Funny Steemit Voting Power Meme - An Original Meme by @IAmWade

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The Struggle is Real!

H.F. 19 has left a ton of people struggling to get control of their own vote again. Are you feeling the pain? It's taken everything I have in me to avoid voting more than a couple times a day. I can say it has finally paid off because in about 3 hrs. I'll be at 100% again! That means I got a few more votes in me today, WOOT! WOOT! (Where I'm from "Woot! Woot!" is a thing) Time to go celebrate and find some awesome content to up-vote. Tomorrow begins the game of self-control that I will have to endure until I have escaped this little minnow body. That's right. I am gonna come out of this cocoon like some kind of underwater butterphin (butterfly-dolphin). There's an art concept the millennials are sure to fall in love with!

Lucky for me, my wonderful daughter was happy enough to help me capture this image earlier today. So from us to you, we both hope you enjoyed our meme!

Original Photo & Meme Credit: @i-am-wade


Thank you for taking a moment to view my work!

Here's a few of my most recent posts if you'd like to check out some of my other works.

When is the Best Time to Post Your Blog On Steemit

Picking Up Steem - 120 Followers-and Growing Thank You Steemit

Steem Wars: Day 4 Color Challenge - Tuesday "Orange"

"The Steemit Club" Another Steem Movie Spoof

Presenting "the Steemies" - My Content Submission for SirCork's Steem Challenge

"My Boom Box" - An Original Vector Digital Art and Build

5 Tips to Quickly and Easily Identify "Trash for Cash" in the Steem-iverse



Hahaha, nice pic

I had a very odd thing happen today. I tried to upvote a comment, but instead it upvoted one that was three up on the list. It happened twice, so I went to the person's comments section and just voted it there, and then it wasn't worth anything! One comment I accidentally upvoted was in Spanish. Hope it was a legit comment.

That sounds crazy! I was trying to think why that might happen but I can't come up with anything. Even if it was a popular post and a ton of people were interacting at the same time, it wouldn't scroll up in the middle of you posting your comment. That's really weird.

I know, so odd. How about this- my upvote has actually decreased the value on a few posts. I'm the cooler apparently.

That looks like a serious time-out!

Have a vote from me while you wait.

HAHAHA - YESSSSS. It kills me - I am waiting right now since I have bought some steem and steem power since I started - I am curious to see what my vote gives at 100%...

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