Blogging Everyday : The Practice of Making Daily Entries

in #blogging6 years ago

Blogging everyday can be challenging, especially at the mid stage, when we start blogging we aim to make a lot of post at the early stage, but then when we realize we are getting low feedbacks from the audience, the flow paces down.

This is a challenging part, especially when we are free to choose how many post we should make, its not like there is someone pointing a gun on our forehead saying if we don't make 5 entries a day, they will just push the trigger and will shot us.

The point here is, what is the purpose behind making blog entries. Do we want to continue making a record of our daily live, or do we want feedbacks from the audience. The point I'm trying to emphasize here is what is the original goal for creating blogs, do we only care about the money, or is it the audience who read our entries or we want to reach other people and see how they think of our activities.


The thing I'm focusing here is making at least one entries each day is the key, it can give us exposure and content consumers will see we are active in producing more contents. Using Steemit as a blogging platform has the advantage of earning money, and this is probably the platform where a blogger can earn the most compared with any other platforms, however it was also backfire when we make entries but not make enough when compared to other veteran bloggers, and it can be more devastating when our blogs can't even earn 1% of what some random spammers are earning.

Is blogging a source of earning money or it means something different for a blogger. It all depends on what the goals of a blogger are, in the early days of the blogging, people just started blogging without realizing that it would be possible to monetize from their blogs, if we enjoy blogging and make blog entries just for the sake of having fun then making daily entries would become easier, but if its money that works as the main source of motivation then earning less can backfire, you might earn from one post, but when you realize your next post is not earning as much as your previous post, then your pace slows down.


In either way, when we continue to pace our entries, it will give us more exposure, and the more contribution we put to the total number of contents being produced per day, means we will have more chance of reaching those content consumers. I say blogging everyday is a healthy practice. Most bloggers with high exposures are trying to make at least 4 entries a day, some are also trying to make 10 entries, and here I'm struggling to make an entry once in 24 hours.

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If you're at a loss for what to write down in a very daily journal, then attempt to begin naming a number of the goals that you just have for your life. to assist you maintain this path, you'll be able to pen some self care plan you would like to undertake. Writing concerning self care will generally have partial impact of constructing you're feeling higher

good post,
i like your post if you likes my post please follow me. I'll do this.

I never asked you to like my post.. did I? Would it sound to rude if I ask you to go to hell..?

Sorry, I did not understand you would be so angry.

I'm tired of all these spammy comments :@

And you are spamming my post begging for votes.. tsk

Please help me upvote me

I will flag you if you continue to spam

Inspirational to me, thank you for sharing

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