in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Things have been a bit strange on Steemit for the past month or so. There has been a massive influx of oddly dressed people with no reputations. Most of them don’t quite fit in, and some of us are getting a bit stressed that the immigrants are behaving in culturally inappropriate ways.

First and foremost a lot of them keep posting comments like “Nice post, follow me and I will follow you back” (except that they don’t spell that well). And yes that is pretty irritating, but it’s also safe to say that nobody with more than $2 in their Steemit account is following them.

To feel better about everything I highly recommend having a look at some newby wallets – lately I’ve been seeing stuff like comments by new experts offering crypto currency advice, who turn out to only have 37 cents in their wallet (Yes, that is a real example!)

Living in New Zealand, a country with no native human population, I’m used to seeing people claiming to be one of the original inhabitants. But like New Zealand, Steemit is only about a year old, so really we are all new here. This is not Fakebook, we can’t claim a history stretching back to the caveman.

New Zealand is not exactly awash with Muslims, but @kiwideb and I live over the road from a mosque. (The biggest mosque in NZ) Pretty much all Muslims in NZ are new immigrants, and when the mosque first opened we would watch as hoards of them turned up in their crappy cars and blocked up the whole street every Friday afternoon.


Over the years they have gotten better cars, and improved their parking skills a bit, especially as they have learned that parking on the footpath really doesn’t pay. But many of them continue to barely speak any English, and some still blatantly treat their women as second class citizens. Actually, very few of them even are NZ citizens, so it’s probably more accurate to say they treat their women like second class immigrants.

New Zealand is long renowned for being a country where women have been able to claim their fair share of achievements, so the whole making women dress like curtains and use the back door of the mosque, is not considered very cool here. And not learning to speak any understandable English is a bit of an issue as well. So it’s safe to say until they sort out these two behaviors they are not exactly going to become whales in this country.

Which brings me back to the flood of new immigrants on Steemit. Hanging out with a bunch of other newbies and squawking “follow me” at everyone is not going to work well in the long term. As many other people have already said, to get anywhere on Steemit, you need to actually post some quality content and comments.

In every old country that has a bit of history, and an established culture, things can get stuck in a rut, and some new blood can help shake things up. But a key thing is that new immigrants need to be a very small percentage of the overall population. Otherwise, as been happening in Europe recently, when the portion of immigrants becomes too large, rather than fitting into the existing culture and enhancing it, they try to turn it into the craphole they have just fled from.

In terms of new Steemit members, the sort of crapholes they are fleeing from are Fakebook, Twitter, Reddit and Youtub. Yesterday I saw a comment from a new user with a rep of 32 who was saying that in order to get more users, Steemit needed to be more like Fakebook (except he spelt it Facebook).

Even though right now there do seem to be a lot of Fakebook loving twenty fivers on Steemit, I’m confident that most Steemians are not aiming in that direction, so I’m not panicking. A bunch of people are discussing whether it's best to flag or mute spammers. I'm just ignoring them and not worrying about it. Hell, I use email everyday too - and even with a good spam filter half the emails in my inbox are spam.

Over Steemit’s long history there have already been some dark times: Eight months where the value of Steem went lower every day (from a peak of $4 right down to a low of 16 cents). And a hardfork where the average payouts for my own posts dropped from around $2 to about 2 cents, which didn’t exactly fill me with joy.

The stuff that is going on now, I look at as another growing pain that will settle into a better balance in a few months. The ability to have rapid growth and development is one of the many cool things about Steemit.

Yes, right now there are way too many new people posting utter crap, but lets face it, 90% of them are going to give up and bugger off in a month or two, and out of the 10% that remain, a whole pile of them may turn out to be awesome.

(Photos by @sift666)




Great post, follow me and I will follow you back. LOL :)

Just kidding.

I'm a youtube transplant. I didn't leave Youtube, youtube left me. There are a lot of people angry at the major media sites for one reason or another. People are looking for other options, especially content creators.

  1. I'm really hoping Steemit takes care of the sign up process. I meet my subs all the time and they tell me they couldn't sign up.
  2. I'm hoping that some of the features that are very popular at other social media sites can be incorporated into steemit. (search options, PM's, etc)
  3. And for the love of Pete, someone please develop a video platform for the Steem blockchain. I can't wait to leave YT.

Some of us new arrivals will really work to make this a better place...and we promise not to cut your head off. :)

Yes, I think when Steemit gets the video thing sorted, that will be huge. I think Youtub will remain #1 because it's so established, but Steemit could own new videos.

Youtub is high class :)

I only use SteemIt and YouTube. Glad to see some sane fellows

i have started muting some newbies - i look on others blogs and see comments that make me cringe..please follow me..follow me back, but i also think it is worse now after Hardfork 19 as there is more visible $$ everywhere

I'm picking that it's more just the huge influx of newbies rather than the hardfork.

To tell the truth I love the hardfork because now I'm getting solid payouts again like back last August.

And I'm not even getting any of those moronic comments on my own posts, I'm just seeing them on other peoples - I'll probably let rip on them if I get any :)

If you think Muslims are backward, you should see some of the gypsies in Eastern Europe. That said, there are well educated and well raised people from both groups. And the same applies to Steemit.

