How Much Is Too Much When Posting Daily On Steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago

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When I first started steemit just over six months ago, I didn't know how much you were allowed to post. Was it like twitter, where you could make a post at every whim or thought? Was it like Facebook where you could write what was happening every second in your life? What were the guidelines?

According to the steemit FAQs section:

How often can I post?
You are allowed to post almost as often as you like. Currently, posts must be spaced 5 minutes apart. However, the community may not find value in users that are posting too frequently. Keep in mind what your audience will be interested in viewing, so that you do not overwhelm your followers with too much content.

But when I had joined in July 2017, someone had commented on one of my posts that you were limited to four posts per day. I am assuming that that rule has changed in the last half year.

So how do you determine the correct amount of posts within a 24-hour period? What is your personal criteria?

If you are on steemit as much as I am and have made the success of your steemit career your main focus and goal, do you have a predetermined set of posts you want to make in one day? Do you set up a schedule as I do?

I have certain days of the week that I know I will be making specific posts. Monday or Tuesday is my collaborated HSO Seed Exchange giveaway with fellow homesteading member @beatitudes8, Tuesday is my weekly HOLLER OUT post recognizing homesteaders and gardeners on the platform and Wednesday is usually my Kitchen Happenings post. After those I pretty much post when I have a new skill to share, a new recipe, am involved in a challenge or just have a really cool gardening tip.

Over the last six months I have been known to post anywhere from once to four times a day; but with all my new steemit responsibilities (@qurator newsletter writer, moderation of Discord groups and various other tasks) I have cut back to usually once a day; perhaps twice if I really have something to say and share that adds to the platform's advancement and success.

Cluttered Feed

Some members complain about too many posts or resteems cluttering their own feeds. Which I can appreciate. Until steemit comes up with a way to categorize and organize the feeds, this can become an annoying situation.

It would be helpful for active members to have a way to put their resteems in one column, their UPvotes in another, their own feed in yet another and finally, another section for favorite steemians. Yes, I am ALL about organization and being able to find posts, fellow steemains and things at the click of a finger; or mouse.

In the last few months, I have slowed down on resteeming as I have worked hard to create my following and don't want to annoy my community. But some days there is so much GOOD quality posts to share.

Do you feel some days your feed is overloaded with too many posts from one person? Or filled to capacity with too many resteems? How would you like to see this uncluttered by steemit? Or are you one of the people who post at will? Sharing three or more posts every day? I'd really love to hear from some of you about how you handle these two different posting situations?

Are You Posting Quality Content & Adding To The Platform Or Just Posting To Post?

When you do make a post, are you coherent to what you're sharing? Is it informative? Is it quality written content? How about the formatting? Images sourced properly and centered?

Or do you just zip in post, share a link and skedaddle back out?

It's bad enough with the follow me/follow you and good post drive-by comments (which by the way do NOT add to the quality of the platform) but to just post a link and then leave can become a nuisance for people who thrive on learning new information and gaining knowledge by reading a title or headline to a post only to find out it was not worth the click over to see the actual post.

How To Reign In The Speed Posting

For me, I was a resteem Queen up until about two months ago. I really assessed what my resteems were bringing to the platform as well as my followers. I ask myself these questions before resteeming now:

  • Am I just resteeming to NOT hurt someone's feelings?
  • Is this a quality post that if I had written I would want others to see?
  • Am I sharing information or just being nice?
  • Is this a specific contest that others may enjoy or get involved in to create a new tag for many to share in?

There are other things and questions I consider but these are the main ones.

And in regards to posting and slowing down the number of posts made per day:

  • Can two of your ideas be combined into one?
  • Can you save some of the images you created for a slow day of ideas to post?

Steemit and your success on the platform are not a race. It's quality, not quantity.

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You better post now because the more users we have. The more difficult it will become to earn steem

But you have to remember.. just because steemit has new members coming in every day doesn't mean they are all active members. Some come, see and post, then leave. The retention rate is actually pretty low from what I have read and seen in stats.

Interesting post and questions @goldendawne.

I've only been here about 6 weeks and I am anticipating that my posting patterns will change over time. At the moment I post up to 4 posts a day depending upon the time i have and apart from my "quotes to live by" posts, they are all contests.

I do make an effort to add a story to my photos though so it's not just a "hit and run".

As a newbie with a small number of followers I found that this is the best way to keep my energy up. I came here from FB because I got fed up writing long quality posts that were rarely seen.

I was disappointed to see that, in the beginning at least, it seems to be the same here on Steemit. So rather than get demoralised and walk away it is better for me to do what creates engagement and, at the moment, that is primarily taking part in contests.

Having said that, most of my time is spent reading, commenting and replying to other people's posts. This way I am learning loads of interesting stuff, joining in conversations and making new friends.

Some days I do feel my feed is overloaded with too many posts from one person? When that happens I simply unfollow them. Same with resteems.

How I would like Steemit to handle the clutter is in a similar way to Pinterest. I currently post photos, quotes to live by, my own art and just this week, poetry.

In the future I would like to post longer articles about living life and possibly, "how to" art videos. I don't want to have to create separate accounts for each interest so if my followers could follow just a particular subject (like with the boards on Pinterest) I'd be very happy!

I came here from FB because I got fed up writing long quality posts that were rarely seen

I left FB months ago due to the drama and issues of silly fights, etc. I don't have time for nonsense.

