The Old Dog Presents: Our 5th Steemcard! Cooking up a Storm From The Get-go......@gringalicious

in #steemcard7 years ago

This Steemit Star Causes Pavlovian Reactions at The Sight of Her Name! 

Let's conduct an experiment.


There, if you follow her blog just seeing the moniker throws your salivary glands into action! Right? Don't worry, that's a normal reaction which has a sound basis in Ivan Pavlov's experiments! 

Just check out her blog. With every article she serves up style, grace, expert staging, superb photography, and dishes that will have you craving whatever it is that she's cooking up! All of this is seasoned to taste with just the right amount of kindness and humor!

Way to Go @gringalicious Here's Your Steemcard!

You're looking good @gringalicious and kudos to @airmatti for another graphics job well done. Please support @airmatti as he continues on this steemgigs project!

Let's Zoom in. This Steemit Star Needs Our Close Examination! 

Food blogging is a huge part of this personable Steemer and we're all the better for it!

Just check Out Her Accomplishments! Pretty Impressive Aren't They?

Follow @gringalicious, learn from her and head for Steemit Stardom too!

Here is The Full Text as it Appears On The Card

Joined: August 2016   

Country: Idaho USA   

Recipe for a Steemit Star: Take one PYT, add equal parts of adventure, photography skills, a love and understanding of the culinary arts, a wit sharper than any knife known to man, a million SBD smile and mix them together carefully.    

Now blend in persistence, a passion for blogging, an artistic flair and a sense of community. Let this simmer for 18 months then bring to a rolling boil. We present @gringalicious an amazing Steemer and most probably its most eligible bachelorette!     

Reputation: 73.6 good for 31st place in the rankings! Wowzers!   

Followers: With over 5,100 what are YOU waiting for?   

Posts: On the sweet side of 19,000 which is about 35 per day and good for 24th spot! Outstanding!   

Random fact: This zealous Steemian has taught 9 family members how to Steem. You’re amazing @gringalicious and a true Steemit Star!    

How Did @gringalicious do it? 

Her advice: “Be consistent and persistent, it takes both to succeed"   

Here Are Direct Links to The Previous Cards! 

1.) @papa-pepper

2.) @meesterboom

3.) @exyle

4.) @roelandp

A Special Mention Goes to the Following Members!

  • @airmatti for his awesome design. I have sent him 20 Steem as part of this ongoing @steemgigs
  • @steemitadventure and @fishmon  who are also producing trading cards in a completely  different style! Please check them out and support them too!

Who Will Receive The Next Steemit Trading Card?

Our next card will take the International Flavour of Steemit to a whole new level! 

What do You think?

  • Who would you recommend as deserving of a Steemit Trading Card?
  • Once we have a small stack would you like to have a physical copy?

I hope that you enjoyed this presentation of "Our 5th Steemcard! Cooking up a Storm From The Get-go......@gringalicious!"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)


Hello from London, England on my way to Steemfest! @kus-knee, thank you so much for taking the time and effort to include me in one of your brilliant cards! I was so flattered when you asked and I couldn't be happier with the final card. I really have an appreciation for what you do and it's just amazing to be part of it. Thank you, again and keep it up. Your previous cards are every bit as good!

Hey @gringalicious I was waiting for you. I feel closer to you than ever because we're almost on the same continent and tomorrow we will be! Have a fantastic vacation and I look forward to reading all about it!

100% upvote on your comment and now take your proper place at the top! This is your post!


You were my vote and I am so happy to see you on this card!!!

You are amazing and I respect and enjoy your work immensely!

Cheers! Well deserved indeed!

Super stoked to share with you at SteemFest!

I really like these cards and what a great choice in deed, she sure deserves the spotlight!

Thanks for another excellent article, I already look forward to the next star!

Namaste :)

Thanks so much for having a look. It's a lot of fun highlighting these great Steemians and most of them are being coupled with an interview by @terrybrock. Amazing

Then, it means you two and the Card Stars are becoming "The Real Steem Team"!?! Good for you, good for us all! Congratulations to you all and thanks again for your awesome work among us.

Namaste :)

Another great card!!! Gringalicious is a true Steemit star and I love her blog!!! ^_^

Great to read that you approve. The two of you are doing great things as well! Team work will carry us through!

Wow this is so impressive she is really a Star.

Yes she's done really well and we can follow the same "recipe" for success!

great one @kus-knee, i haven't come a cross with @gringalicious blog before immediately started to follow him.
Thank you @kus-knee

Yes, she's great and I'm glad that you're following her.

Sono d'accordissimo!!!! E' bravissima

Yes indeed. She hasn't even seen it yet so I presume that she's on her way to Steemfest!

Awesome and another well-deserved card!

Yes she really was a deserving subject!

Very nice new card again.. Now it is getting difficult to trade.. I want this one but in mint condition.. So I want to trade it with @meesterboom in normal condition ;-)

Thanks so much. Yes the trading could be fun!

Your honest feedback is appreciated.. I launched this today. What do you think about the idea?

Thx, I think we have a trading community soon.. I hope you would check my daughters steemfest contribution

Again a nice card, this woman @gringalicious deserves the card for sure. She will look perfect on all pics/cards.

You're right, she really does deserve it!

I agree that @ gringalicius has something to learn, we must follow it. Everything takes time.

We can learn a lot from her. No doubt about it!

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