There are immigrants in your country, because you have a better standard of living. I have, myself, considered coming to New Zealand. It's not difficult to understand why - although I have two BA degrees and an MBA, the average pay of 250 Euro per month, in my country, can hardly justify the time and money I've invested in my education. And most people here are very badly educated, which is a growing trend.

In the same sense, Steemit attracts people from poor countries from Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia. It's understandable. But now that money laundering from all the illegally obtained Bitcoins from WannaCrypt declines, so will the value of Steem. And if Steem is worth nothing, then everyone who has come here for a quick profit will go away.

So you can take this from the discussion - as long as Steem is worth nothing, there will be few, but dedicated people here. Although some of them would abandon Steemit as well, undoubtedly, seeking higher profits for their skills :)

Ironically, those few dedicated people are making all the money on Steemit, while all the people who just came here for the money are unlikely to make any whatever the price of Steem is. So I think it will all work out fine!

250 Euro a month would suck, now I've just had a quick look online- I didn't realise there were so many poor people in Europe... Although some people claim to be poor in NZ, all they have to do go to income support and they will get more than that in government hand outs.

High government social welfare is what drove many gypsies and poorly educated East Europeans to Western countries. Of course, there are those who went there to work and live like "normal" people, and their education and professional experience profit the economies of said Western countries.

However, not many people live in the conditions in the photo you linked. I'd say this is typical for poor gypsy ghettos.

This is an interesting subject. And you've laid out your post very well. With a splash of humor here and there. I couldn't stop reading till the last line. :) I'm off to check the link you've posted after this.
Your post gives a newcomer like me hope and direction that I need to stick around doing what I'm doing now and the time will come when my work will be acknowledged, or even appreciated.
I've been here for a little more than three weeks and I've come across all kinds of people in the course of my wandering on the website. There are some people I wish to befriend for the pleasure of knowing such a person, I visit their blogs, even their older posts and try to be part of the value they are creating for the community.
At the same time, there are some people who come out with the "Nice post, follow me and I'll vote for you." I've often wondered why there are so many people who get away with doing that. At times, such people do have a number of followers, so much so that I wonder at the very nature /innate intelligence of their follower/friend-ships.
Glad to have come across your post. I'm at the moment enjoying a peep into the minds of so many good, kind, knowledgeable and helpful people through their posts and learning and honing my writing skills so much that I'm staying put on Steemit for now, keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best!

Believe it or not, two months ago those follow me spam posts were almost unheard of on Steemit.

I don't think those people will last long though!

I'm happy to see the steem family being from all around the world with their stories of how they entered the life of Steemit, it's truly inspiring

Its an awesome place isn't it?

I think that people who look around Steemit for all the good things that are here, can have a great time, while people who come to Steemit with the hope of making a quick buck without contributing anything will have a very bad time, and that is why I don't think they will last long.

If you are happy and inspired things could go well :)

I like the inspiration:D

They will starting to learn from their mistakes as this is new platform to them .

Possibly - although to some extent I think that most people who have got something and are going to do well tend to show that something in their first few posts, while people who are total rubbish probably will stay that way until they disappear.

I have seen a few people really grow, but even if they were a bit rough to start with, it was usually clear from the outset that they would give it a good shot.

I feel like things are calming down...needed a break huh? Well, the notifications have not been working, otherwise you would have been alerted to the fact that you were being spoken about, LOLOL check out this comment section:

See what you have done? :)

Is this where you say it's a buttiful day? Lack of sleep makes me ridiculous hahaha!

Actually, I think your little profile picture is making a 'meep' face, you might not even need to say

Definitely great post. You have articulated some of my frustrations, even though I myself am a newbie, I rely on quality and was worried to see people copy/pasting stuff into Steemit and some people thinking 'it is ok'.

Your article adds more substance to my earlier concerns, although you are great in vocalizing them with great analogy and examples/pics....

Thanks - and don't worry - for the most part on Steemit quality pays off in the long run. And utter crap never does.

An issue on Steemit is that some people tend to get vastly more of the reward pool than they really deserve because they are hooked up with the right whales. But that is the way of the world, and generally the people posting good content build up followers and a wallet eventually.

Love the analogy. I tend to just ignore spammy comments. It's even happening in Steemit Chat. I've gotten a lot of private messages on there recently from people I don't know and haven't met on the platform yet, asking me to upvote and follow them in exchange for them doing the same for me. It's kind of irritating. But, like you, I just ignore it and move on. Those who want to learn to do well here will learn, and those who don't will (hopefully) leave.

I'm starting to think that my next analogy might be about evolution - having seen how hard we worked here last year, and what some of the newbs are doing now, I have to say, Steemit is like watching evolution at hyperspeed!

That issue has always been there with TV, then video games and then xbox and etc just with internet and all.

Those who balance their lives manage to balance irrespective of external stimuli...

Yes, although I think of Steemit as being superior to X Box I can see your point :)

That is such a cool idea. And, you're so right about it.

I saw I had a vote on one of my comments, so I checked who on earth would have done that, (I hadn't said much) went to their blog, no followers, no posts, no following NOTHING, NADA..what the??? you've done a great post as usual and I love the pic's as well. It's FRIDAY and nearly knock off time for me. you get my pittance of a vote, I'm just stoked it actually registers as 1c. Have a great week-end

Back in the old days (8 months ago) my vote was worth 1/10 of a cent and I dreamt of the day when my vote would show!

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