What a Difference a Few Great Articles Can Make!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Getting Better Every Day -

I've discovered some really helpful tips I want to pass along. As a fairly new Steemit user I am still on the uphill side of the learning curve, but...

This past weekend I have gained some great insight reading posts by:

@gogogadgetupvote who wrote this article

@ogochukwu, who wrote this great article on How to Write Comments

and @ethandsmith, who gave great tips on Polishing Your Posts

I've learned a few things from these authors that will revolutionize my efforts here on Steemit, and I'd like to share them with you.

(I really encourage you to read the articles for yourself to get all the juicy details, and insights these authors have to offer.)

Essential Tips for Success on Steemit

Here's a summary of what I learned:

  1. It's worth the effort to take the time to use Markdown to format an appealing layout.

  2. Images are extremely important, and should be selected and placed well for maximum impact. (a personal weak area)

  3. People respond best to genuinely interested human interaction.

  4. Personal, thoughtful, insightful comments and questions are often rewarded with an equally personal reply, and sometimes even an upvote reward.

  5. Everyone enjoys recognition, so take every opportunity to give it.

  6. I can increase my curation efforts and effects by creating a daily report that highlights the activities of my curation project.

The @mitneb curation trail

The @mitneb curation trail on Streemian.com has a very specialized focus.

My curation focus is on fairly new Steemit users who don't speak English as a first or primary language, but who are writing and posting in English.

I search new posts in the #introducemyself and #introduceyourself tags daily, and try to dedicate at least 50% of my article curation to new Steemit members who meet the above focus criteria. My goal is to discover and curate an average of 5 new Steemit users per day.

I follow each person I curate because it is very encouraging for a new member to see their following grow.

25% of my daily curation is dedicated to upvoting, resteeming and commenting on new articles posted by the Steemit users I am following.

I also curate comments from all Steemit users. I look to reward comments and replies which stand out as having thoughtful insight, offer benefit to the community at large and reflect the unique personality of the commenter.

I aim to keep my voting strength between 90-100%, and give a 100% upvote whenever possible, voting 10 times per day on average.

A Fresh Start

What's next for the @mitneb Curation Trail Project?

  • I will continue to manually curate as I have been doing, but will be adding a daily report that will feature my curated articles. I hope these daily reports will be a welcome addition to Steemit, and that the people featured will gain even more exposure.

  • I will format the daily reports to rank the curated posts of the day. Some people write more than others, and I want to give extra recognition to those authors.

  • I will continue to build my account through leasing of Steem Power through minnowbooster.net in order to provide upvote rewards on my curation.

  • I will accept delegation of Steem Power from anyone who would like to support my curation efforts.

  • I will continue offering English language help to anyone who asks.

That's it for this update of the @mitneb Curation Trail Project! Thanks for reading, and for your support!

Message Rock small.jpg

The @mitneb Motto
photo © @mitneb



Read my Introduction Post Here


@eileenbeach has voted on behalf of @minnowpond.
If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowponds team on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond.

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            To receive an upvote and a reSteem send 1.00SBD to @minnowpond with your posts url as the memo

Thanks for the vote, @eileenbeach! I'm following you now! I love your profile banner beach scene!

i really do this but i don't know how to manege it

Thanks for your reply, @eliashossain! Can you please explain what you mean in more detail? Maybe I can help you with something.

every time how to good feel?

I have just taken a look at your blog, @eliashossain. I can tell that you are a person who has a big heart, and a lot of emotion. One thing I noticed is that you are not doing a good job selecting your tags. I suggest that you use tags such as #love, #life, #poem, #poetry for your sentimental posts, and take a look at the tag options that come up when you click on "Explore" in the Steemit menu under the 3 horizontal bars in the upper right corner of the screen here. Try to pick 5 tags from that list that are most relevant to what you wrote about rather than making up your own tags (loveu is not a good tag). Using the common tags will help you be seen by others.
If you are trying to make a good comment, maybe you can use Google Translator to help you form your sentences. This will help you to learn more English. Don't just copy and paste, though. Make yourself type it out. I would even recommend that you hand write the English phrases. Handwriting will help you learn English faster than typing will. Does this help? If I didn't understand you correctly, please try expressing it again in another way.

Thank you for your wonderful suggestion. I'll follow you all the time. If you cooperate with me then I can be successful with steemit thank you

Thanks very much, and I'm glad you will try to use my suggestions,@eliashossain! Any time you want me to see a post you write, send me a link to it via steemit.chat. I will be happy to offer suggestions for improving your English language skills. Be encouraged! You can do this!

Hi there @mitneb,
Okay, so I've read and tried to understand your post first, then go on with the links you provided and I was surprised, all of these links are good read, knowledgeable and very informative, I tried to read the whole posts(including the links) to make sure I wouldn't make a fool of myself on my replies, and I got even better results than avoiding making a fool of myself, lol, this post was very informative and I will try to incorporate these finely refined ideas and tips to hone my current skills in writing posts and comments. Thanks for sharing! Upvoted and resteemed!(though my upvote doesn't have that much weight to it, it's the thought that counts lol!!)

