How I Got 133 Followers in My First 100 Hours on Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago


You are more than just a minnow! You are destined for greatness!

Though I'm new here, I've been overwhelmed by the welcoming attitude and energy of this community. It's exciting to be a part of a collaborative space where people are lifting each other up rather than tearing each other down.

I was so excited to dive in and start connecting with like-minded and like-hearted people from around the world.

After a few days of mild obsession, I checked my account and realized I already had 133 followers. It was very exciting and I thought I'd reflect on a few ideas that could help out fellow minnows!

After all, we're all in this together!

I think we're all excited to be a part of a platform where people not only share great wisdom and experience, but we get rewarded for it. That being said, taking our focus off the money and putting it on serving others, spreading good vibes and networking with awesome people have been keys to a quick start.

Here are my top 3 tips for taking it to the next level:

1. Be yourself

This is a place where all are welcome, so be you! This is a community and we're here for each other. Share from your heart and people will be grateful to interact with you. You are amazing and when you shine your light, you inspire others to do the same. All good things take time, so focus on being authentic and enjoy the process!

2. Share Meaningful Comments

People can see right through spammy comments, so offer something to the conversation or ask a question and get your learn on! There are so many cool people on here doing amazing things. If you feel overwhelmed, go to the "introduceyourself" section and welcome some noobies. It felt so good to be welcomed when I came around and I plan on continuing to pay it forward.

3. Invest Your Time

All good things take time so start planting the seeds of connection with others and you never know how things will blossom and grow into something greater. I used to spend so much time mindlessly scrolling facebook, and I've cut that by about 80% this week and put that time and energy into Steemit. I've already found so many others passionate about growing food, abundance for all, and creating a peaceful world.

I'm excited to keep learning and riding this journey together.

Make it an awesome day and don't forget to take a breather and get out into nature. It's the best recharge!

Follow me @foodisfree and I'm looking forward to riding the waves with y'all!

Onward and upward,



Welcome to

Welcome to family :)

Im really happy that you have found this community and you happy to be here as well. I hope that you keepvon making meaning suggestions just as in this post of yours and we will follow. Thanks for inspiring us.

It's great to connect with others around the world! Just followed ya.

I really hope to learn a lot from you too

Wellcome to

Welcome to Steemit @foodisfree :)

Welcome Bot Banner

Make sure to participate in this weeks giveaway to get known in the community!

Here are some helpful tips to get you started:

My oh My it is so wonderful to see your smiling face here, Steemit needs you, and all you have to offer and share, and you're right, the amount of folks here who share interests in growing and giving away food, homesteading etc is mind blowing. The future is here in full bloom <3 <3 <3 <3 Big Love !!

The future is here! I love that! Here's to all we are yet to co-create. The best is yet to come. :)

Yes, and you're going to spread the idea of #FoodIsFree even more viral now! YAY to that!!

Any thank you for shining a light on many much need topics. Truth, freedom, unity and abundance aren't so far fetched these days. :)

I can see the light at the end of this dark tunnel, I really can...

Yes! I can honestly say that Steemit has given me such an excitement this past week. I am dreaming and imagining of the ways we can connect through this platform. Our imagination is the limit and I too can see the light!

Agreed! Just focus on making connections, posting content that speaks to you, commenting on content that speaks to you and I believe rewards will just happen. Life's not all about the "rewards" anyways. Cheers!

Indeed! Funny how when we focus on lifting others up and making the world a better place, everything else falls into place. All the best!

YAY! I'm excited to see you here. Food is indeed free -- as it should be. I'm sure we will have much to share with each other and with Steemit. Upvoting and following you @foodisfree!!

It's a joy to be connected with like minds and hearts. Here's to all that's yet to unfold and blossom!

YES!!!!! May we be blessed by the experience of it together! <3

And so it is!

I just recommended your page to a friend of mine he's an environmental engineer, he really enjoyed your content. :D

Awesome! Thank you for sharing the vision. Stay in touch!

Well done! Happy to be part of your tribe ;)

Thank you, likewise!

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