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RE: Earth Life Began in Steam - Our New Lives Begin in STEEM! Be the Evolution Revolution!!!

in #steemit8 years ago

Welcome to the Steemit community! I have added you to my list of people to follow and I hope that you will do the same.

I have also created a blog here and would like to ask if you would kindly contribute some of your knowledge to the community and perhaps answer a question or two I have posted on the links below.  

By simply answering a few general questions your help to build our collective knowledge base, and your input is valuable.

How valuable is my input?  Well answers to the questions you post have the opportunity to earn STEEM which can be converted into Bitcoin and then your countries local currency!  IT IS TRULY AMAZING!

I once answered a question on here and received 59 STEEM which converted to roughly $177.00 in USD!   The reason was that my answer was of value to readers!  So please add your value and answer a few questions here:

What should every foreigner know about your country?

What is your favorite YouTube Video of all-time?

What is your favorite quote: Which quote inspires you?

Payout timer.  When do you get paid for your contributions?

What is the role of religion or spirituality in your life?

What is the best habit that you have taken up from another person?

What is the best way to lose weight and how did you do it?

What would you do differently if you knew no one would judge you?

What are some amazing facts that sound like BS but are actually true?

What is your favorite music video of all time?




Thanks, I've clicked to follow you, though I'm still figuring out how to do that.
I'm from Chicago, but have been in New Zealand for 20+ years, it's a lovely little corner of the world, but economically depressed. I recommend a visit to anyone.
Favorite youtube is a tough one, I've watched thousands, mostly documentaries, but if I can pick one of mine it would be my Dorje Blessing video on Tibetan Buddhist archetypes, I'm still wondering how I figured it out and watch it every month or two to get new insights:

and it's the first stage in more to come!
My favorite quote is:
“The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size.” Oliver Wendell Holmes
Not sure when I get paid, I'm here for the opportunity to write and share ideas, the Steem will hopefully roll in automatically :)
For spirituality, see my Dorje video above, but that's only a part, my main interest is in relating Eastern and Western metaphysical structures. Someone once asked me if I was into spiritual things, my reply was and remains, that everything is spiritual, sometimes we just don't notice because we get caught up in the intensities of life.
And for amazing facts, I have a few. I'm working on my introducemyself article and will be writing on many things, such as the metal-planet relationship experiments of L. Kolisko (associate of Rudolf Steiner) who showed that the old alchemical relationships like gold-Sun, silver-Moon, etc actually had connections that she verified through four decades of precise crystallization experiments. I recently did a video, Workings of the Stars in Earthly Substances:

Music videos, so many I love of so many genres, I'll pick Sun Ra's performance here as uniquely amazing and creative

And I'll give a plug to my old pal Lefty Dizz, who passed away in 1993, used to hang out at Buddy Guy's original Checkerboard Lounge where Lefty was the house band on Blue Mondays

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