The Journey of Re-defining My Self-Worth from Depths of Hell

in #steembasicincome6 years ago (edited)

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As the saying goes, any trips seem shorter with good company. Apparently the opposite applied to me recently. Really, days of trip could feel like years if you end up with a bad company. This is my story.

6 months ago, I've agreed to travel to Lisbon, Portugal with my friends, whom I've never travelled before. Even though we're not really close, I chose to join because it's my first trip to the land of Europe. I see this as an opportunity.

I've agreed, paid for the flight ticket and accommodation which cost all of my savings, RM5000 (1000€). I've even cooked most of my meals to save as much as possible for the trip. I was looking forward to it.

The day came, I remember it's 21st December 2017, it's winter in Lisbon. I have a weak body since born, cold is never once my friend. I am built for warm countries. But I want to touch snow because we don't see snow in Malaysia. I like snow but I can't stand cold. What an irony...

I landed on the land of Lisbon, a city of art, achitecture and 500 years of history. My first few days were good. We lived in a serviced apartment near the downtown area, only 5 minutes walk to all restaurants and sightseeing places. It was around Praça do Comércio area.

My nightmare creeps in on the 5th day when teases became minor bullying. I was the center of tease, where everyone commented and made fun of my movements, reactions and opinions. I was wearing a green knitted sweater with a black skirt, and they teased I look like Velma. Yes, I'm wearing glasses with short bobbed hair

Image from Wikipedia

When we laughed out loud, instinctly I was doing this gesture, hitting my palm rapidly while laughing. I used this to express my pure excitement.

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Yet, they made it look very obscene and keep repeating that whenever they were talking about me or making fun of me. My confidence tank is running out at this time.

I disregarded my own self-worth and accepted their tease, what they said about me so that I can blend in, laugh with them, as if I'm one of them. This backfired my self-confidence. I don't feel I am who I am when I'm with them. I feel unworthy and fake.

When I answered their questions or conversed with them, they always gave me a cold stare. Like my answers were not expected, then I was brushed aside. I tried very hard to blend in but I was suffocating. I want a place.

One of them, Mr. R keeps sticking to another couple which pissed me off whenever I see him clinging and becoming the third wheel. He is an attention seeker and hates being lonely. So he disregard the privacy of the couple and rammed into their space. I hated him doing that.

A bad company ruins any trips

This is the worst trip I've ever had in my entire life. I chose to keep my mouth shut so that I will not offend anyone, get laughed at and ignored. That was the time, 1 day felt as loooooooooong as 1 year.

When it became unbearable, I expressed my sufferings to my boyfriend via Duo video call. He told me,
"I believe my girlfriend, Tifa is a strong woman. You will stand up for yourself and grow from these incidents. You will go through and learn from this. I believe you can!"

His belief has ignited my energy oil. His words striked through my heart and soul. He is right,


I began crafting my "Take back myself" plan. How do I take back my strengths?

  1. Rid all negativity
  2. Raise my self-confidence
  3. Be myself

Rid all negativity

I do the "forgiveness" ritual everyday. The first person I need to forgive is myself.

I forgive myself for being weak-minded and made fun of
I forgive myself for giving up on myself and consumed by the waves of bully
I forgive myself and I will grow from this

Raise my self-confidence

I told myself,

I will grow mentally and spiritually from this hell
I am grateful that this happened because this will make me stronger, in mind and in soul
I will rule my own trip, even if I have to walk alone!

Be myself

Who cares about their opinions and teases? I do not need their approval for my self-worth. I will be myself and disregard all prejudices, gossips and perceptions. This is ME!

The transformation was almost magical.

I declined their invitations and walked my on my own. I searched for my own ways to explore the town. I detached myself from the group when I feel like it. I expressed my disagreement in conversations. I ignored all cold stares and moved on. I was free from their shackles. I became myself, the independent and strong self!

I have never seen them again after returning from the trip but their doings have made me stronger. For only that, I am grateful of them.


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Great story, though I don’t know you, I feel proud of you. I’m a strong woman myself, but came a long way as well. I hope you did like Europe and will travel again and touch the snow.

Thank you for taking your time to read @hefziba. Europe is amazing and I'll totally go there again. But the company made the trip went down to the drain.
I'll be interested to know more about how you came to be who you are today. Can we catch up on Discord? 😉

I have’t been on discord yet. But sure. You can also app me on

Ohh I'm not using

Well, it's okay. We'll keep in touch via comments :)

I just made sure I am on discord now as well!

Great! Add me on discord tifaong#4939

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Traveling alone is the best way anyway. I love wandering by myself and doing what I want without having to ask anyone else :)

Yes, I know right! The best thing of travelling alone is that you always do what you want, without a care of the world. 90% of my travels are solo travels and I fell in love with it. Solo travelling forces me to interact with the locals and spend more time with them, rather than my friends. This allows me to understand the country from the locals perspective. Where have you solo-travelled so far?

