Dear Followers: An Upvote Airdrop Is About To Happen Soon

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

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Giving Out A Few More Upvotes This Time

The last upvote airdrop was only roughly a week ago. I decided to do this one sooner because I have recently been receiving more in payouts. This is just my way of allowing others to be a part of my minor successes. If everyone in the world gave to the people that supported them there would be far less people in need. As much as I can sit here and benefit for myself I feel much better knowing that someone else can benefit. 

This week has been one of the roughest weeks in a very long time. I am exhausted and I will be recouping over the next day or so. This time I will most likely allow my voting power to dip below the 80% mark in order to upvote slightly more posts.


Here is a quick rundown of how this will go:

  • I will visit the blogs of people I have interacted with or those who have commented on a few of my previous posts
  • I won't give every blog visited a 100% upvote (this is so my voting power won't drop too low) but I will do my best. 
  • You may get your post resteemed on my page
  • If I don't make it to your blog, no worries because this is something I would love to do again at a later time. 

The plan is to complete this airdrop on Monday or Tuesday. So be on the lookout for me to stroll by your page. Also feel free to implement the Art of Reciprocity on your own blogs. Just make sure to tag it as "artofreciprocity" if you decide to post about it. Let's continue spreading the love to others and uplifting those who are struggling. 

One final thought: Someone will always be less fortunate than you so be thankful for what you do have.

If you are wondering what The Art Of Reciprocity is then this is for you:

The Art Of Reciprocity  


Why I Upvote My Followers So Much & How I've Boosted Their Reputations  


Dear Followers: Info About The Upcoming Upvote Airdrop

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Your idea is really an innovative one to recognize efforts of people with small SP but with budding talent.

I am one of the lucky ones who got your kind appreciation in your last upvote airdrop. Your selfless help of others is really commendable and worth appreciating.

I am much impressed by the art of reciprocity. I am learning more about it and will try to put my humble thoughts on it. Your initiative is really great and it deserves to be in limelight so that maximum people can get advantage from it.

The more people know about this the better. And the more people who can help me help others in the same way, the better.

I do not think I need to type too much right now. I however must point out these points.

If everyone in the world gave to the people that supported them there would be far less people in need. As much as I can sit here and benefit for myself I feel much better knowing that someone else can benefit.

We most often wait for us to have big money or a fortune before reaching out to others in need. The fact is most often, that fortune never comes. The art of reciprocity is not about having so much to give, but being able to give even out of the little one has. Thanks to you @humanearl for this.

Someone will always be less fortunate than you so be thankful for what you do have.

Gratefulness is a virtue everyone should possess. Looking back to where we've been compared to where we are should birth some gratefulness from us. Showing gratitude for this determines how far we grow into the future.

"The art of reciprocity is not about having so much to give, but being able to give even out of the little one has."

You nailed it with this explanation. I agree 1000%

One final thought: Someone will always be less fortunate than you so be thankful for what you do have.

There you go bringing another good word! @uglysweater just did a post on envy. That thankfulness is a good way to get rid of envy. And when you're blessing people, it's much harder to be jealous of what they have.

Anything in particular causing it to be a rough week? Of course you don't have to talk about it if it's sensitive...or if you want to chat on Discord instead. I'm over there too. Either way, you're awesome. :)

No worries. My wife worked more hours last week and it became harder for me to keep up with my Steemit work. This week will be better though since she is cutting back so we can experiment. This is so I can try to post at least two more times in a week.

I love it when people like you care to know what's going on. Sometimes it's difficult to carry other people's burdens without any conduit for my own.

Those two extra posts can make a huge difference. Especially if you're already gaining traction, like you are, you have the ability to prioritize where those monies go. You can either cash out more and pay bills, or level up the account so you can do more. Either way, it gives you options.

Hey, I'm blessed to have a good support system. I have a few buddies that I can talk to about whatever might be going on. It's important. I'm glad if my presence helps you out! I'm rooting for you. :)

Seriously bro, I had no chance to post something valuable in this week! I will try, but not sure about that! Hope to be join the Airdrop next round!


No worries. I plan to get this done today.

You're really such a kind hearted man. I was struck with your word,

Someone will always be less fortunate than you so be thankful for what you do have.

Indeed, We should be thankful of what we have for God has plan for us why He put us in every situation. Just learn to be patient and at the same time persevere.

True that. Thanks for understanding.

First time on your blog, i am a follower now, hope i will be able to get this juicy upvote airdrop. I have to read through the The Art Of Reciprocity to get full scope Thanks in advance as you visit my blog. Please do leave a comment for me on how to be a better steemian.

So basically the Art of Reciprocity is about giving to others in various forms. It can be money, food, advice, gifts, comments, upvotes, you name it. The key is to give freely.

So I encourage people to comment on my posts as well as on others posts, upvote, and share with one another in any way you see fit. Just give. This way we support one another and are helping each other to grow in various ways.

As far as doing good work on Steemit I would say to provide people with things that will help them in some way if you are interested in creating content. If not just focus on connecting with others and doing your best to help others in anyway you can or get involved in some kind of community.

Here's a link to help you get more ideas about how to go about it.

The last quote caught my attention. Be thankful. Those 2 words should be marked on each people's mind. THE PERFECT KEY TO THE PATH OF BEING CONTENTED. GREAT WORK MAN. REALLY!

We all can be more thankful. Including me.

And that includes me too! Thanks man.

the smaller users need it! too many votes go to those on the trending pages, many just in hopes of pulling in a curation reward. Be well!

I agree. What people don;t understand is that as we uplift the smaller users this only helps the future of the platform.

Thanks @humanearl, i hope to have you visit my blog once again. One of my posts was selected amongst the 4 good posts in your last upvote airdrop but unfortunately wasn't upvoted. Wasn't a problem for me though as selecting my post as one you'd love your followers to read was a great encouragement for me. I hope this time i will be getting the upvote. smiles

One more thing, i've read the art of reciprocity but couldn't fully understand it. Can you briefly explain. I will like to write a post about it.


awwwwn i am sure that was an oversight ...sorry about that on his behalf.

@profchydon Man so sorry for that. What happened was that I kept clicking the upvote button and it would just load, load, load. I kept refreshing the page but nothing. So no worries I will send you a gift instead. Check your wallet bro.

So basically the Art of Reciprocity is about giving to others in various forms. It can be money, food, advice, gifts, comments, upvotes, you name it. The key is to give freely.

So I encourage people to comment, upvote, and share with one another in any way you see fit. Just give. This way we support one another and are helping each other to grow in various ways.

Wow! You're such a good man with a golden heart. Doing this for us on this goes a long way to showing how much of a life support you are to this platform. I wanna be like you when i grow up Sir. Keep being good and keeping it real

well i cant wait for it ... waiting for it

Lol.. You'ld be surprised

what do you mean and how does it all happens

If I told you, then maybe you wouldnt be surprised when it comes

So wait for it! Bro I want you to feel what I felt

.....Patience. I will do my best.

well i hope for best thanks .. and can i follow you on facebook or twitter

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