Thanks very much, @jamesanity06, for your great feedback, upvote and resteem! I'm glad you followed and read the links. I purposely didn't want to give too much information because I am hoping that people will do just what you did, and read the full articles I highlighted. I gained so much from them, and those authors deserve all the credit. There's so much good information in those articles that it is going to take some time and practice to incorporate them all, but it will be time well spent.

I have read your post and i like how you dedicate your time to help others specially people that have English as their second languange. English for me was my 3rd language to learn and it is hard sometimes. I will read those 3 articles you suggested. Thank you

I just moved to the states and I'm still learning English. Even though English is an easy language to learn I'm still struggling sometimes :) specially writing a whole article .. but I think writing in English here only helps me improving my English :)

Thanks for the comment, @lovablesoul! English might be easier to learn to speak than to write. We have so many strange spellings and exceptions to the rules. The typical spoken English vocabulary is comprised of a fairly small number of words (at least for casual daily use). When it comes to writing, that's where it can be a challenge. Good for you that you are making yourself practice by doing it! It's a struggle, but you are getting better and better at it every day! Keep up the good work!

Oh yes! You're so right! It's challenging. But I'm motivated and determined to get better :) and steemit is helping me because without it I would never write that much in English!

Steemit is so great for that, isn't it, @lovablesoul!

@loveablesoul, hi there, I would suggest using grammarly in constructing articles. I learned about it just now on the article @mitneb shared. I would be using that from today onwards, but I wouldn't depend on it too much, just a guideline and somewhat like an improvement guru, whatever it corrects I'll take note so it doesn't have to correct me all the time. I suggest you do the same to speed up the learning process. It's just a suggestion tho, it's still up to you if you would take it... Cheers!

Oh I see. I still have to read the articles when I get home. But thank you for sharing anyway :)

you're very welcome @loveablesoul, I like helping new steemians as wel, though my sp isn't that significant atm I still upvote and resteem posts I see fit. oh and I followed you btw.

I see, that's good! Yay I guess I made a new steemit friend :))

Great suggestions, @jamesanity06!

Thanks for the encouraging and thoughtful reply, @jon24jon24! English is hard, and I applaud everyone like you who attempts to write in English when it isn't the first language you learned. Keep writing and reading good writers because it is the best way to improve! I am following you now. Feel free to send me links to your best English language original articles via steemit.chat for potential curation.

I appreciate your effort to help other new users! I love that! I will read the links you suggested. It's not easy at the beginning. I'm still trying to figure out everything how it works. And always looking for new followers so I can have some friends here :) - thanks for sharing !!

Thanks, @lovablesoul! I have found that the more you give, the more you get! I have never asked a single person to follow me here, but I follow everyone who interacts with me, and also some great authors who don't. I have been writing since the end of August, 2017, and I have 370 followers at this point. But better than the followers are all of the great conversations I have had just by trying to encourage others! That's where the action is!

I see. That's good! I always enjoy the conversations with you :)

Likewise, @lovablesoul! That's what makes Steemit worth my time!

I'm so glad you found my post useful! I think everything you gleaned from these posts is extremely useful going forward. I wish you the best, and I appreciate the shout out! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on your blog!

Thanks so much for your kind feedback and encouragement, @ethandsmith! I wasn't able to resteem your post because it was too old, so I decided to pass it on in an article. I hope a lot more people see it. I can't begin tell you how helpful it was to me!

Don't worry @ mitneb, with all these wonderful people upvoting and resteeming your article I'm sure the information would reach a fair distance and lots of people! Kampai!

Thanks for the encouraging words, @jamesanity06! I'm really thrilled that people are reading it, and getting something valuable from it that will help them be more successful here. It's such a steep learning curve!

Hello, it is fantastic the support it offers to users who write in English, without being the original language. I started writing in that language recently, and I help with the google translator, but I try to be very careful, because it is not my intention to make an inappropriate use of one of the most spoken and written languages ​​worldwide.

Congratulations, successes and greetings.

Thanks for the comment, @jessfrendcor! Also take a look at Grammarly as a tool to help you with the English language. Don't be afraid to just do your best, and not worry too much about mistakes. The more you read good writing, the better your English will become. But you must also practice writing to become fluent. You can do it!

I´m from Venezuela, and my native language is Spanish, but I love American culture and therefore, include English as a language. To learn it, is for me, as well as a personal challenge, something that gives me satisfaction in the context of the learning it represents; that is why I value your comment and I accept it, as a commitment to learn more. Thank you.

@jessfrendcor, the extra time and care you put into being correct as you are writing in English is going to accelerate your learning, as well, so please do continue with those efforts. Many people who are learning don't do this, and their progress is much slower. I'm glad you are encouraged.

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