Want To Be A Steemillionaire? Here Are The Crucial Things To Do For Newbies on Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

How To Become a Steemillionaire

I have only been on Steemit for less than a week and have already made over $30,000. But, as I pointed out in my last article, the great majority of that success on Steemit has come from decades of work and being a well known writer (who knows how to write things that people will want to read) and a large worldwide following.

I've since seen thousands of people joining Steemit after hearing my story with the expectation that they'll make a fortune from just one post... and then I've seen dozens of people posting that they didn't make anything and are disillusioned.

I've asked a few of them to send me their post... and when I see their post I immediately see why it received no traction.

For that reason, I am writing a list of tips I have learned in my short time on the site to improve your post earnings. And many of these are tips that I have learned over 20 years in the internet publishing industry:


I recently spoke to a whale whisperer. A whale is someone with a lot of Steem Power (a person who can make your post go from a dark alley to the shining lights on Broadway). I call him a "whisperer" because he is not a whale but is what they call a "curator" and he directly communicates with many whales trying to let them know which post deserves their attention.

He told me that a post with no images will likely get passed over unless it is written by Kanye West, himself. You know, Yeezy... he's the best... or so he always says.

Steemit is still in beta and so functionality is still fairly lacking, although they seem to improve it daily. There isn't even a "preview" option before putting up your post. So you should spend some time researching how to use the "Submit a Story" feature.

I've personally had numerous problems figuring out how to post images properly. But, I think I've got a short term solution until functionality improves.

Images are NOT uploaded directly onto the blockchain (probably to conserve space), so you need to upload your image somewhere else first.

For now I've been uploading images to https://postimg.org. Once uploaded, copy the text in the "Hotlink for Website" field and paste it into your post (if anyone has a link to a better image tutorial please place in comments below).

[EDIT: @cryptoctopus a Steem veteran says Steemimg.com is the best place]

Take time to figure out how to nicely add images to your post and choose images that add to the story, not just for decoration. And, even better, create your own custom images that directly relate to your article.

If you have no images in your post, don't expect it to do well.


One person complained that their post got $0 and I asked to see the post. It was one big long paragraph of scrawling text that went on for pages like it was the Dead Sea Scrolls or something. It didn't even have a paragraph break! I almost had a seizure looking at it!

Posting something like that to Steemit and complaining nobody liked it is like going to an art museum and throwing a box of crayons on the floor and then being upset that no one (except super avante garde people who will think it is genius) liked it.

Notice how my post is quite easy to read? Notice how the paragraphs aren't massive and won't scare you from even wanting to read it?

Ya, do that.


Many people come to Steemit and don't know anyone here. They haven't been on the site for a period of time and have cultivated a following or even posted good comments to other's articles to gain exposure.

And then they post and no one sees it and they get sad.

This, again, is like deciding you want to unveil your new sculpture, walking out into the desert and unveiling it and being shocked no one saw it.

Just like anything, you have to cultivate a following.

And the best way to do that is to use your other social media to tell all your friends, family and followers that you are now on Steemit and ask them to come over and join you and upvote your posts.

And, if you are already on Facebook, and only have 50 friends, and when you post on Facebook you get 2 likes, why would you think it'd be any different here?


If you write a post entitled, "I Painted My Fence This Weekend" and it, literally, just tells of how you painted your fence this weekend...... why would you expect anyone to care?

Now, if you were painting your fence and you nearly electrocuted yourself and you realized life is precious and it changed you... there you go!

Nearly everyone has some interesting stories. And, if you don't, you should really get out there in the world and do something interesting. Really.

Girls won't even like you if you have never done anything but get a high score once on Halo 5.


I began writing The Dollar Vigilante in 2010. My first blog post was seen by NO ONE. The next few were basically the same. But after a few weeks of writing daily it began to slowly grow. I remember saying once, in late 2010, to my wife, "Wow, 15 people subscribed to my blog today!"

Now, after six years of writing EVERY DAY, hundreds of thousands see each blog. And now, those 15 people per day who signed up to my free blog are 15+ per day who sign up to our paid service.

It was a slog for years but I knew I had something important to say and I knew eventually people would catch on.

It did and now The Dollar Vigilante is the fastest growing financial newsletter in the world and, when I come on Steemit, I get instant traction.


If you've never written so much as a blog post and don't have the aptitude for it then you probably will never make a lot of money on Steemit. You may make money in other ways, by upvoting good posts as a curator. Or making good, added value comments on other people's posts.

