
Hey dude! I enjoyed your post and Upvoted it!

I've only been here a little over a week and I've found some amazing stories and information from people in so many different backgrounds - I really enjoy my time here!!! Also, I think that learning about other peoples experiences is what helps me grow as a person so thanks for being here!!

The more I see the Steem power and SBD rewards come from my posts, the more I want to read other peoples content and reply to it. (I'm used to replying to comments on my YouTube channel because I love interacting with fans).

I consider myself a pretty positive person already, but learning about everyone else's journey and experiences is just making me feel even more positive about life (Even without the rewards)!!

I look forward to seeing more posts and I hope you have a great day!!


That's how great steemit is and how HUGE the potential of this platform is. I don't have much power (I'm in the lower part of the powerlist of the website) but I tried to help a guy who's looking for help in this post. Unfortunately, it didn't go well... I hope people like you and @brunopro and others like-minded get to be top of the whale-list and can help less lucky people. Steemit can do it. Let's make of Steemit something even better than what it already is, I believe it can happen :)

Upvoted and following you, hope I'll see you around soon.

thank you for recommending @brunopro. this article of his is an EXCELLENT one.

Brilliant post. I love how Steemit encourages good behaviour. As the code gets refined over time, there will be no point gaming the system and the only answer will be to just get involved, be nice, and have fun.


upvoted for appreciation of your attitude. :-)

Oh thanks so much rok. Very much appreciated. Looking forward to more of your posts.

First of all I am thankful to @eSteemapp because they have added an awesome feature to showcase the top posts on the upperside of everbody's profile, that's how I found your amazingly well written blog

I am reading it and I can totally relate myself with few of the lines. Yes, It has become an addiction and I am learning a lot from the platform. I was never a social guy and I had never participated in the communities. The last 1.5-2 months have been amazing for me. Steemit is one of the reason I could get back to the track called life. I was unnhappy about my portfolio.
I am pretty sure that I am on the right track. Yes, the platform has rewired my brain to the some extent. I have started to involve in the communities. I am trying to add values wherever I can and the most important I am loving whatever I am doing.
I truly appreciate your act of giving money to the people who appreciate it with love. It is kinda unconditional because you don't expect anything from 'em. This experience is itself a reward and money is nothing in front of this overwhelming feeling.
It was a wonderful experience to know your perspective because these kind of articles are gems for the new users . Resteeming...I would love to read more from your side.
Lots of love

Whoa. How interesting - always a trip seeing comments come in on posts two years old. A rather cool eSteem feature indeed. :-)

Well. I would say your way of writing is incredible. I am eager to read and learn more from your side. You always talk about adding value and that inspires me for sure.


Curious as what others that eSteem feature might bring up - there’s some gems buried in there from the last couple years for sure...

There are many awesome features I would say.I like all of 'em

  1. Schedule your post
  2. See your money in your native currency.
  3. Encrypt comment. I came to know about it today.
  4. Best posts on the top of your profile. Personally I love it and still discovering. ..

I since I know the world of the bitcoin, the ethereum and steemit, I realize that people here see more than other people. I.e., that obviously an of our goals is the of winning money. Whoever says that he is not lying. But we also have a desire to share our success, our deeds, our anxieties and failures. Gradually we will know each other, share some love with some, others will like us the way to captivate us with their stories or travel, but if there is something that unites us all is steemit. All have Steemit in common, and it is something extraordinary.

Really interesting to read.
I think it's a rare quality to be able to be this astutely introspective and highly articulate at the same time.
Steemit is the perfect platform to be rewarded for such abilities and you seem to have it nailed, sir.
Keep up the good work, and have an up vote from me!

Very good article, and very well writen. You got my upvote and respect Sir ;)

if you want a quick read: Steemit Community Challenge - "How can you change someones life for better when they are in need!"

thanks mate.

yea, I stumbled upon that post of yours commented yesterday. GOLD.

please keep up the good work with that attitude of creating value for the community. you will go far, exert some amazing positive influence, and make real magic happen. ;-)

Value is key, but the real value is not in the posts.

It's in the relations created out of posting and being part of network. Follow each other. Motivate each other. Be a better commenter and give constuctive feedback to improve one another's articles and writing.

post quite good, but not for everyone.

You've got a very powerful and underated message here. Upvoted for sure. It struck me when you said "I persisted through that discouragement". I know what that is like.

Very insightful article. I got to admit, I had came to this site with the same mentality. More importantly though, I had always love writing and the act of expression but have repressed it for more "stable" career paths, and a really small (or rather consciously small) part of me wanted to go back and explore what I love.

After my first post (disclaimer: right now also my only), I felt my content isn't quite reaching out to people. And I thought that I should scour the posts on how to "game the system", so to speak.

I am glad that I stumbled into your article. It sort of reinforce into me that I have ideas that I want to materialise, I have stories I want to write. If I focus on just the rewards, I'm going to burn out on this site fast. Worse, I may conclude that writing is not for me.

Writing elsewhere, my hope of being rewarded ain't great either, but it is quite surprising how the small potential for great rewards can sway me into focusing on the wrong stuff.

Kudos mate.

I've had a similar experience with crypto since i've studied it over the years. It is very community orientated with very fast feedback loops for learning. If you read the steemit whitepaper, you quickly realize it is gold. They have been through a lot themselves getting this amazing platform operational and have made a lot of discoveries along the way. Recently, I've realized also that humans really don't know what we are. Are we a "language" or a syntax in the universe that is capable of seeing only certain language or syntax layers. An important point that I've discovered in the last year is the fact that we need to keep processing information through our own sphere to keep our minds growing and producing value for the whole network that we are a part of. You can start to see that Steemit has helped this learning as well.

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