#BonsaiNews: Bonsai is such a niche market on Steemit - I made a plan

in #steemit6 years ago

DESPITE the fact that the #BonsaiCommunity is growing on Steemit, some of the Steemians who post content relevant to the #BonsaiCommunity receive little upvotes which actually provide an income and sadly, some get demotivated like this.

We love bonsai, horticulture, gardening and whatever else there is that fits into the categories I've previously listed - check the details at the end of this article.

Since I started participating in @thedarkhorse's curation contest - thanks go out to @honeysim for introducing me -, I have somewhat adopted the #PayItForward mentality and as such, I have now come up with an idea how I too, can Pay It Forward within our growing community and I hope you will do the same if, and when you are able.

(IMAGE SOURCE: pixabay.com)

Simply put, not that long ago, thanks to an entry into the curation contest, I was also enrolled into the @steembasicincome system thanks to @lynncoyle1 - it only costs you 1 Steem, and you also benefit by enrolling someone.

Through enrollment, you are assured a basic income on all your posts and of course, the more people you enroll, the more you benefit.

Be sure to check out @steembasicincome to see just how this works.

Now, why would I start enrolling Steemians?

Simply put, my upvote at present is literally worth nothing to all Steemians because I have not accumulated enough Steem Power as yet so, I wanted to 'make my vote count' in another way.

When I am able to - two Steemians have already been enrolled - I will be enrolling members of the #BonsaiCommunity | #TeamBonsai | #TeamHorticulture into this great reward system one by one, as they appear in the list from left to right.

I have received upvotes which have actually paid out into my wallet from these members and yet, my upvote sadly had no effect so, this is my way of giving back where I am able to and this process will be repeated, time and time again once my further Steem payouts come in - so rest assured that everyone will be enrolled eventually.

I also see this as a way of encouraging future #BonsaiCommunity | #TeamBonsai | #TeamHorticulture members into perhaps doing the same with Steemians they find worthy.

Initially, I came to Steemit to make money but since then, I have found that in order to continue growing, we need to also look out for other Steemians and not just ourselves.

The best part, you can now through @steembasicincome at least expect to receive some sort of payout as opposed to nothing - isn't that great? Knowing that the level of hard work you put into your post will now at least receive something.

The very best part comes in when you discover that the more people you enroll, the better your payouts on your posts will be as well.

@steembasicincome explains this all in detail so, if you would like to check out how the system works, have a look on the their account.


JOIN OUR #BonsaiCommunity | #TeamBonsai | #TeamHorticulture:
The known #BonsaiCommunity | #TeamBonsai | #TeamHorticulture members include (and you should follow them for cool content):
@creativetruth | @daniellozada | @romanolsamuels | @bonsaiaustin | @imagendevoz | @synekto | @shadowolfdg | @mrbloom | @willymac
Comment below with your handle and, if you post bonsai/horticulture related content your handle could appear above.


Read some of my other articles:

#BonsaiNews: People and their opinions matter but........ [RANT]

#Guide: How to convert your SBD into Steem using the internal market [EASY]

#Contest: Week 9 - Pay It Forward Curation contest by @thedarkhorse

#BonsaiNews: What's so great about Juniper bonsai? Simply; Everything!

#DrugPoetry: Kiss of doom - Original Piece


Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
Check @resteembot's introduction post or the other great posts I already resteemed.

Initially, I came to Steemit to make money but since then, I have found that in order to continue growing, we need to also look out for other Steemians and not just ourselves.

This warms my heart! I'm happy that you were the recipient of my judge's choice award and that you've entered again this week :)

Thank you very much. I'll keep entering as long as I am able. I love these contests and believe that they actually contribute realistically to everyone.

You are most welcome! This contest is a great way to get quality posts noticed :)

PS. I get the sense that you are a witness, am I correct in assuming this?

No I'm not :) Just curious though, what made you assume that?

No idea, just thought you might be.

@imagendevoz, no worries, I take it as a compliment 😂

That's a very altruistic statement @imagendevoz.

Please skip me, if you haven't already done so. If possible, I prefer to support the lowest earning constant quality producers of the categories you mentioned. For many of them, 1 share of SBI is worth more than a single self-vote, and that counts for a lot, and goes a long way to ensure their longevity here.

I try to search the #bonsai and #gardening tag for NEW content every week or so. I would really like to support original content from people providing knowledge and photos that can teach and empower people to become better stewards in growing a greener world.

Oh darn, I actually started with you since you were first on the list. I thought that it would be fair to start with the first handles. If you would like me to not repeat your handle please let me know. I realise that there is a reputation structure to take into consideration but I would like this to be as fair as possible and not have this not include everyone but then again, I understand your take on it. I think, at least for me, I would like to give back to everyone, and this includes you since you have supported a lot of the newbies, myself included. On a side note, I also try and find new Steemians who do the same, I am quite shocked to see just how little there are but it can only continue to grow, so here's to that at least. If you find anyone please let me know that they are free to join, despite us not having an actual joint platform - maybe one day Steemit might consider implementing groups or something although I think that would actually go against what Steemit is. Who knows.

Oh well. Just ask me, if you are going for another round through your list. My reputation doesn't really mean anything. My vested shares simply mean that I have more to offer than most of the others in our small community.

I am not sure how often you will be able to get through everyone. Once every month or two, I might be okay with that, and might even offer to match your donation if I earn more than 1 steem per month myself. Once a week? Wow, you would have to be rich with the current economy, or our group would be very small (which is a great incentive to them to produce more content).

My economic strategy currently is I am investing all of my post earning into my SP to improve my upvotes. Any Steem I earn on the side, I save to purchase/donate more SBI to those deserving, and those choosing to invest in me. Any SBD I earn, I am saving for future delegated SP leases, when the prices are easier to afford. That way, I can benefit from the Steem Effect to improve the value of my own posts and the posts I care about.

One day maybe we'll have a tech wizard interested in making some kind of bonsai Smart Media Token for us to distribute. Will they ever release those things? How much will the help? Will they be easy to implement? I have no idea. I would love to have some kind of custom benefit for the oldest active bonsai cultivators to be able to generate the most wealth for themselves and others, just like it is with real bonsai. I would even offer to sell and trade my real bonsai trees for tokens if I felt like it could be done safely. People can submit their ideas on the possibilities on what can be done with SMT's when we get to that day.

Will keep that in mind next time. Yeah, it is going to take quite a while, but as it happens, the payouts will also increase as each enrollment takes place so, this will eventually speed up I assume. I am hoping that by doing this, that we might be bale to motivate some bonsai writers and gardeners etc to produce more content as you mentioned. It would be great if that works and perhaps one day, we can even run competitions as well - all of this will of course require a great deal of in-depth planning but then again, all great things take time. Not sure I would be keen to sell one of my actual bonsai though hahaha. I love my trees too much and they all have a story - even some of the purchased ones. I nearly broke my neck for a seed last month and at long last, it has started to sprout - that tree is going to have a decent story.

This is a really great post and I will definitely go over and sign up over @steembasicincome
Thanks again for including me in your post my friend!

No problem. Please do keep in mind that in order to sign up, you have to enroll someone else and not yourself. You both benefit regardless though. The more people you enroll, the more shares you will have and in so doing, the higher post payouts will be.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @resteemr!
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