Presenting The Second @bxlphabet @fitinfun @steembasicincome Giveaway Winners!

in #steembasicincome6 years ago (edited)

Steembasicincome sbi week two fitinfun.jpg

@bxlphabet and @fitinfun are giving out 10 shares of @steembasicincome in our second giveaway! It’s only day after the last one because @fitinfun has gone nuts for the concept and has STEEM burning a hole in her pocket! There’s no time like the present is what Grandma would say, so we are on this.

Lets get this show on the road!

Presenting The Second @bxlphabet @fitinfun @steembasicincome Giveaway Winners!

We have two giveaways.

First up are @Blxphabet’s choices to win:

@bxlphabet says:

I’m most thankful to:

Great friend, interesting life, wonderful and consistent upvoting support through @steemdunk

Helps noobs write better especially ESL, awesome travel photos too. Upvotes my on @steemdunk

Because he of all people will get this concept and run with it. Loyal upvoter through @steemdunk

The reason I post on steemit because he got my mom to start posting at steemit. She told me to make this choice.

What @fitinfun says about her choices:

My choices are movers and shakers on steemit and you can get this party started if you work your crowds:

Helps me curate and many others. Kept me learning here in the beginning. I still use his upvoting rules.

Always helping minnows with inspiration

Has a huge following base of active steemers who are into making money. They will like this concept if they post frequently.

Pays money for engagement, SUP coin, @Kryptonia. Hundreds of good minnows over there.

@mariannewest – I’m nudging her to try to get her to set up @steemdunk and remember to promote @steembasicincome with @freewrite posts. Writers are over there who need money.

Because he’s my baby. Just keep posting and commenting, son.

That’s it for this round of the giveaway!

sbi giveway bxl2.PNG

sbi giveway fitinfun2.PNG

So what just happened?

Each of those people got a share of @steembasicincome
@bxlphabet and @fitinfun got 11 of them!

Why is that good?

The Basic Idea of @steembasicincome

  • You send 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome and the name of another steemer.
  • both of you get an automatic upvote on all your posts if you are not a spammer.

This goes on for as long as you keep posting – that could be life if you are a dedicated steemer!!!!

Your Strategy

  • Find good steemers, with great content you support – make a list
  • Find people who post regularly – 6+ posts a week is a minimum
  • Send 1 STEEM for one to @steembasicincome in the proper format

Steembasicincome sbi transfer rules fitinfun.jpg

  • Do another transfer if you want to and have the STEEM.
  • Done!
  • Now do this whenever you have one STEEM to do it with and feel like it. Aim for two times a month.

TIP: Enter contests that award STEEM as prizes! You can be a winner. Find them here:

Contest LINKS are here. Be sure to get the most recent posts off the feeds.

Steemit Contest Compilation Win free SBD and STEEM (more than 60 contests!) compiled by @artz

Unleash your creativity 22-29/01 ! List of ongoing drawing, painting and crafts contests published by @becometheartist

@moneyinfant does these: Steemit Writing Contests

We have so many contests on steemit. If you enter some, you will win, get more upvotes and make more good steemit connections.

Enter the Pay It Forward Contest

Here is a very good ongoing contest I entered. You should enter too! In this contest you can win:

  • SBI shares
  • Upvotes
  • I got a boost payment! 2 of them! I don't know what is is, but I will find out!
  • and SBD!
  • Great new connections!
  • Nice people randomly coming to comment nice things and upvote!
    This week is just getting started so go enter it! You can find 3 people to recommend easily.

Pay It Forward Contest Entry by fitinfun
Pay It Forward Contest Entry by fitinfun.jpg

I'm doing my entry for this week right now and you should be too!

= =

... Getting back to the topic of SBI!


  • You get an upvote for life on all posts you do!!!! No tricks.
  • The other steemer will also get the same upvotes for life on their posts!

You each now have a “share” of @steembasicincome. You want lots of them!!!!

See my first giveaway post for way more details about How and Why to do @steembasicincome and our First Giveaway Details
Steembasicincome sbi why how fitinfun.jpg

See you next time for the next giveaway! If you have one STEEM do your own giveaway and get started!

This is what we are shooting for.

Steembasicincome sbi roles models fitinfun.jpg

fitinfun before and after sitting difference.jpg

Read this for my weight loss ideas. I will help you if you ask me to help.



Thank you @fitinfun, I think I may have 3 now!

Very kind of you, I'm liking the amount of contests and giveaways I see here at present, cheers!

Yes - we could all do nothing but contests and succeed here :)

Thank you so much - one can never have enough SBI LOL
Fyi we did and are giving away SBI at the freewrite house - the first 2 weeks we sponsored someone everyday and it is always part of our contests. I am in it from the very beginning :) I thought I had sponsored you way back when - but I don't remember. whenever I have steem without a goal (like giving a delegation)for it, I have been doing SBI :)

Glad that you got so much into it and I am sure appreciating the sponsorships :) Sponsored you and Caleb back today :)

Aw! Thank you so much! This is the coolest thing ever. I can't believe my luck :)

Thank very much! I love SBI!!! How can you go wrong with votes for life if you plan on being on steemit for any length of time.

I so agree! This is the best thing I have run up against recently, except your contest :)

Week 3 is LIve and waiting for your entry!

and get your Son involved...he needs to earn some free SBD!

We increased the number of winners this week so odds increase for the SBI shares.

Oh wow! I am on it now - one of the next posts and sonny boy too!

Winners will be announced tomorrow for the SBI and you should have been paid for the SBD bounty today. Love that program too!

I have it on my list to figure out and I'm thrilled with 2(?!) payments from it.

You had 2 comments on the post that I upvoted. The entry would have paid more as I give a bigger upvote for entries.

Here is a review I did of the Bounty program, might help a little

Thank you so much @fitinfun for the information, i have been using SBI for a while now and it has been fruitful.

I hope to get more shares to enjoy it better!!

I see you are working it! Good for you. Just sponsor one person when you find someone who can use the boost! You are doing better than me already!

Basically another form of a bot working for you with a onetime lifetime 1SBD payment for one follower's continual upvotes? Is there a page to see the upvotes of all entries for ourselves so we know it's being done, without having to search through each posts history of upvotes? I may be interested.

I'm not sure what you want to look at. The votes is on every post. You see it when it comes in. Maybe ask your question again.

And yes - it is a prepaid bot for you are for the other person too. At some point, you have exceeded the cost by the number of votes you get.

upvote for good idea!

This is a good strategy. Keep it going...upvoted and commented by rubelynmacion

This is nice. Thank you.

Nice, love the concept and the way of sharing @fitinfun

Thanks for initiating the contests. 😊

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