I've solo traveled in Brazil, Egypt, Israel, Germany... I think that's it so far. I'm planning another solo travel right now either to Iceland and Finland, or to Singapore and Thailand. Haven't decided yet. :) Every time I'm in a relationship and I go traveling alone they get so offended, but I have to explain that this is just who I am! I never feel more like myself than when I'm alone and traveling around.

Wow! I've been to China, Vietnam and Japan. No future plans yet.
Which country that you feel is the most challenging to travel alone?

I think they are offended because you "should" travel with your boyfriend, not alone if you're in a relationship. That's one of the bullshit rules of society. I totally disagree with this rule.

Regardless of you're in a relationship or not, if you want to travel alone because of whatever reasons, you're free to do so. It's best when your boyfriend understands you.

You are strong women @tifaong, you just need to consciously remind yourself. And yes, be yourself, be who you truly are, and don't give a damn on them. Your life is not dependent on their opinion to move one step ahead. So you no need to care about how they tease you or make fun of you or agree with your opinion. Is your life, design your own colorful life with your own path and decision. Every human in this world is unique anyway. :)

Thank you very much for encouraging me @williamsyee. Your words mean a whole world to me 💖💖

Thank you for telling me to be who I am. Yes, I am the designer of my colorful life, not anyone else! There is no one else exactly like @tifaong in this world! And there is no one else like you @williamsyee. You are one and only.

you are inspiring. I love how you included those self-talk quotes in there - that is some true courage. You are very admirable!

It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends." ~ Albus Dumbledore

Oh my, @amariespeaks, Thank you for such words. I didn't expect you'd find me inspiring 😊 😊
It wasn't easy to reveal so much of myself publicly but the motivation that if a tiny bit of my experience can help a soul, I'll do it.

I really love that quote!! I stood up to my friends who are sucking my life energy.

On a side note, I've checked out your profile and you're exactly the kind of writers I want to read more from! Looking forward to your posts, especially 20 minute a day blog!

you're welcome! I saw a bit of myself in your story - except when I faced bullying like this I almost always caved in and never stood up for myself when I was younger so it was very inspiring to hear how you did it!
And thank you for checking out my blog! I'm glad you like it :-D

If you don't mind I ask, how did prevent yourself from caving in and how did you recover?

Usually, our younger selves are more susceptible to giving up standing for ourselves. Simply because we don't know how and where to seek help. I'm extremely grateful that you're now okay and well!

thank you and I couldn't agree more with you - being young you often don't know who to ask for help or if you're even worth standing up for lol
mostly I just played dumb like I didn't know the joke was on me. At one point around 13 bullying got so bad I found an entire new group of friends -outcasts mostly lol then they helped me to see those bullies were not the entire world and there were nicer people out there.
After that I always spoke my mind and I never let any of my friends be bullied.

Wow!! That's an amazing comeback! I'm so glad you found the new group of friends who helped you get back up! It must've happened for a reason, and it's to help you.

And now, you're like the "big sis" who never lets anyone bully you and your friends, which is very admirable!! I think you don't want anyone else to go through what you did, right?

You are very strong @amariespeaks. You truly are.

exactly!! thank you my dear <3 you are very strong too :-D

Hi @tifaong, I found this thru @amariespeaks' Minnow Mondays :)

I am so glad that you turned that negative event around. I also do the same, I try to get away from people who make me feel uncomfortable. It is not nice and really rude what they did to you. I wish they become more sensitive next time.

It would also be interesting to see you post about your travel experience in Europe especially your solo walks. :)

Hi @wanderlass, thank you reading @amariespeaks's #minnowmondays post.

How did you get away from the people who makes you uncomrtable?

Well, maybe it's just "them". I'm not really close with them but apparently they tease everyone else too. And I just couldn't take it anymore. Hahaha, I wish they'll be more sensitive!

You're right. My boyfriend just told me to post my solo-travel and volunteering experiences too. It's time for me to write blogs again. Thanks for the suggestion @wanderlass! 😊

I usually avoid people. I'm not good at confronting people. So I would have done the same if that happened to me.

You have a lot of things to write about :)

Confrontations are scary to me. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings or make matters worse. So I chose to avoid.

True, I wanna write about a lot of things but I have only 1 brain, 2 hands and 24 hours. Need to prioritize :))

Same! Need to organize and manage my Steemit tasks now.

Hahaha! All the best to both of us!
Steemit is like part of life already!!

Hey there! This high quality content has been featured in the Newbie Resteem Day #MinnowMondays post for this week. :)

Check it out here and Keep Steemin'!

Thank you so, so much @amariespeaks for featuring my true story in the Newbie Resteem Day #minnowmondays post! It is such an honor! I still haven't got the chance to comment on your awesome post yet, I just woke up 😆

You have made my day! @amariespeaks!
Thank you, thank you! (I can't thank you enough.)

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