
As far as I know, these aren't on the horizon yet (though I hope I'm wrong!). I think we should get these kind of features, before we go viral though. It would be so messy withouth them.

Got ya, I am just waiting for communities
Want to get back to concentrating on dark sky photography
Filtering is always useful and I can see how it could improve things immensely.

I'm really curious about communities actually. Wonder how they will work out!

I think it would be best for everyone if you get to concentrate on dark sky photography... yup, more pretty pictures for us :-)

If they are anything like FB or G+ they will rock but its kind of strange because the content on steemit that seems to be most popular is either about $$$ or women traveling and eating and writing about it. Not sure how long I can stay in this type of environment.

Haha, yeah those seem to be the most popular. I still hope HF19 will give us a good change and balance out the rewards a bit. Though I'm pretty sure that everyone with big ass upvotes now will continue to get the most after HF19 aswell. They were lucky enough to get in early and get noticed early.

Its the same with mining crypto, often those that get in early make out the best. I cant complain at all though, if I left today I would be very happy with my Steemit experience.

Yes, definitely. As long as I enjoy my time here, I'll be sticking around and if I ever do leave, I have a nice amount of savings gathered up during my time here :-)

I'm not planning on leaving any time soon though.

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