About Author Etiquette and Forced Votes

in #steemit8 years ago

Yesterday, I received a rather strange comment on one of my posts that turned into a discussion on comment upvoting etiquette. It seems some people believe it's expected from authors to upvote all the comments:

Normally, when someone posts a link to their own posts in the first comment they make, I just ignore and disregard them. I find it quite rude and impolite to just post a link to your own content in a comment, especially if it's not related to the topic at all. Anyway, I decided to check out his post out of professional curiosity and encountered a bewildering theory on author etiquette.

The author of the post is of the opinion that every single comment should be upvoted. And that it is rude and 'bad manners' from us, the authors, to not upvote every comment that is being made. He continues to make a metaphor about a party. Upvoting comments is like taking the time to welcome everyone personally. Here is the full statement from his post:

As long the comment is not spam or some other type of crap; that should be enough for the author to give any comment under their own post a vote!

Now, I don't feel that way. For me, every upvote is precious. And I won't be handing them out like candy. I'll only vote for a comment if that made a strong and meaningful connection with me or the original topic. I think it my technique shows through in the screenshot. His first comment was junk and I was close to flagging it. Spamming links as a first comment is definitely 'not done'. But after reading his article, I decided to reply to him. Now his answer to my reply was a more thought provoking comment, so I decided to upvote that one. But not his other comments.

I would love to know the general consensus on this. Do you automatically upvote every comment that you get? Should we be rewarding everyone that makes a comment? Please keep in mind that I'm only a mutilated tuna with 3000SP, my vote is worth a couple of cent. The comment author will make a reward regardless of my vote! And commenting should be done because you want to participate in the discussion, right? Not because you might get an upvote!

The fact that he decided to unfollow me because I explained him my vision on comment upvotes, proves that he was never interested in the content I put out, but was only following me to get curation and comment rewards. Why would you choose to stop seeing content from someone based on the fact that he won't upvote your comments? That does not make sense to me.

So my fellow Steemit authors, what do you think about 'author etiquette'? Should we be upvoting all the comments on our posts? Do you expect your own comments to be upvoted when you leave one?

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The way I understand it, comments are to form discussion. If the reader's contribution to the discussion adds value to the discussion then it should receive an upvote. That is reward for contribution.

Acknowledging a comment regardless of it's value is courtesy.

An attitude that every comment should receive an upvote strikes me as someone from what I call the entitled generation. The one where kids don't experience failure or losing cause they all have to be empowered instead of learning that life isn't always about being the winner, sometimes you have to learn to lose and deal with disappointment.

which is pretty much what I said in that post, but menta completely twisted my words ... ### read the post: nowhere in there it says 'each and every comment'

The pampered millenials! I know what you mean. An entire generation bred by the media and government to be devoid of any responsibility. Just blame someone or something for your situation!

sadly, that pampering begins at home. Parents who just can't bring themselves to see Jane or John fail or lose. I have a sister who is like that. Her two boys lack for nothing and if one doesn't succeed, well he must have health issues. She was rather miffed when one of my brothers commented that her boys would never know they had a good day because they have never had a bad day. He's right

I upvote about 80% of comments on my stuff. I don't upvote obvious spam. I don't upvote things like "I liked it lots plz read and upvote (link)". I don't flag that either, but if it's about something totally unrelated, I do.

I feel upvoting comments feels good to people but I do it NOT out of obligation but active desire to reward. I'm ok sometimes having weak vote power as a result. It's not about the money - people see the upvote and know that I read the comment and it's a connection thing.

But the moment it's an obligation, that is gone. So you are definitely not obligated. Do things your way - that's what matters.

which is pretty much what I said in that post, but menta completely twisted my words ... read the post: nowhere in there it says 'each and every comment'

I do up-vote comments on my post. I believe it will also help me build a following while also being polite. But that's my way and I do appreciate your views on this.

I up vote a lot of comments on mine as well. Yet I talk a lot, so if I up voted all the dialog I have I'd have an extremely low voter % and power and not be able to up vote blog posts effectively. So people commenting and simply saying "Nice post" or something simple I don't always up vote unless I haven't been doing a lot of voting that day then I will up vote even those. I do at least try to remember to respond and say thanks. Though sometimes I forget.

That's interesting Norbu. Do you upvote all the comments that are made? Regardless of what they say?

Yes I do!

EDIT: unless I know it is a bot or known spammer!

Interesting. Can I ask what your logic is behind that? Do you feel it's 'good manners' to upvote comments? A way to reward people who left a comment?

I have always felt building a community shall be crucial for the success of steemit and that everyone will have a sub-community for himself (followers) over time. To build followers some work shall have to be done, and I start with being polite, which is how I look at an up-vote for someone who has taken the time to read and comment on my post. I do not see it as a reward to entice similar participation in later posts, but to interact, have a conversation and just be polite.

Refreshing to see your point of view on this. I don't associate upvotes with being polite though, but I can see where you are coming from. I'd rather leave a reply to a comment than to upvote. I find that is a much higher show of respect and appreciation. After all, voting power is limited and finite, commenting isn't.