I too, have un-followed members:

  • they are inactive
  • they post topics I am not interested in or have become too many NSFW posts
  • when I first joined I was follow trigger happy

When I started I definitely following everybody. One day I decided to look at the unfamiliar people I was following and remove the ones that weren't posting anything or weren't posting anything that I wanted to read. THAT was a life changer.

Unless I have the time and REALLY have something to say, it is hard for me to post more than once daily. (My goal has been to post once daily, and I have only recently been able to do that most days.)

I very much want to provide content that people will enjoy while writing what is interesting to me or what I am researching. My hope is to have a community of people to learn from and have great conversation about a variety of topics.

In the past when I was a newbie it was difficult to find real and interesting, original content (versus a meme pic or copy and paste stuff). Now six months later, I am discovering lots of people who have content that I want to read and potentially have dialogue with in the comment section.

I also wish that Steemit was a little better organized. Although I appreciate people resteeming great content, if I see a bunch of resteems I get overwhelmed. We all have the same 24 hours each day and life gets busy with those "to-do" lists. Plus, to have great content to write about we need to be off-line sometimes.

Thanks for your input, suggestions, and support @goldendawne. I always check out what you have to say on Steemit! Keep up the great work.

Very well said

I very much want to provide content that people will enjoy while writing what is interesting to me or what I am researching. My hope is to have a community of people to learn from and have great conversation about a variety of topics

I was the same way six months ago too. It's amazing how you grow and develop your voice as the steemit time passes.

I mostly limit my articles to two per day. Over the course of the week, I will be consistently 14-15 articles (there is usually a day I throw a third one in).

I do this because I tend to write longer posts (which are quality I hope). I do not engage in silly posts that are meant to get a simple laugh. Not that there is anything wrong with that just that it will tend to overburden my followers.

I know a few have me on their voting bots and I do not want to abuse that privilege. Hence, I limit it to two a day.

As for resteeming, I think that is an overvalued concept. I do resteem things from time to time but find, that most are not looking at my blog page anyway. There are a few but most have me on a bot or I am on their feed. I tend to post at fairly consistent times which means people know to look for my posts.

I try to make up for this with comments. There is no better way, in my opinion, of helping out a post than leaving a quality comment, especially if it leads to a discussion. I try to have conversations in people's articles because it really extends the length of the post which is good for the search engines. This can only help the individual.

Also, engaging other commenters in another person's article also helps to bring those commenters back for that person.

Just my 2 cents on this Sunday morning.

ALL very valid points!

I try to make up for this with comments. There is no better way, in my opinion, of helping out a post than leaving a quality comment, especially if it leads to a discussion.

Interaction and connections are so important.

Great points. Valuable to me ad a thinker while I strategize my post plan. Thanks again @goldendawne Big Hugs!

I have written and posted as many as four in one day, but for me and my time constraints, I do well posting one. As for resteems, I have mixed feelings. If the posts have really good content or it is an introductory post that I find interesting then I may resteem but I like to limit them to under 6 if I can. More than that I think people get annoyed. I know I do. I had one person resteem 20 in one day! Way too many.

It would be helpful for active members to have a way to put their resteems in one column, their UPvotes in another, their own feed in yet another and finally, another section for favourite steemians. Yes, I am ALL about organization and being able to find posts, fellow steemains and things at the click of a finger; or mouse.

I fully agree. A little more organization would be very helpful!

Yes... I wish the developers would do a survey from the members and take the suggestions into consideration.

I was looking on yesterday and discovered this badge which you get for writing 4 posts in one day!

I've certainly read people grumbling that more than 3 is too many, so to find this is really interesting in that regard.

I too would love to have a way to sort what appears on profiles, as I hate sifting through screeds of resteems to find original content in order to get to know a poster. To this end, when I read that the extn app SteemPlus can help with that I thought I'd try it out. It does some cool things.

Some days I feel inspired to make a couple of posts, on very different topics, and there are stretches of days I cannot get a single brain cell fired up, lol. Taking part in the #musicchallenge is great because I might actually get a badge for posting 7 days in a row! This has eluded me so far.

I am finding, though, that because there are some amazing things happening in Discord groups, finding time to actually create some of the posts I want to is proving difficult. Getting that balance down pat is tricky.

Discord groups and curation groups (qurator, the steem engine, appreciator) are GREAT for finding quality work and active members.

Thank you for sharing this insight. It's very helpful. On the other side of posting for followers, how many people do you recommend to follow? I see you have followed over 3,000. Just curious, how do you go through all your feed every single day? I have a hard time to keep up with 100.

golden words from @goldendawne 👌 this thing always keep me in doubt.👌how much is too much..!!.thanks for guiding us....weekday i use to post 1 to 2 post weekend it get upto 2-3 the balance is also need to maintained so that the post should reach to the prospective reader. 👍


I think once you find a rhythm and get settled it becomes easier to set your own pace and know what is too much.

Rightly said..👍

There seems to be so much to learn about Steemit. I often feel overwhelmed at all the ins and outs of this platform. Thank you for adding some clarity for a Steemit noobie.

Yes it can be overwhelming; I still find myself overwhelmed some days. I just learned to sift through the info and use what I can to my advantage; plus I keep a notebook of info and documents on my laptop with good info for the future.

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