When is the Best Time to Post Your Blog on Steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago

The Ultimate Guide to Perfect Post Timing on Steemit.com

New to Steemit? Still trying to get your bearings together? Maybe you are trying to figure out when is the best time to make that first post or how you might be able to maximize your blog’s launch. Thoughts every one of us already on Steemit have wrestled with to some extent. Some choose to dive right in and get their hands dirty. Perhaps purely on faith or simply a true lack of caring. While others take their time reading and researching. Looking for ways to leverage their personal interest in the platform, or attempting to locate weaknesses to re-affirm their own suspicions that it is all somehow fake and not worth their time. If you fall into the last category, let me reassure you right now, Steemit is ABSOLUTELY worth your time!

The focus of this post is a bit more specific. When is the best time to hit that post button? Here is the answer: As soon as you are done composing your post. That’s it. There is your answer. As simple as it is, “when you are done” is still the best answer you will find anywhere. Keep searching, I dare you, your conclusion will ultimately be the same. The statistics are everywhere and they all point to the exact same answer. If you doubt this theory, please let me expound upon my proclamation so as you will see what I mean.

When I first began to familiarize myself with the Steem-iverse I was not the jump right in type. No, I took my time, read all the papers and observed. Slowly taking in the information needed for myself to confidently move forward. After a few quick searches, I had found some resources where individuals had compiled various statistics, creating charts and graphs with some very logical user use patterns. I do not intend to reference those articles because although they seemed to have been very informative and well written they did not properly site their sources. Not being able to find the origin of their data, I had to deme it hearsay. I will however relay some of the observations they presented.

Beginning on Mondays, the amount of post submissions and daily users would spike to almost double the daily traffic and interaction of the weekends. Tuesday and Wednesday would incrementally decline in number of daily posts around 10% before taking sequentially larger 15% dips on both Thursday and Friday right before the weekend lull. The Payout trend was depicted quite differently. Again, Monday presented a nice jump over the weekend payouts but increased steadily on Tuesday and Wednesday before finally dropping on Thursday. Continuing the downward trend all the way through to the weekend.

What can we take away from this data? Not much without verifying the data or if nothing else comparing it against data from other weeks. Years of data would be ideal but Steemit just had its first birthday. Multiple years of back data isn’t even on the table. Without being able to study recurrences, a single week’s data can only offer the broadest observations with the least amount of accuracy. If this data was accurate, the best predictions would still only be guessing at best.

Is the data useless? Not entirely in my eyes. I can still paint some broad strokes. Assuming the information is true and a weekly recurring trend, we could surmise to some extent that most users tend to go into the week gung ho, attacking Mondays with a ton of effort. Big efforts starting out, only to slow down and slack off as the weekdays beat them down until the weekend, when everyone just wants to go live their life. Checking in only to browse and maybe throw some likes and comments. Before going back at it hard again on Monday. Is this going to help you make more money knowing this? Probably not. The data also implies daily payout parallels the user activity patterns as people transition from posting to curating throughout the week. This means that the profitability potential of any given post is relative only to being submitted. Had authors continued to publish at the same rate as on Mondays, the SBD eco system would be just as profitable during the latter half of the week.

As in any business, your individual success patterns will be completely unique to you. Don’t worry about when someone else thinks the best time to post is. Until you begin collecting data and analyzing your own audience and content, you can’t even start the process of attempting to predict the tides of the Steem-iverse. Your audience will be unique to you, as you and your content will inherently be unique in turn. Should you begin to plot out the posting times and relative factors such as quality of content, quality of audience, and quality of market, it would still take years to make anything but broad predictions. The number of variables involved to accurately account for to guarantee a post’s success are immense. This is a world-wide platform let’s not forget. If your tired and going to bed, on the other side of this planet a whole new audience is waking up! So why limit yourself to guessing when the best time to post is based off other people’s useless info? Stop it.

Just post it! If you’ve finished putting together your post and you are proud to say it is your original wtf-ever great! You need not wait any longer. Don’t forget to run some spell check for the sake of all your readers. They will appreciate it. Post it and move on to your next one! It’s that simple. Today my only regret looking back on my Steemit journey is over thinking everything early on instead of simply getting started. Go have some fun. Get involved in the community and stick with it. If you do I promise you’ll thank yourself for it sometime in the very near future! Keep on Steeming!


Thank you for taking a moment to view my work!

Here's a few of my most recent posts if you'd like to check out some of my other works.









All of the time because you never know. There is no time like the present, as in right now. It is like a [resent, a gift. Each moment is amazing.

Preach it Joey! You'll be King around here before you know it! I alway enjoy your posts.

Great post! I always struggle with this - I have had some ups when I didn't expect them and some downs when I thought based off trends that they would do better.. I think you are right - just keep posting and they will do what they do! :) Thanks for sharing!

Exactly! Just keep going. Steemit is not about putting all your eggs in one basket. Just be yourself awesome usual self and have fun with it! Your posts are always awesome and really fun to check out. You don't need to worry about a thing. Nothing to it but to do it :)

Love it! Thanks for the words of encouragement and constant support! :) <3

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