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RE: The Journey of Re-defining My Self-Worth from Depths of Hell

you are inspiring. I love how you included those self-talk quotes in there - that is some true courage. You are very admirable!

It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends." ~ Albus Dumbledore


Oh my, @amariespeaks, Thank you for such words. I didn't expect you'd find me inspiring 😊 😊
It wasn't easy to reveal so much of myself publicly but the motivation that if a tiny bit of my experience can help a soul, I'll do it.

I really love that quote!! I stood up to my friends who are sucking my life energy.

On a side note, I've checked out your profile and you're exactly the kind of writers I want to read more from! Looking forward to your posts, especially 20 minute a day blog!

you're welcome! I saw a bit of myself in your story - except when I faced bullying like this I almost always caved in and never stood up for myself when I was younger so it was very inspiring to hear how you did it!
And thank you for checking out my blog! I'm glad you like it :-D

If you don't mind I ask, how did prevent yourself from caving in and how did you recover?

Usually, our younger selves are more susceptible to giving up standing for ourselves. Simply because we don't know how and where to seek help. I'm extremely grateful that you're now okay and well!

thank you and I couldn't agree more with you - being young you often don't know who to ask for help or if you're even worth standing up for lol
mostly I just played dumb like I didn't know the joke was on me. At one point around 13 bullying got so bad I found an entire new group of friends -outcasts mostly lol then they helped me to see those bullies were not the entire world and there were nicer people out there.
After that I always spoke my mind and I never let any of my friends be bullied.

Wow!! That's an amazing comeback! I'm so glad you found the new group of friends who helped you get back up! It must've happened for a reason, and it's to help you.

And now, you're like the "big sis" who never lets anyone bully you and your friends, which is very admirable!! I think you don't want anyone else to go through what you did, right?

You are very strong @amariespeaks. You truly are.

exactly!! thank you my dear <3 you are very strong too :-D

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