However, that still should not keep you off of Steemit.

Steemit has the potential to absolutely revolutionize social media. I will be making a future post about all its potential.

But, let's just say that of all the people I have introduced to Steemit so far, the most common comment is, "I don't see any reason to even go on Facebook anymore."

And we are still VERY early. Hardly anyone even knows about it yet... but they will!

Once people on Facebook and Twitter find out they can do the exact same thing they are doing there AND make money doing it (as opposed to FB and Twitter making all the revenue from their following), EVERYONE will be here.

I give it 6 months before this place is massive. I even think at some point Facebook will have to adapt and pay users for popular posts or die.

And you can be here before 99.9999% of others, already understand how it works and already be doing all the right things to increase your Steem and Steem Power so when the site gets really big you will profit even more.

And, not to mention, Steemit is virtually censorship proof. That's why we've seen so many liberty activists move here already. They've been shut down on Twitter (Milo Yiannopolous), on Facebook (@lukewearechange) and Google Ads has made it so places like antiwar.com cannot generate revenue from their large following.

At the very least, you can say, 1-2 years from now, when Steemit is bigger than Facebook and Twitter, "I was one of the first there."


If you follow the simple tips above you should generate some good income from your work over time.

And, if you REALLY want to improve your chances, spend time researching every facet of how Steemit works. I've been doing it for days and it is incredibly interesting... but you'll have to spend a lot of time and effort to do so.

Nothing in life comes easy. Barry Bonds didn't just do a gargantuan amount of steroids one day and all of a sudden he was knocking balls out of the park while people threw money at him. He spent days, weeks, months and years of working on it... and doing a gargantuan amount of steroids.

Steemit has given us all a gift. It has created a platform whereby, if we work hard and hone our skills, we can make money from our efforts here.

But if you post a 3 page article with no paragraphs and no pictures about how you painted your fence and told none of your friends about it and didn't promote it on your other social media platforms and you got $0... you now know what to do.

At least put up a picture of the fence!



Started from the bottom, now we here (with 21 followers! Woop woop!) I'm in the for the long haul, my Mexi-Canadian friend. Whether I make a bajillion Steembucks or not, this site has given me incentive to do to things:

  1. WRITE MORE! When I was young, in my pre-high school era, I would write all the time. In fact, I would usually write instead of doing my homework (unless my homework was writing.) It wasn't the best, but it was good for my age, and I even had teachers who wanted to help me refine my talent. Unfortunately, shit happened after that, and it just dragged me into an abyss of being the child of a single, mentally ill mother in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, Maine, and I lost that drive to keep putting pen to paper.

Here with Steemit, though, I have an avenue to get that practice in, and potentially reach the levels that I had for so long thought were now impossible to reach.

  1. Help spread the message of voluntaryism, and help other voluntaryists here do the same! I'm telling you, this place is going to make Facebook obsolete for us - at least as anything more than a place for us to promote our Steemit articles.

So whether I strike it immediately rich, or if I must endure that long haul, I'm in it to win it, baby!

@seanobi now you have 22 followers and an extra upvote! I like your attitude and what you have to say.
i do think anarchy and voluntaryist are dead end philopshies. But as I say so frequently I may not like what you say, but I'll listen to what you have to say and point out where I think you're right and where I think you're wrong. Only thing I ask is that you return the favor.

I feel the same way. Facebook doesn't exactly let me write freely. I'd rather have an unregulated huge market than only my friends judging what I write. I am loving steemit.

Wow, thanks for all the support, folks! I totally stand by my statement. Whether Steemit makes me a millionaire or just leaves me as another frustrated comedy writer, I'd rather work hard at it and see where it takes me instead of giving up.

I've spent a lot of time on this platform the last 3+ months, put a lot of effort in, and just got to know a few of the regulars. I'm not a professional writer, nor have I been writing for an audience for very long, but Steemit is making me better at it. I'm starting to notice that the time and effort is paying off, and it's nice. Real nice.

You're right, we're all early adopters here. There's so much room for growth, and we get to build our reputations and following now before the masses arrive!

Now, brb — going to electrocute myself so that I can make a post about it.

Electrocution sounds awesome! Be sure to post a video of it, or at least have enough pictures to really capture the scene and the pain. And don't forget to add a few links in the story, maybe even encourage your followers to follow other Steemit contributors (like me?).

follow me and upvote my posts... I will do that for you as well, we can help build a network for each other...

this is the truth right here for me

HELLO! I just joined today. I think if you write about things that are important to YOU, others will find it useful. Don't write things to make money, write to help the community. Good luck!

