Steemit and Spirituality ~ Surprising Similarities on Jaunts Which (Initially) Appear to be as Different as Marshmallow and Mud.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Steemit and Spirituality.jpg
A photograph I took in the mountains of Catalonia, Spain. Where the sky remains forever blue in my heart.

For several weeks now I have harboured ill formed and fuffy thoughts about the similarities between the Spiritual and Steemit journey.

I inherently know that there is something of value in this comparison but my thoughts remain nebulous - like dust upon a gentle breeze, snowflakes melting upon touch. They refuse to take solid form and slip through frustrated fingers.


Here I try to give flesh to these pesky ruminations of mine.



Both journeys remain hidden and the final destination is forever unknown. There are twists and turns, false starts and hands reached out to one in aid.

Yet ultimately each of us is alone on our particular crazy paved path and at liberty to choose our direction.


It is within our grasp to succeed but faith and commitment are required.

Faith is a deep knowing and belief in one’s self and a greater more abstract acceptance that, at any given time and place, things are exactly as they should be. That source has all under control and divine timing is at play and on schedule.


Giving, without strings, is a fundamental spiritual principle.

On Steemit it is considered good form to share without expectation of personal gain - to add value to, and encourage, one another. To generously contribute to the community and, by default, the platforms greater success.


Still a word of caution:

A truly spiritual person understands that wanton materialism is less than light and yet, here on Steemit, it is all too easy to become obsessed with monetary gain.

There are some here who manipulate the system unaware that their dark actions have far reaching consequences upon the journey of their soul.

Greed is an ugly and impoverished trait and it is important not to slide into its grasping clutch; but, to be spiritual does not mean that a person must be poor.

Yet true riches come in many forms and Steemit nurtures friendship and fellowship whilst adding to the coffers. It gives philanthropists’ a voice, potential audience and opportunity to do good in our beautiful world which, lets be honest, needs all our efforts to heal.


I, for one, intend to fully embrace any significant success I may enjoy here on Steemit which, I stress, will have been attained through honest endeavour.

And I extend thanks to those, of all realms, that help me along my way.

(Particular and pertinent gratitude @tarazkp who generously delegated SP, to a significant clutch of us, for a month just the other day.)


For gratitude greases the gears of manifestation!


With Love.


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I invite you to check out my recent posts. I'd sure love to hear your thoughts :

My particular brand of no nonsense spirituality HERE.

A piece in which I cobble together a whole lotta wisdom! HERE.

A controversial piece about some of the Art contests I see here on Steemit ~ ART DEGREES HERE.

What is a Lightworker, and are you one? HERE.

My Entry for Jerry Banfield's Supernatural Writing Contest HERE. (Well worth a read even though I do say so myself!)

Essays on Love HERE.

My Life as a Vintage Dealer HERE.

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Very Deep and wise words Idacey-laforge ! Im very happy to have your LIGHT and love on the ecoTrain.. our newest shiny passenger! <3 much love

You are awesome! I've found steemit to be such an obvious mirror of what's inside me. Life is just that but steemit does it in a way where it's hard to miss.

Hi Linda! Your name means beautiful girl or woman in spanish.

Your post is interesting. The way you see Steemit, however, I have not yet seen that nurtures friendship and fellowship. Most people approach me by discord to vote for their post.

Last time, it was a nice girl who just wanted me to vote for her in a contest. Twice she asked me and then she never wrote me again. I think it awakens more the materialistic part of the people. Maybe, It is the ways I see it. I dont know.

In my country, we have a saying:

"El amor y el interés se fueron al campo un día, pero más pudo el interés que el amor que le tenía."

Something like:
Love and interest (profit, benefit) went to the field one day, but it was more noticeable interest than love

In other words: the benefits overcome the love or care of people.

They are just thoughts of a person passing by...

Nice reading you

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience.

There are alot of shysters here on Steemit but also alot of genuine and generous souls.

A person needs to be discerning I reckon.

Most of those that engage with me are nice folks ~ prap's worth a visit from you?

Apparently Linda also means snake like! Hahaha.

I am off to visit you now ;)

Be well.


Great post. I came across you from one of your replies to@atmosblack. Seems today is my day for learning where istand on the ethics of earning and self-promotion here on steemit. Was interested that @atmosblack said 'Self-voting is a form of self-love. The more you love yourself, the more you have to give to others!' I hadn't looked at it that way before. But then does this contradict your words on greed?
I am thinking it is all to do with one's intent.

Thanks for popping by and I appreciate your kind words and encouragement.

All love starts with self love so upvoting oneself is I reckon acceptable as, in theory, the stronger a persons wallet is here the more good they can do for others.

Gotta just be mindful that our intentions don't slip into greed I guess!

And, as you say ~ intent is key.


Enjoy your day.


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