I Woke Up, And It Was All Gone!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

One day I go to look for specific posts I had written using Steem, and they had simply vanished...
It makes me wonder how long an incorrect post of this totally incorrect idea will last: “We now have a way to permanently make a statement to other people on the internet.
I suppose I could look at it as a good thing that it won't last and will one-day be dropped into the void by Steem.

Why the negativity?

Well, I just started reviewing all the content I could find produced by Craig Steven Wright The first time I read news about him, I saw that he was said to be a “scam” so I continued on with life “... Oh, it's just another Satoshi Nakamoto claim, that person would never be dumb enough to come out of hiding ...” Now that I am investigating the situation, I see a new image of the world.

Craig Wright also woke up one day to see it all gone.

Don't even think I need to give credit to the people in this image, they are in the process of committing on of the most embarrassing actions of mankind
Credit: Reuters, David Gray
I used to divide costs into two categories “Cost of Living” and “Cost of Staying Legal”. I always thought to myself “If I only had enough money to cover the 'Cost of Staying Legal' the staying alive part would not be so hard.” Sure I read all the classical scriptures about “money as a trap...” But I never understood it the way I do now. Craig Wright is still fighting the battle to “Stay Legal” regardless of how much currency he may have. It becomes an indefinite cycle, the more currency you have, the more 'law' wants to take it from you; then once more the “Cost of Staying Legal” is what you are fighting to achieve. I want to take back, what I said @ben now. I feel like a jerk. I only hope the netwrok can remove it without dropping my reputation to 0.

“When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”

It doesn't matter what I found, because I have nothing worthy of sale in this world.
This is the circumstance of the average citizen of the world. We have nothing to invest in because we have nothing to invest. Sure, Steem is that crypt-network I have found. However, because I have nothing to invest those with resources change it into something I don't want. I know others may be in my situation, and I worry about the future of Steemit as a result. Or was this the intent from the beginning?

The answer to what plagues us...

Acknowledging: Learn Liberty, James Otteson

Don't give up on the freedom of association.
Make groups so like minded people have a place to go... Provide an avenue for whales to make a group that can keep the posts in the group “private”. This will allow people to think freely, associate and plan; before dumping out a public post, that could hurt both their reputation as well as Steemit's.
Facebook has perfected this from the onset. People post on Facebook thinking it is a private post. If we cannot provide this option for those on Steem, we will never pull out so much as 20% of Facebook users. Also, this is about more than fighting with Facebook. The real problem is that soon Steemit will be facing the hoards of people that are powering down to cash out. If private groups exist, more SteemPower will be required to influence such groups, creating new Steem buyers. The existence of private interaction will create a truly indefinite source of currency desire from the people who want to influence more people.


You never know what might destroy your public relations, be careful people.

Yea, be careful, you might down vote the wrong person and find your reputation has suffered.

You just want to down-vote people because they downvoted you? Or provided too many links out on the web to get their post viewed? what do you want from me? Do you just like destroying other people's work?

Why did you down vote this ?
"neoxian (7) · 4 days ago
I've flagged this post because you are spamming out links this post all over the place. Please don't do that."

She ( @rggreen)was spamming the forums, my flag was completely legit.

You want this post and the idea it shares to be deleted from your content sharing process forever... that just shows what kind of person you are... I don't know how many other people's accounts, you and others have eliminated from Steemit. But you sure are missing the real bad guys this guy has no trouble finding..

My flag makes no difference to your power anyways.

My last post is going to be something along the lines of "neoxian has decimated my acount for no reason like he has done so many others... Sorry I could not do anything about it, and now I must leave Steemit." BTW, Why you not flag her spam and not her post?

You decimated her account, with no warning, she will never come back to Steemit. I'd have half a brain to do the same.

She is a spammer. If you attack this forum, expect to get punished. I don't know why you are sticking up for a spammer. I'm not the only one that downvoted her. I'm not strong enough to get someone to -6. Clearly some whale agrees with me and down voted her too.

If you remove your flag, I'll remove mine. Fair?

Already done, but if you played fair you would have flagged @rggreen 's spam and not her posts.

If you spam out dozens of comments pointing to a post you are pimping. I think it makes sense to flag that post.

How should I know that I am not doing that, from your point of view?

I don't know that everyone on this network is...

"How should I know that I am not doing that, from your point of view?"
This should be obvious, but I'll explain it to you. If you are posting dozens of comments on other peoples blogs, and those comments are mostly identical, and they have little or nothing to do with the person's blog, then you are probably spamming.

I like your way of thinking about costs being divided into living and legal. I never thought of it that way before. Makes a lot of sense to me.

It's only loosely related, but on the other side of the coin, I have often wished for a published index of the ratio of money that businesses make from free market activities vs. the amount they pull from the tax-payers so that I could preferentially buy from businesses that focus on voluntary transactions.

Thanks for that. You are right, we need that @remlaps; I'm definitely Following you now...

I believe all your posts are still there. I can't get to my old posts from generally last week and on, but I saved URLs to them in a document. They are still in the blockchain, and not deleted. You can find some with www.google.com and others you could try using steemshovel.com.

This site is still in development and it does need some help on how it displays it's posts. I don't believe your content is actually gone though.

Also this was written to you:


I did search for your posts. My friend is the author of steemshovel.com and I've asked him into seeing if he can make that tool show us our old posts. I just asked him a few minutes ago though so it may take him a bit or it may be quick.

His name is @kaptainkrayola here on steemit.

Dude this was an interesting post, and I found it by drilling down from another post I read that had @ben on it. I'm fairly new to Steemit, but I'm diving deep head first into learning everything I can here and in crypto currency. I too invest into crypto, bought bitcoin when it was worth hardly anything and sold waaaaay too soon to take care of my family, needless to say, here I am again, but this time I'm trying to find the right altcoin to get in on from the ground up. Diversifying will be key im sure, but damn the risk is there in crypto, but where there is risk, there is reward. Right?

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