Great article! Just to let you know -> Steemimg.com is where it's at to upload pictures! :-)

I've been using this one since it's super fast and simple.... and the first to pop up on a quick google search.
Works every time.


I use this one but it turns my photos to the side for some reason...

I use https://imgsafe.org myself. I usually edit my photos using Microsoft Office Picture Manager BEFORE uploading it. Try this. It works for me all the time.

Thanks to @cryptoctopus, I am also in https://www.steemimg.com. I am currently exploring. I see a great future for STEEM.

Also something really helpful are the different tags you can put around images and text. This has been covered in other posts, but searching for them is not the easiest way to find content.

Some of the important tags are as follows (this will be familiar to those who use html, but easy to use for those who don't)

There are multiple ways to format your text. I'll use the raw html feature (click editor in submit a story, type a letter and then click raw html)

The following tags are helpful
all tags use the <tagname'> text or image url </tagname'> format (without 'S)
<h1'> tags is the makes a title text larger and can be followed by h2 etc all the way down to h6

I'm an H1

<center'> tags can beused to center tex or pictures and used along with other tags

I'm a center H4

<blockquote'> text </blockquote'>

This is a quote

And the little // designs in the square at the bottom right of a textbox (comment or posts, lets you click and drag to make the textbox larger).

There's more, but for the new people flocking to see @dollarvigilante post, hopefully this is helpful (and to html coders this should already make sense) I'm @bendjmiller222 on steemit chat if I can help anyone else more :)

Thanks again for the tips @dollarvigilante. I listen to your podcasts as soon as they come out!

Great tips!

But it would be great if Steemit made some more userfreindly WYSIWYG editor tools. After all - its a blog where we share our thoughts or talents - and should be able to do so without having to remember html code :-)

Try tinypic.com. It's the only one that seems to work every time.

There's probably a bug in the editor as well, when trying to integrate the image in the post. It's not always the site's fault. But hey, we didn't even have an editor like 1-2 months ago, so, I guess it'll be fixed at some point. The site is still beta anyway.

Thanks for sharing @dollarvigilante

Yup awesome place for images, great tool use it instead.

I would recommend IPFS pics - https://ipfs.pics - IPFS is a permanent decentralized file hosting protocol in the same spirit of Steemit and decentralized cryptocurrencies (more info: http://ipfs.io ). IPFS cannot censor/modify/delete your image - the image is permanently stored on the web. The URL you get for image you upload corresponds to a cryptographic checksum of the image file, so it's cryptographically verifiable that the image you uploaded is also shown to the viewers of your post. Normal image hosting services could censor, delete or modify your image, or just go offline or out of business. With IPFS this just cannot happen. :) It is as exiciting as SteemIt :D

Do the images stay at steemimg.com forever?

That's the one I use - far surpasses the other sites.

Another great site to upload your photos------> https://postimage.org/

Hi dollarvigilante, today I am really disappointed, I am from Mexico and I think I am one of the few people on Steemit from Mexico and the only one that is trying to contribute on the growth of this platform, couple of hours ago I shared my story on how I started using my Uber to promote this wonderful platform, now I am looking at your recommendations and I think I followed all of them, and personally I don't care about the money I just thought my big effort to promote the platform would be apprecieted and that I would have gotten at least some comments :(
This is my post: https://steemit.com/steemit/@oumar/first-uber-spreading-the-word-about-steemit

Why nobody valued what I thought was an incredible contribution to the platform? :(

Why nobody valued what I thought was an incredible contribution to the platform?

Mostly because we didn't see it. If you want to earn on this platform and you aren't a celebrity with a following, you need to get out there and tell people about yourself. Get on steemit.chat and network. Reach out to the more successful bloggers and see if you can get them to mention you. Get your existing network to join and vote up your stuff. There are some people doing daily "Best of Steemit" posts which feature new personalities and content; try to get listed in one or more of those.

Getting out and doing promotional work is great, and writing good quality posts is great too. But neither of those will get you rewards if no one knows about it. TDV is great at self-promotion, and while self-promotion can become annoying and turn people off if it is excessive and if there isn't substance behind it, in the right quantity it is an essential part of being successful at almost anything.

EDIT: and positivity as other stated. Can't emphasize that enough.

I appreciate this message, @smooth.

