are all talented people with skills to create great contents, but while one person's creation gets more appreciation, the other may start having superior complexity.

But at the end of the day, we are all here for the same purpose and we can grow with the support of others.

Thanks for reading this and keep on Steeming.

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today you wrote off the topic but highlighted the reality.Today no one can see other succeeding :)

Just because we ignore something doesn't mean it doesn't exists.. well anyway these kinda offtopic don't get much focus, but I will continue to often write and express how I feel about the whole community

You are right everyone is jealous of others if someone is making more money☺ by the way the button looks awesome☺ we should make way for others and you know specially women are more jealous☺

when it comes to women, they can easily dominate social media in less than half the time it would take for a man to do so.. oh BTW i like that button too, and I copied it from somewhere tehee :P

very mean posting your words his words very meaningful for me who just present in this steemit core of your post this make the spirit for the friend steemit. always success@skreza

whose words do you mean by "his words"

Awesome post.
Everyone is aware of the violence by destroying the human being, but still everyone remains concerned about it.
The world would have been better if it was not jealous.

Happy Steeming.

oh the jealousy is something from the very beginning of human kind.. the greatest angel of the past fallen because of his jealousy towards Adam and turned into Satan.. so we can say jealousy is something which exists even before the start of human kind

I think that everyone has the knowledge of good bad understanding. Envy is not good, but it is understood by those who do it. I do not know any language for them.
But I do not think that I do not have any harm, but I did not think twice to do something else that would be good.
No one should think, in my opinion.

Happy Steeming.

Whatever the situation is I think the important thing is to keep positivity within ourselves, then share it with others and never give up this platform. I am sure this mindset will bring success not just to oneself but also to the entire community. More power to you @skreza

Interesting thoughts coming from you, Sir @skreza.