How many others are doing this thing? I'm trying to uplift others as I gain the ability to do so...

in #steemit8 years ago

I come to check my wallet this morning and I have the following memo:

First, who I choose to vote for is my prerogative. Yes, I have family and friends and even an alternate account. I truly want steemit/steem to work though and see it as a wonderful thing.

With all the people complaining about how the whales vote and even some communists (their words not mine) thinking they should redistribute and redesign the entire system to fit their ideals I knew how this could work.

We all have different interests. As the steem power is spread around and people grow, so too is their ability to uplift people who post things that they like. This spreads it around and where people see it lopsided right now it will not always be if we all vote for things we like or perhaps we don't like it but can see a lot of effort and thought went into something and we FEEL like rewarding that effort.

This is what I do.

So now I have this luke490 giving me back more than my vote is worth. At the time I up voted him I was in the 380s for steem power. My votes are typically worth $0.01 SBD unless I get really lucky and it gives you $0.02SBD. So my power is not great, I was a minnow not long ago and it was only with hard work that I've gotten to this point.

I have not gotten there fast like some, for me it has been KEEPING on posting and not worrying if I am up voted, not worrying if there is a payout. I received one payout on this account that was around $300 split across SBD and Steem Power, and another around $200 after almost a little over 3 weeks of posting here. I have never been rewarded $1000 or more that I've seen. So I don't see this massive power this person claims I have.

In addition, he gave me back about 2000% more than my vote is worth.

I'm not sure if it is a form of protest. If he is one of those socialists or communists advocating redistribution and fairness I don't know. That doesn't work on me. I'd likely vote for this guy again because it has proven profitable to me to do so. :)


next time upvote me! your upvote will be welcomed!

I think we all should just vote if we think the post was good and would want to see similar content more often than things we don't vote for. I the end "super boosts" should spread out, steem is just young at this moment :-)

Exactly, this has been my thought too. So I hand my vote to some guy that was $0.01 and he turns around and hands me $0.21 back saying you shouldn't vote on someone like me and start's advocating ways to game the system. Vote for your friends, or for an alternate account. I have an alternate account it does not need my votes. I've been working on an alternate approach and it has gone from 3 steem power to 180+ steem power this week just on my own efforts and by trying something unique. It may not last as I believe my particular approach on that account could be annoying to many if I do it too much. (NO I am not hurting anyone, it is just weird)

EDIT: I did vote on my alt account a couple of times to give it the extra visibility my $0.01SBD vote might supply, but for the majority of the posts I have not. I also do not make my alt account vote on it's own posts.

I don't get his message either.. I would almost believe it was some form advanced sarcasm :-p . btw, I see people selfvoting everywhere. What's the deal with that?

I watched early tips on using steemit that recommended you voting on your own posts. It can help the visibility if there are a lot of comments. You automatically vote on your own BLOG post, but your comments and replies you have to intentionally vote on. It is about visibilty. In addition, it can help you grow faster even if it is very slow.

I watched those tips and did it myself for awhile, until I realized your voting power has a % applied against it. When your % is at 100% you get the full power of your vote. Each vote you make reduces this % so each successive vote is less powerful. This discourages vote spamming, and makes it so you can't just vote on everything and call it good. That % regenerates over time.

So once I found out about that I realized voting on myself made my votes for other people less effective than they could be. Ultimately I'm going to do better in the long run lifting others up than I would simply by voting on myself. Voting on others could turn into a force multiplier. Voting on yourself cannot.

Oh... and I am pretty sure the guy is PROTESTING... check out his comment he added last night to one of my posts: (EDIT: I took a screenshot... so you don't have to read my other blog unless you are interested)

His post there is short, but informative in terms of character, beliefs, and possible motivations for his actions.

I made an audio version of that same post the other day if you are interested in the actual blog entry itself... My only video/audio I've made specifically for steemit so far. It is basically just me redoing that post with my voice, some background sounds, and some additional imagery... so not necessary that you watch or read either of them. That was one I thought my message was important so I made the video to reach people that prefer video to reading. :)

As you can see I am not making BANK on either of them. I am no major power that this guy seems to think.

Thanks for explaining! In any case it seems like an interesting personality.. Nice video btw. I like your observations!

Wow, "why did you waste your vote on me" - that's crazy! I am like you. I read random articles in categories I am interested in and if I like them, I upvote them. I don't have family or friends on here or an alias of myself. It is fun for writing stuff I never would have before and having the excitement of possibly making money for it, but I'm not going to upvote someone just because they upvoted me, or vice versa. I have done that many times because I see who voted for me, go and read their content, enjoy it, and THEN upvote them.

Simply Great Information and Presentation

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