I'm the "20 questions" interview guy (my blog); you've up-voted a few of my past interviews.

Last week, I sent you a message, letting you know I had released a new interview. After sending it, I sat and thought about it, and five minutes later I deleted that message to you. My thought was: I don't want to be that individual who begs for up-votes from high-earners. On the other side of the coin, the real reason I was sending you the message is because I genuinely thought you might want to know that this article was posted, as you seemed to have enjoyed a couple of them in the past. The other benefit of your up-votes is that more people tend to see my content... which, to be honest, is also incredibly rewarding.

It's nice to see your advice is to self-promote without being annoying.

Edit: By the way... I've got an exciting 20 questions coming out tomorrow morning. Just sayin...

Thanks a lot for all this recommendations @smooth, I really really appreciate it, and I hope I can get people to know about myself. Again thanks a lot for this tips and for your upvote!

Hey Oumar, I am from Mexico too and Guess what? I am new to this platform too. Today is my first day and I am not even expecting you to replay to my comment, however let me tell you that Jeff has been active for years now and his work is now being rewarded. I invite you to keep working without expecting anything and you will see that the rewards will come by themselves. I just start today and will stop when I fucking die.

Hi! glad to meet you, why wouldn't I reply to your comment hehe, I do know Jeff has been working for years and as he said keep working without expecting anything but also as I said I didn't care about the money just wanted people to notice I am contributing to Steemit here in Mexico :D Saludos!

I'll try to go Jeff! There is still time to plan ;)

This is how you could have expressed the same information, just with a different mindset:

Hi @dollarvigilante, today I made a post where I tried to apply all your recommendations:
Let's see how it works!

This was a perfect chance to promote your post and you just blew it.

Anyway, your post is quite good and the idea of promoting Steem in your Uber car is brillant. So don't give up. If you want to follow all of @dollarvigilante 's recommendations, stick to this one as well:


you are right :( , I appreciate you upvoted my post inspite this. And yes, I'll be consistent, I'll continue with my effort on promoting Steemit on Mexico!

@innuendo is right @oumar, post with positivity, not negativity... it works wonders. I did check out your post though and it is really cool what you did! Upvoted!

Sure Jeff, I'll try to keep myself positive! Thanks a lot for your upvote! :D

I upvoted as well because it's a good post and because I want to encourage positivity over negativity. I also like the idea of someone trying to develop a steemit community in another country. Good luck!

Many post's get rewarded after a couple of days! You never know when a post of you will catch up!

follow me and upvote my posts... I will do that for you as well, we can help build a network for each other...

I find people are ignoring the potential rewards of commenting on submissions they like. If you are not a great writer, get out there and interact with the community. You will be surprised at the success you will have.

Edit. I'm giving away another $50 Steam card. There's a couple hours left. You don't need to upvote. It's just for fun. Follow the linky my fellow minnows: https://steemit.com/steemit/@cryptobarry/i-am-giving-away-another-usd50-cdn-steam-card-on-steemit-pick-a-number-from-1-1000

Hi Barry, great advice, but i dont think that only commenting or interacting will buy you anything.
I am a newbie here on Steemit, but i dont think that a bad writer can make a lot through comments

This is what i learned in 30 days of Steemit.

1.) Timing (be the first , you will maybe get a great reward, yeah so maybe you will be lucky)
2.) Where are you posting (Location, Location, Location, same for postings. Only if you post where a whale comes in and votes, or 200 dolpines going to vote you, you are really making money on a comment, so on 90% of the posts you wont earn 0 on comments)
3.) Right words ( if 1 and 2 were not difficult enough, you have to find the right tone and wording to please a whale with your comment)

So my theorie is that, you have to be a very good writer to hit a home-run comment. if not you might be able to get 5-20$ once in a while, but that's it!

my 2 cents !

Don't forget guys that from curating you get MUCH more rewards if you have more Steem Power !!!

Oh you don't, go look at my wallet. The majority is from 4 comments.😛

Edit. Oh wait I got you. Yeah you might be right.

My best post was for Steemdown a tool by @ bitcoiner. He made a great tool to track whales power down and had $4 after 5 hours. I took a screen shot of his ap, added some obvious takeaways and then Linked to his post. I made a buck and he made a grand but it was pretty easy on my part. Maybe 5 minutes.

Indeed! I find the comment sections some times to be even more interesting than the original post.
But its important to find your own community of the things you like and know about, and comment on stuff that really interest you, doesn't matter if you ask questions, give compliments or just have a debate about a matter. As long as its relevant contribution to the blogpost, its all good!

