Sorry again. We need a better RESTEEM - 又对不起了.我们需要个更好的RESTEEM (by @ace108)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Good morning from Singapore. Sorry I accidentally RESTEEM twice this morning. One of them is a good trip to Vegas which I don't quite mind the mistake but this has push my own post down my followers feed by 2. I had gripe post about RESTEEM before here: Sorry...but you have been warned
I have to stop my habit of looking at the feed and checking the post to upvote on my phone in bed when I wake up.
早上好。新加坡醒来了。再次对不起大家,我早上有不小心RESTEEM两次。其中之一也不大介意分享了别人拉斯维加斯之旅的一帖。铸成了我自己的帖在你FEED里掉了两位。之前也对RESTEEM功能发了一番牢骚在这帖: 对不起...但是你已经被警告了

Seriously, I think we need better RESTEEM. Here is 2 ways I think we can make it better: 1. Allow UNDO Any modern software allows people to UNDO. From common Microsoft Office, Google Apps and many apps that allow you save your work. Even on Andriod and iOS apps that allows you to edit you photos. 2. Give more sense to RESTEEM No, I'm not saying prompting are you sure you really want to RESTEEM but I think we can learn from how facebook and tweeter does it.
实际上,我认为RESTEEM有待改善。下面是两种我认为可做的更好的方: 1.允许UNDIO 任何现代软件可以让人们撤消或解除。从普通的Microsoft Office,谷歌Apps的更多。即使在安卓和iOS的 APPS 用于编辑您的照片都有这功能。 2.给RESTEEM功能一点三思和加入自己评语。 不,我不是说提示问你是否真的要RESTEEM但我认为我们可以向Facebook和Tweeter学习。微博也应有这概念吧。


Please and I would have say pretty please with a cherry on top but I only have blueberry on top.:-)

Please can we have an improved RESTEEM function.


#steemit #funny #singapore #cn #steemsquad

Note: All photos were taken by me using a mobile phone.

Here are my recent post:

Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108

If you enjoy this post, please vote and share any feedback you may have.
Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.


good points.

The one i think would be tough is the "Undo". Good idea but if i vote on a resteem and i'm making 0.001sd then the repost is "Undone" what happens to my rewards and my power? I want the rewards right.

BUT i do think the Authors should have the option to "Opt Out" of reposting. Reposting your own stuff is one thing you can control but other re posting your post can be a pain and cost the author rewards.

I understand that it won't make a difference if your still waking up though and haven't had your coffee. :p Steemit is my morning ritual too.

Yes, yes. agree with you too.

I just fell victim to this as well. We really need a way to undo a resteem/reblog action :(

Hands up again from me too.

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