Steemit Features - My thoughts on expanding filtering and sorting options

in #steemit7 years ago

Our New, Hot, Trending and Promoted tabs show us filtering options by tags. Here's how I think we should build on that.

And with 'we', I don't mean 'me', but our tech savvy wonder workers who can code better than my simple copy/paste/edit skills.


I love the tag filters we can apply on our feeds. It allows us to find articles on the topics we find interesting. It's also great that we can sort them by Hot, Trending and Promoted (though I don't visit the last one very often).

I think there is still more we can do with the tags though and with the increase of users, I think this will become more and more important. Here are my ideas in an increasing order of implementation difficulty, as far as I can judge these things.

Home feed filtering between original posts and resteems

I like the Resteem option and I think it's a very kind thing of people to do. However, people have many different views on resteeming. Some resteem anything and everything and if I follow someone for their recipe posts, I don't necessarily want to see random resteems of sports posts (as an example). So I'd love to be able to filter out the resteems, so I can see the original content of the people I follow.

Home feed filtering by tag

The tags we now see displayed on our Home feed lead us to a list of trending topics on that particular tag. What I would like to see is that it leads us to a list of our own feed, filtered by tag. This would help us keep up with our topics of interest from our favorite authors.

Account page filtering

This would be a great feature to have on both my own account page as those of others. I write on a couple of different topics and it is currently a pain to scroll through my old posts, just to remember where I left things on certain topics. Filtering my own posts by tag would make things so much easier.

Also, as is already possible within, it would be great if we were able to filter out the Resteems on account pages aswell.

Account page sorting options

I would love to be able to sort my own posts by different stats. Sort by amount of upvotes, views, comments, payouts, that sort of thing. It would help me see what people enjoy the most. I understand this might be a tough question, because it might require all of my old posts to be pre-loaded. I'm not sure what technical tricks can be applied to this though, so I'm throwing it out there anyway.

How about you, what would you love to see on Steemit? And do you agree with my ideas?

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Header image made by @samstonehill, made available to us through this post.


You're sharing some great ideas here! I hope we will see some progress on Steemit in the coming weeks. Currently it looks like a never ending beta for me, but as a developer I know, how difficult it can be to make big changes in a running system.

I'm now following 189 people, that's not much, but my Home Feed is already kind of overloaded. I'm here on Steemit daily and I think that I still see most of the interesting posts, but it's not easy as you mentioned. I made a post with an idea for a better looking post overview some weeks ago:

I hope they're collecting all these great ideas and will find the time to implement some of them soon...

Thank you :-)

Yeah, I really can't keep up with my feed and I've given up on scrolling all the way back. I just don't have the time.

I think some ideas might get through, but I have no illusion that this post will be seen by anyone important. You'll have to get lucky to get seen in the first few minutes by a big whale who then upvotes, otherwise you just disappear into the New feed... happens a lot lately!

Anyway, I'm sure someone will grab my post and run with it. Share the same ideas and maybe get lucky.

Yes that's true, one can get lost in the huge amount of posts very fast. Yesterday I wrote an article about the question, if we should have a re-post (or resteem) button for our own posts. So we would have the possibility to resteem our own post (once) after two or three days for the case it got lost. I've seen some people are doing this by copying the original post and adding the hint "re-post" in the title. That seems to work, but I think we should find a better solution instead of creating more data redundancy in the database.

Yeah, I don't think I'd be a big fan of that. It would clog up our feeds even more. Not only good posts would be resteemed by their author, also the trash posts we see in our feeds today. It would just be more of the same I fear...

Not if we would have a filter for the resteemed posts as you've mentioned ;) The main reason for all this thinking about losing a post comes from the problem that we only have 7 days to earn from one post. As for example "art" is in most cases timeless, I think the author should get rewards for his creation even after a year. Currently an upvote does only have an effect in 7 days and here may lay the problem.