Well we have our opinion's :)) I don't see any reward in an up-vote which gives SD 0.03., it's more symbolic for me as an acknowledgement and appreciation for the commentor who has taken time and indulged in my work.

Someone did tell me that it's important to respond to most comments on your posts, but being obligated to upvote them? Absolutely not, and for the reasons you cite. Oh, and followed!

I agree, replying is a show of a good manners and etiquette. I try to reply to all the comments made. But upvoting should be left to get the comments you think are exceptionally good to the top of the list.

I saw his comment on another post and thought that it amounted to begging and was in itself bad etiquette. I think you have summed up the situation well as I see it. I have seen one author that doesn't seem to upvote any comments and I find that odd, but to upvote everything means you are devaluing the really good comments because they get the same reward (an upvote) as the "crappy" comments.

I find non-response from the author more disheartening as commenter than lack of an upvote.

Spot on my man! You managed to express my views in a much more condensed way than I did :)

upvoting should be left to get the comments you think are exceptionally good to the top of the list.

On my post's I would let the readers do that, and also not try to identify any comment as the relevant one over others.

I also Upvote comments to encourage criticism, to help me become a better writer.

There was a lady that hated a post I made the other day (the Romance one) so I made sure to upvote her, to get her as close to the top as I could. Then I took a look at her posts and saw that they were really good so I upvoted them too.

I agree. UPvoting comments make them go to the top of the discussion. So it should be used sparingly.

I try to curate comments in the exact same fashion. If a comment is genuine and filled with input then it gets an upvote. If it's pointless then I ignore it. At the end of the day it's politics within society - someone will always have a difference of opinion.

which is pretty much what I said in that post, but menta completely twisted my words ... read the post: nowhere in there it says 'each and every comment'

Yep, that's my view on it as well. Pointless comments should not really be upvoted according to me.

there shouldnt be an expectation to have comments upvoted. That's unrealistic, and maybe greedy yeah. I don't think there should be too many rewards for commenting at all. I write lots of replies and will take discussion anyday over votes for them.

Comments help build the community. Not every post can have $1000 plus value. I reply to show the authors that there is value in what they shared regardless of the steem dollar value, at least to someone. The replies help signify that value to others and helps them get noticed by more people, and those who have more steem power than I can offer atm.

This might be the best explanation of my own view on it. Much better than myself trying to explain it :)

I love that you acknowledge this explanation as a "better" way of explaining what u meant.
This shows very honorable character.
That is why I follow you because you set an honorable example. I appreciate UPvotes of course but do not expect them. To expect them just because, is delusional and greedy.
UPvotes should only be made if someone WANTS to. I also feel a comment is a more thoughtful and respectful response than an UPvote, even if not more valuable.

Thanks! I completely agree that a comment is much more valuable than an upvote when having a proper discussion.

ESPECIALLY when like me you have NO SP to give any value to an Upvote anyways nor many UPvotes to spare.

Thanks. If Steem is going to be as successful as other social media platforms, then the social part should be cultivated too. If someone is just out for the dollars they dont really care about achieving a platform that as quality and/or fun, original, informative content.

True, on the other hand, the main goal of steemit is the bootstrapping of a new currency. I think the problem with it now is that people just want to cash it out right away. Perhaps with the addition of marketplaces this could improve. The development is crucial at this stage. Most people are unable to create high quality content. Not everyone is a content creator.
And curation rewards are too low to really make something out of it at this stage.

Yeah a reply is always much better than a vote particularly if its an engaging comment. Thats how I like to treat it too now I think about it!

which is pretty much what I said in that post, but menta completely twisted my words ... read the post: nowhere in there it says 'each and every comment'

We just gave our opinions to the questions you asked. Nothing wrong with upvoting comments.

but I was smeared in the process, and nobody bothered to actually read my post or defend me !!

That's not cool. I woldnt worry about it people moved on

In the past, I have voted on many or most of the comments on my own post... However, you are correct that it does drain voting power significantly. I only did it as a way to say thank you... But now I'm trailing @robinhoodwhale's posts, and I want to reserve my voting power for those posts and authors.

But the bottom line is voting is your personal choice and you shouldn't be shamed for voting or not voting however you decide is appropriate.

Yeah, I agree that with trailing the RHW posts we have to be much more careful with our voting power.

which is pretty much what I said in that post, but menta completely twisted my words ... read the post: nowhere in there it says 'each and every comment'

i think the best policy for me is for it to be voluntary. if it is relevant and of value, i will upvote. even sometimes, if it is not relevant but insightful i will upvote. i go off on tangents in the reply section sometimes, but i try to remain of value.

I try to upvote most comments on my posts as I see it as a polite reward for the commentor taking the time out to comment and read the post. However sometimes I don't where I can tell its a spammer comment or one where they have posted a link to their own blog which Is just so rude!

which is pretty much what I said in that post, but menta completely twisted my words ... read the post: nowhere in there it says 'each and every comment'

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