Steemhunt - 5 Fun Ways to Consistently Earn HUNT Tokens

in #steemhunt6 years ago

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Hello again, friend. Ken @kenmelendez here with a smokin' hot walk through video for you today.

If we haven't met yet, I'd love to get to know you down below in the comments. Feel free to leave any feedback from today's post there as well.

Have you heard about @steemhunt? Steemhunt is a Steem-based application that rewards it's users for engagement and interaction in regards to cool products found online. You can use SteemConnect to integrate your Steem account into the Steemhunt interface.

Right now they are airdropping HUNT tokens as the reward for spending time on their site and taking small actions that can add up to substantial earnings.

What you're about to learn is 5 fun ways to consistently earn HUNT tokens outside of actually submitting a Hunt post. There are times when users simply want to earn without posting a product to their Steemit blog (which is another way to earn HUNT tokens if you want to do it that way as well).

HUNT tokens, at the time I am publishing this post, do not hold any monetary value. But, they are expected to hold value once the ERC-20 token is materialized and also the SMT (smart media token) which is due out next March of 2019. The amount of value will largely be determined by the future supply and demand of the token.

I do realize there are more ways to earn in addition to the 5 methods you are about to see listed, but these are the ones that I am using and find the most effective.

Earn HUNT via Upvoting Hunts (minute 1:30 in video)

Once you are inside of Steemhunt and you have integrated your Steemit account via SteemConnect, then you are ready to rock and roll. The simplest way to earn HUNT tokens is by upvoting other's hunts listed on the website.

To do this, simply navigate to another user's post and click the "upvote" button which is currently located on the far right side of the page as you are scrolling down. Another location is at the bottom of a hunt's expanded post which shows on the left side of the screen.

Earn HUNT via the Shuffle Lottery (minute 2:35 in video)

The shuffle lottery button is located directly next to the word "today" on the right side of the page underneath the most recent posts widget area. Shuffle lottery allows you to earn a random amount of HUNT tokens while the site shuffles the hunts for you to view.

The shuffle lottery is extremely fun because you can come back to it every 6 hours and earn more tokens as well as discover really neat products that may catch your eye.

Earn HUNT via the Chrome Extension (minute 3:21 in video)

The @steemhunt Chrome browser extension allows hunters to view an assortment of products that are categorized by the day of the week. For instance, if you want to view some of products listed on Steemhunt from Monday and today is Thursday, then you can scroll down the page until you see the posts from Monday.

Once the extension is installed into your Chrome browser, every time you open a new tab it will automatically take you to that unique Steemhunt page where you can also navigate to the main Steemhunt site. Be sure to enter in your Steemit username in the top right corner to receive your HUNT tokens. Tokens can be earned every 24 hours by opening a new tab with the extension activated.

To install the Steemhunt Chrome extension, go here to visit the Chrome web store.

Random Hunt Tip: GIF vs. Single Image

When you use a moving image in your hunt posts, aka a GIF, it is more likely to attract views to it as opposed to using a still image. Using a GIF has the potential of pulling in other users' attention and ranking your hunt higher on the site.

Earn HUNT via Steem Power Delegation (minute 5:05 in video)

Steem Power delegation is a powerful feature of the Steem blockchain that makes Steem so unique and intriguing. You, as a Steem Power holder, have the opportunity to loan, or delegate, a portion of your Steem Power to another account.

Steemhunt will then reward you in HUNT tokens proportionate to the amount you delegate. HUNT is paid to your Steemhunt wallet on a weekly basis. One of the ways you can delegate to @steemhunt is by using a site called and navigating to the delegation manager under the tools menu. I show you in the video exactly how to do it at minute 5:05.

Earn HUNT via Promotion (minute 6:47 in video)

The last fun way to earn HUNT that I will touch upon here, is to earn via promoting Steemhunt. You see, Steemhunt is extremely community-driven and they appreciate it when users take the time to create posts on Steem that promote their application.

I've earned the MOST HUNT tokens by creating @dtube videos and then adding text (like the text you're reading right now), underneath of the video. Perhaps you don't create videos but you like using images and text, that's great too. The important thing is to be creative and to take your time making a strong post that will inspire others to action.

Steemhunt is happy to reward people who are happy and passionate about their project. The more users who spread the word the better.

One more thing before I let you go, friend...

Steemhunt just recently announced that they are on-boarding new users through their website. That means new users will no longer need to wait a week or two for Steemit to activate their accounts and they can start using them immediately. Right now they are testing the feature but it sure looks promising. To see the original post on that feel free to go here.

As you can see, there is so much happening on the Steemhunt front that it's hard to contain it all in one post. That is one reason I create multiple posts to showcase the hard work their team puts into project development.

Please leave any and all comments / questions down below as I read each and every one of them. If you gained value from this post I encourage you to kindly drop an upvote.

Peace out Steem homie.

Never quit and always believe




P.S. It doesn't matter whether the glass is half empty or half full... It's refillable.

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The shuffle button is every 4 hours I think. I've heard people say 6 but I've done it multiple times under 6 hours.

Nice @cowboysblog! Get as many tokens as you can.

I love all your videos, although I do not understand much about steem hut!

Appreciate your kind words, @saracampero. I recommend using Steemhunt to help you understand how it works. Have you gone to and logged in with SteemConnect?

I don't know much about steem hunt but thanks to your post, that I can earn token while hunting products

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