BTW I've tested the @randowhale on one of my poems and it increased my earnings from $ 8 to $ 13... I know you don't like this way of voting (like me before), but I still play with the thought of trying it with one of your posts... ^^ Your post Follower for follower - Why I think this is a bad idea which is currently at $ 29.29 may be perfect for this, because the chance for increasing it to $ 40 or even $ 50 for just paying $ 2 is very high ;)

That's true, the 7 days payout does limit earnings and for some pieces, I think they deserve much more. On the other hand, I do think that currently we're lucky to be here and get anything at all. This is the first time I'm actually earning some money from my pictures, other than 4 sales in my past. So that makes me quite happy.

I've been reading about the @randowhale a bit. It's paying for your votes, but atleast this is a very easy way to do for basically everyone. I see you tested it out on my post! $31.91 now, it did not go quite as high, but still a nice little increase. Thank you for making me your test subject :-)

Ok, I've done it :) Your post received an 8% upvote. It's not as good as expected, but still it has brought more back than the costs have been ;) I would not recommend it for all posts, but the ones > 10 $ will gain in most cases. I love mathematics... Have a nice day!

Filtering between original posts and resteems, this one is the best one for me. Will be well organized home feed for steemers.

Exactly. I really like that it's already on It tells me it's certainly do-able, but it's not reason enough for me to move over there :-)

Lots of exciting things on the horizon, I am going to have to step up my game.

As far as I know, these aren't on the horizon yet (though I hope I'm wrong!). I think we should get these kind of features, before we go viral though. It would be so messy withouth them.

Got ya, I am just waiting for communities
Want to get back to concentrating on dark sky photography
Filtering is always useful and I can see how it could improve things immensely.

I'm really curious about communities actually. Wonder how they will work out!

I think it would be best for everyone if you get to concentrate on dark sky photography... yup, more pretty pictures for us :-)

If they are anything like FB or G+ they will rock but its kind of strange because the content on steemit that seems to be most popular is either about $$$ or women traveling and eating and writing about it. Not sure how long I can stay in this type of environment.

Haha, yeah those seem to be the most popular. I still hope HF19 will give us a good change and balance out the rewards a bit. Though I'm pretty sure that everyone with big ass upvotes now will continue to get the most after HF19 aswell. They were lucky enough to get in early and get noticed early.

Its the same with mining crypto, often those that get in early make out the best. I cant complain at all though, if I left today I would be very happy with my Steemit experience.

Yes, definitely. As long as I enjoy my time here, I'll be sticking around and if I ever do leave, I have a nice amount of savings gathered up during my time here :-)

I'm not planning on leaving any time soon though.

100% agree, filtering needs to be more precise and a lot could be done here for improving user experience.

What I would like to see is a native search with some nice filters — by time elapsed AND tag for example.

Following people is good, but as my follow list grows (and I cannot stop, as I am really interested in a lot of people here :), it becomes more and more difficult not to miss important posts. Good filtering, applied to my feed as well as to entire website, would be a great improvement.

Ooh yes, a native search would be nice too!

Yes, exactly. As Steemit grows, so do the amount of people we wish to follow, but it gets harder and harder to keep up with everyone. I honestly already miss a lot of good posts, but through all the resteeming mess (and I mean this in the nicest way possible, as it is a nice thing to do), I sometimes get dishearthened and stop scrolling down.

btw, check out steemwatch if you didn't yet, this service allows for example to create a custom list of users and be notified about their posts via

Ooh that sounds useful! I hadn't heard about that one before, thanks :D

you're welcome! thanks for welcoming me to Steemit once upon a time, this is my service to you!)

Great ideas, I would like to see them all implemented.

Thank you! I hope some day they will be...

These are some amazing ideas.
Love the post!
Do check my post if possible :)

Totally agree on the resteems! Nice constructive thinking!

Thank you! I'm happy you agree.

great ideas i appropriate

Good thought.....

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