Should i use, and how to use Steemit (English, Serbian language)?

in #steemit7 years ago


Hello to all new, and future, users of Steemit.

I see great potential of Steemit, but not so much Serbs on it. For a long time I tried to represent it in right way to my friends, but many get odd and wrong views of Steemit platform. Reasons for that views are different, many don’t speak English (they give up immediately), conspiracy theory (WTF, Someone want’s to pay me for sharing my thoughts), lack of freetime, etc...

let me be straight:

  • Everything is legal, I proved it to my self long ago. I researched a lot, not just about steem, about all cryptocurrency. Worst thing that can happen is that whole project get down and you loose all money you have on the “wallet” in that moment. Chances for that to happen are zero, in my opinion. This platform is working since march. 2016. If you research a little bit more, you will be convinced to.

  • Lack of freetime, let’s be honest… How much time you spent using Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.. For ones that make money with those social network, congratulations, make your own steemit account, promote it, and increase your earnings.

  • English… That can be sort of a problem, but I am not good at English and still somehow I manage to communicate with others on pretty nice level. If we could get more Serbs here, Serbian language would be enough for nice earnings.


I will try to explain how Steemit works the simplest way I can.

Power, value, possibilities of whole platform depends on amount of users and amount of interactions between users, it’s important to say that “inactive” users are just hampering platform and her power (altough, being inactive is free). With your interactions(writing posts,comments, following etc.) you increase possibilities for people to interact between eachother, and you increase the strength of whole platform. Every user has their own “strength”, with that strength he can voteup posts and comments, with that strength he gets prize. That prize is cryptocurrency, altcoin, or just our lovely Steem 😍. You can transfer it to real money (there will be post about that). Guys, you are able to earn just by making comments…

Site where you can create account:

Probably your account won’t be activated, for about 2-3 days. That’s the way it works, I am sure that activation will be faster some day. Important thing, when you get your activation on mail, you’ll get password. You must save that password somewhere. That’s the way Block-chain tehnology works (steemit is based on that tehnology), and I doubt that’s gonna be changed in the future.


When you log in to your account, this is the window you’ll see, there you have manuals about, how to begin, what to do, what themes to write, much and more. You should read that.

Just Quick introduction:

Home–Home page, there you can see posts of users you followed
New– new posts of all posts in the world, something like search on Instagram but sorting is focused on time not on popularity
Hot–posts that have chance to be in trending
Trending– posts that has big popularity, and big earning ofc (500-2500 dollars)
Promoted–posts that paid to be there
Search–google for steemit

If you press on your picture, this window will pop-up


Feed– same as home
Blog, comments, replies – your profil, posts, comments, replies, something like profile on Facebook
Setings, change Password–if you wish to change profile picture, or name, or password(he’ll just generate some)



You can see how much money or steems you have. After account creation you get 0.5 steem to steem power. Amount of money you hold in steem power represents how much is your voteup going to be worth, and how much earning you get(more money in the wallet more earnings). All amount of money you hold ,in dollars, you can see in estimated dollars (value of cryptocurrencies are changing everyday, you can follow them on

How can you transfer steems into real money?

Easy, just power down steems from STEEM POWER. Now they are on STEEM, transfer them to SAVINGS. Then from savings you can trasfer them wherever you want.


You can se window which you use to transfer steems into other wallet, wallet of some exchange site (,, etc.), where you can change them to bitcoins. Right now it’s easiest to make real money from bitcoin, especially in our country.

One of my next posts I’ll write about how to use and how to transfer bitcoins to Serbian RSD. I haven’t write it here because it would make my post to big, but belive me it’s very easy and practically.

Honestly, my opinion about Steemit is just the best. I am sure that you are making big mistake if you don’t just give it a shot. If I managed to make, with my bad English, post, first post like this in my life, and I got 4.5 dollar, I am sure many of you will earn more.

my post ➔

Nothing to loose, just gainin KNOWELEDGE, MONEY, EXCITEMENT

Thank you for reading my post, and please ,voteup, resteem and help me to convince my friends to join our community 😘


Pozdrav svim novim, i buducim, korisnicima Steemit-a.

Vidim veliki potencijal steemit-a, ali ne i mnogo Srba na njemu. Vec duze vreme pokusavam da ga predstavim prijateljima na pravi nacin, ali mnogi imaju neku cudnu, pogresnu sliku o svemu ovome. Razlozi te slike su razliciti, neko ne zna engleski (odma odustaju), cuvena teorija zavere (ko je lud da mi plati da pisem svoje misli), nemam vremena itd....

Odmah da vas razuverim:

  • Sve je cisto, sam sam se u to uverio. Istrazivao sam dosta, ne samo o steem-u vec I o svim ostalim valutama. Najgora stvar koja moze da se desi jeste da pukne citav projekat I da izgubite sve pare koje imate u tom trenutku na takozvanom “wallet-u”. Sanse da dodje do pucanja su mizerne, ova platform postoji od marta 2016.god. a ako budete malo istrazivali uvericete se I sami.

  • Sto se tice troska vremena, budimo realni… Koliko vremena trosite na Facebook-u, Instagram-u, Snapchatu itd. Za one koji putem nabrojanih drustvenih mreza zaradjuju, svaka cast, napravite svoj steemit account ispromovisite ga i povecajte zaradu.

  • Engleski… To moze da bude problem, ali nisam ni ja dobar sa engleskim pa uspevam da komuniciram sa ljudima na zavidnom nivou. Kad bismo se potrudili da bude vise Srba, srpski jezik bi bio sasvim dovoljan za lepu zaradu.


