Picking Up Steem - 120+ Followers and Growing - THANK YOU STEEMIT!!!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Only Two Weeks in and My Life is Already Changing

Technically, I am about 2 days into my 3rd week on Steemit and I already know that I am here to stay! No I haven't become rich over night, but that isn't why I joined Steemit to begin with. Yes, I am definitely a money motivated individual as I am already sure many of you are. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely intend to add Steemit to my ever expanding list of highly profitable ventures. I'm many things but dumb is not one of them. I know a great investment when I see one and that is exactly what Steemit is. A valuable place to invest time, energy, and effort.

The real reason I am here is to re-discover myself. The self that I have neglected and hidden away from even my own inner thoughts. As a business owner, marketing professional, father, and general full-time adult; my true self has been buried beneath a metric ton of various hats. Not saying there are any real skeletons to be dug up here, just that in my line of business success requires a bit of polish and shine 100% of the time. As with all businesses, deals are always built on a foundation of trust. People simply don't do business with people they don't trust. After years of perfecting my outward persona and crafting my responses and body language to help support my intent I have become dilute.

I have become dilute and expository. Not to mention wealthy, healthy, and happy but at the same time not a carefree me. In my younger years success in life and business came fast and carefree. Time was moving slower then and it seemed as though I was moving at near light speed. New opportunities were around every corner. For those willing to take advantage of the opportunities when presented like myself, upward movement was a constant. Yes there were some up's and down's along the way. Life experiences, lessons learned. Often those lessons included becoming more self aware for the express purpose of recognizing when and how to filter one's self appropriately. Hence my debacle.

So here we are years later and living life on an entirely different level. Time is the one moving by faster and faster. Comfort is setting in and it's time to relax. Return to a more carefree lifestyle. Life is definitely more comfortable now without the constant pressure to make things happen. Reliable and reputable (not to mention well paying) clients take up my time when I'm not working on projects with my partner. Our reputation proceeds us locally so we do well. That is kind of the problem. When one spends all day writing and creating in a different voice, designing in a constantly changing voice to match any given product, campaign, or company even a "voice" becomes formulaic. If designing "voices" is a mastered skill, how does one learn to shut off that filter after spending years learning exactly when and how to implement said filters? It's harder than one might think. Kind of like thinking about where the line is drawn about over thinking things.

For me, Steemit is an opportunity to find my lost voice. To let go and shed pretense. To regress back to a younger version of myself and in some ways begin a new journey. I am not here to promote anything. I am only here to participate in full. To experience the "blogger life". To share my experiences in hope of educating a younger generation from a personal place. Not the carefully constructed and perfectly implemented experiences I so often craft to pedal my clients' wares. If my experiences, success, and more importantly, my past failures could be of benefit to the community or others can find some value in it than why not spend some time, energy, and effort contributing to such an incredible community?

Again, Thanks everyone for supporting me and my little blog about everything, nothing, and all that is inbetween. I look forward to getting to know everyone and watching this community grow over the years!

Thank you for taking a moment to view my work!

Here's a few of my most recent posts if you'd like to check out some of my other works.








It's just starting many more on the way.

Great post @i-am-wade and Congratulations :) You deserve the best here, your posts are always so sincere, well written and expressive. I look forward to seeing more from you and I have a feeling you will do well here! Keep posting and we will all be here to read and interact :) Have a great day :) <3

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