5 Reasons I NEVER miss my workouts

in #life7 years ago (edited)



Couple years ago I was fat. I spent days eating, sitting and playing games. Honestly I had great time and maybe, just maybe I dare to say that it was best period of my life. I think you can catch my point. I didn’t really care about anything I fully enjoyed living my life, acctualy I carred about, should I change my graphic card, is it worth buying it and stuff like that.


Somehow I thought of idea of living healthy. Why should I change anything? Everybody says it's hard to eat healty, get in shape, STAY in shape. But somehow I managed it and said to myself “let’s try something new, just give it a shot”.

Firstly I started swimming, tried to eat about 2000 calories per day and more and more.. (maybe some other post about that)


NOW I GOT ADDICTED TO WORKOUTS AND BEING IN SHAPE, and there are 5 reasons that proves my addiction.


1. The way I get up in the morning

Alarm, get up, toilet, wash teeth, drink 0.5-1 L water, and that’s it guys, really I am fully prepared to accomplish anything that day brings me. There is no need for coffe or being in bad mood and having toughts “I am going back in bad, look at that bad day. I hope those 4 hours were enough”, let’s face it, without healthy life its rarly ever enough. Your rested muscles and that water you drank is all you need to fell strength, but those stomach cramps won’t let you leave your home without some food. Breakfasts I eat are yogurt and some healthy bread (with sunflower seed, some fruits like plums and stuff like that) and it’s really fast I finish it within 5-6 mins.


"Life begins each morning." - Joel Olsteen

2. Planing workouts

My free time, especially times when I’m stuck in car traffic or waiting in some lines or any similar type of situation, I don’t let my mind dwell on problems and things I haven’t finished or finished incorrectly. My mind goes on places where I workout, where my body loses all stresses he caught up. That’s the time my workouts are being planned, so I can keep them interesting. Right now I am practicing hand stand for no particular reason, just because it came to my mind.


"Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one." - Hans Selye


Gyms, street gyms, nice peacufull places for jogging, polls… those are squares where you can meet wonderfull people. They are always open for chating and sharing experiences, except ones who likes their workouts and makes them so hard ,that’s me 😈… Joking 😃, I made so much acquaintances, some has grown into nice friendships.

You flushed the toilet… I get same felling when I finish workout, all those **** gone, everything is fine and clean as it should be. If you manage to finish all you planned for workout and even more, you are son of God, you can do anything.

"the only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen."

4. Eating a lot

I am gourmet. Me being fat was good thing, that made me very scared, scared of being fat, of getting all those kilograms back. After good workout I don’t have reason to be scared, I really don’t, I eat as much as I can or want, whatever I want. Its not rare occasion for me to eat over 3-4 thousands calories per one meal, just because I wanted it and my body said “no problem bro, just hit me, hit me hard, I like it”.


In the beginning of my “transformation” I used to calculate calories, surfing for infos about food i had to eat and all that hard stuff. Now, I don’t think about those, although calculating calories comes naturally. My body says what it wants and what it needs. For example, if I ate 5000 calories of junk food in one day, tomorrow I have something like hangover. You know fameous sentence “oh man I’ll never drink that much again” its literaly same as “oh man I’ll never eat that much food again”, my brain gets problem with focusing and my muscles gets lazy.

"One cannot think well, love well, if one has not dined well." - Virginia woolf

5. Sleeping like a baby

There are nights I cant fall asleep, just spinning in bad and praying to god “just give me satisfaction of sleeping for couple hours, please”. That happens only if I had 2-3 days without workout, sometimes I just can’t manage to have workout .😢
Couple months agoo my abs started showing up, honestly I put a lot effort for that, and when I lay down on my stomach and contract them, touch of skin and bedding gets me right to the heaven everytime.


"Sleep is the best meditation." - Dalai Lama

That would be all for today’s post, thank you for reading it I hope it was enjoyable and readable, because I am still learning English and I would be soooo gratefull if you could correct me. 😇

Have a great day, my friends!


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Love the imagery in this post! Followed, looking forward to more content from you :-)

Thanks, I followed you to. I hope I will keep posts enjoyable :)

Wow! Nice work. You are an inspiration! I am also a food lover but now I practice myself to eat healthy. But at the end of the day still FOOD IS LOVE LOL!

Happy Steeming to you

Some people, eat so they can live, some live so they can eat... But me .. I eat so i can live to eat :D hehe

Haha! Nice logic. I'll be following you man.

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