Pokusacu da objasnim kako funkcionise steemit na najjednostavniji nacin.

Snaga, vrednost, mogucnost citave platforme zavisi od kolicine clanova I kolicine interakcija tih clanova, bitno je napomenuti da “neaktivni” clanovi samo smetaju platformi I njenoj snazi (biti neaktivan clan je sasvim besplatno). Svojim interagovanjem (pisanje postova, komentarisanje, pracenje ljudi itd.) povecavate mogucnost da ljudi interaguju medjusobno odnosno povecavate snagu citave platforme. Svako ima svoju “snagu” kojom lajkuje odnosno voteup-uje postove I komentare, I na osnovu te snage dobija nagradu u vidu digitalne valute “steem” koju moze da unovci (bice reci o tome kako je unovciti). Ljudi, zaradjujete kad komentarisete postove…

*Sajt za pravljenje account-a: *

Verovatno necete odmah dobiti account, ceka se 2-3 dana najvise. Takav je sistem, verovatno ce u buducnosti biti brze. Vazna napomena, kad vam stigne odobrenje na mail stici ce vam i password koji morate negde zapisati, ne mozete imati password kakav zelite. Takva je Block-chain tehnologija, na kojoj je baziran steemit, i to se u buducnosti verovarno nece menjati.


Kad udjete na svoj account javice se ova slika, tu imate uputsva kako poceti, sta raditi, koje teme pisati, razne smernice, koje bi svakako bilo pozeljno da procitate.


Home–pocetna strana, tu se nalaze novosti I postovi clanove koje ste “zapratili”
New– novi postovi, odnosi se na sve postove, nesto slicno kao kad odete na search na istragramu samo sto se ovde prednost daje novim postovima a ne poznatim.
Hot–postovi koji imaju tendenciju da se svrstaju u trending
Trending– postovi koji su stekli veliku popularnost, samim tim I veliku zaradu (500-2500 dolara)
Promoted–postovi koji su platili da budu tu
Search ikonica–google koji prednost daje steemit postovima

Ako pritisnete svoju sliku javice se sledeci prozor:


Feed–isto kao home
Blog, comments, replies – vas profil, postovi, komentari, odgovori, slicno kao I profil na Facebook-u
Setings, change Password–ako zelite da promenite sliku, ime, password (dace vam opet neki svoj)



Mozete videti koju kolicinu novca imate odnosno “steema” imate, nakon registracije dobijate 0.5 steem, u steem power delu. Kolicina novca koji imate u Steem power-u predstavlja vrednost vasih lajkova odnosno voteup-ova I kolicinu novca koju zaradjujete (vise novca ovde vise zaradjujete). Trenutna kolicina novca u dolarima moze se procitati u delu estimated dollars ( vrednost valuta menja se svakim danom mozete je pratiti na

Kako unovciti novac koji zaradite?

Lako, samo "power down" steem-ove sa STEEM POWER. Sad su na STEEM, prebacite ih na SAVINGS. Sa savings-a mozete ih prebaciti gde god hocete.


Iskace vam prozor pomocu kojeg Steem-ove mozete prebaciti u drugi wallet, wallet neke menjacnice (,, etc.), gde menjate Steem-ove u Bitcoine. Trenutno mora tako, jer najlakse je unovciti bitcoin.

U nekom od sledecih postova, pisacu kako da koristite i kako da unovcite bitcoine u dinare. Nisam to napisao sada zato sto bi to onda bio preveliki post, ali verujte mi na rec da je jako lako i prakticno.

Iskreno, moje misljenje o steemitu je sve najbolje I siguran sam da pravite gresku ako bar ne probate da ga koristite. Kad sam ja uspeo sa svojim osrednjim engleskim da napravim post, prvi post ovog tipa u zivotu, I zaradio 4.5 dolara, siguran sam da ce mnogi od vas zaraditi I vise.

moj post ➔

Nista ne gubite, a dobijate ZNANJE, NOVAC, ZABAVU.

Thank you for reading my post, and please ,voteup, resteem and help me to convince my friends to join our community 😘


Welcome to Steemit @ikadika :)

Welcome Bot Banner

Make sure to participate in this weeks giveaway to get known in the community!

Here are some helpful tips to get you started:

Actually there were many user using duo-language in posting.
Here is why, first, eighty percent and above of the user is using english.
Secondly,when you post two languages,you will also attracting your native speaker to come to support you.
That was what I am thinking about.

I'll have that in mind, and i'll be trying to use duo-language in posting .

Buck up man! Hope that my advice sounds logic to you!

Of course it sounds. Writing every post two time takes a lot of time, but lot of time and effort always repays :)

Your english is really good. I couldn't tell you were ESL. Also, tell your friends they can use Google Translator to convert languages to and from english. It is fairly accurate and provides enough correct words to understand what the person is saying. They just have to be as close to grammatically correct for it to translate more accurately.

Thanks! I didn't know what ESL means, but now i know. :)

You're welcome. I didn't consider ESL being misunderstood, but I should have. I'll clarify it below for others who see ESL and don't understand. Thanks for bringing that to my attention and I'm glad you figured it out on your own :)

ESL = English as a Second Language

hehe, I like steemit, but google is still the lord of the lords :)

Nice post for the newcomers. Well done.

You are being followed by a coin puppet!

Please follow it back ;)

Thanks! :)

Nice article, especially for the new users. I actually got my account approved within 24 hours. :)

Thanks :) I waited 2 days but i am glad to hear you got it earlier.

Thank you!

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