Also don't get discouraged after not receiving many votes and trying for a week, it will come in time. The community is growing all the time and making connections is as important now as it will always be.

follow me and upvote my posts... I will do that for you as well, we can help build a network for each other...

You shouldn't see it as just a random group of people following random accounts just to vote because you are part of it. That's not the right way to think about this platform, in my opinion.

Just connect with the people/tags you are interested in yourself and it will all come naturally over time. More people are joining every day, you are sure to make connections that you can relate with instead of just random groups blindly giving their votes to their own group of authors.

I hope you understand my viewpoint. I don't like voting on something just cause all others are voting on it because of a reason other than the content quality.

Exactly learned that from the Steemit queen @stellabelle

I fucking love all your success here good job brother you truly deserve it disregard the damn haters. You built your self to become a crypto God!!!! Wish I was a crypto God maybe some day. Out of the ashes a Steemit Phoenix arises!

follow me and upvote my posts... I will do that for you as well, we can help build a network for each other...

I have made far more commenting that posting. ( but actually he most from voting and from the steady increase of Steem power. ) Even so it's fun to be in he community, shape how it grows by making suggestions and rooting it in when they get someone like dollar vigilante. I would probably posts more if I hadn't used my real name to sign up (keep that in mind newbies)

Denny I have made an amazing business online using one thing, my personal brand. I promise that I will be sharing all of my marketing and social media secrets here on Steemit to help the community flourish. Don´t be afraid to let your personal brand shine. I bet you have plenty of value to add to the community.

I do agree Rome wasn't build in one day, so yes people can learn great skills of mixing with others, and communicating., networking, spreading happiness and knowledge :)

I try to comment when I can. I think people also have to be more willing to follow others, because it's a little hard to filter through all of the new posts, especially with a quickly growing community. If you find someone you like, follow them!

On that note - follow me! I have some exciting plans with the platform. Check out my latest post and help make a difference in lots of lives.

follow me and upvote my posts... I will do that for you as well, we can help build a network for each other...

You got it.

follow me and upvote my posts... I will do that for you as well, we can help build a network for each other...

Very few comments ever make anything and if they do they do it is such a small amount the reward vanishes at payout.

Totally agreed.

@dollarvigilante you can put your money where your mouth is by becoming a supporter to this campaign. At least give something back to the community... aren't 30,000$ enought to make you support this campaign?

I've tweeted directly to you and other "celebrities" and still no feedback from any. It's funny when it's all fun when you're receiving, but about giving?

Tweet: https://twitter.com/BrunoPro79/status/763165520514445312

Post: https://steemit.com/steemit/@brunopro/steemit-thunderclap-campaign-now-at-74-of-goal-only-more-25-supporters-to-make-it-go-live`

Thunderclap campaign: http://thndr.me/TNV7ld

BrunoPro79 Bruno tweeted @ 10 Aug 2016 - 00:10 UTC

The #steemit ThunderClap's Campaign needs you @DollarVigilante - Please read more here: goo.gl/3PxJ6z https://t.co/fuoeDWpJSj

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Hi there @dollarvigilante! Very concise write-up on the things that is within one's control :)

To augment this article, I'm gonna throw in this link (an old post of mine) for creative writing: https://steemit.com/writing/@kevinwong/my-grandfather-s-guidelines-for-creative-writing

Hope you enjoy it as well!

??? I lost you on this one Kevin .

I want to be a steemillionaire , upvote to the moon lol :)

I agree with all your steps, but I think you forgot an important factor. You probably saw that most of the posters on here got near to 0$ with their first posts. Once they posted a decent amount of posts on a certain schedule they start to get noticed by the whales, dolphins and minions.

I'd personally give people the advice to post daily if possible. Take care! Don't forget:
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Excellent point! I should almost edit and add it... hmmm maybe I will, check in a few minutes, thanks!

Awesome! :) Maybe also add that most users who have a lot of SP, have a lot of SP for a reason. They have been here longer than you and know how the site works. So if you keep being consistent, it doesn't take them many clicks if they run into one of your posts, to check that on your account you have been trying for a long time.

follow me and upvote my posts... I will do that for you as well, we can help build a network for each other...

The massive advantage on here is just that you'll be rewarded for the content directly, not the site operator monopolistic structure.

follow me and upvote my posts... I will do that for you as well, we can help build a network for each other...

We can only hope to someday :(

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