Steem Basic Income Giveaway #3 (Communities)

in #steembasicincome6 years ago (edited)


This week, I would like to focus on what our favourite communities are! Communities are important to the cohesion of Steemit, without them we would be just individual fishes in the ocean. Aimless and weak, lost and scared!

I belong to a few really great communities, a few of which I will name.

#classical-music (via @classical-music and @classical-radio)
#informationfinding (via @ifc and @apolymask)
#teamaustralia (via @teamaustralia)
#newbieresteemday (via @newbieresteemday and @newbiegames)

There are many more, but it would be too long to name them all!

So, for an entry in this week's giveaway, please tell me what brought you to Steemit and what your favourite community or communities is/are!

Steem Basic Income

One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a beginning author, Steemit can be a daunting place. It feels like you are posting into an abyss with no ability to grow. Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but cumulative over time support to your account.

With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people).


  1. Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
  2. Resteem is NOT neccessary, but the more people see this, the more the people will be likely to be sponsored. I'll let everyone know at payout!
  3. In the comments, tell me what brought you to Steemit and what your favourite community/communities on Steemit is/are.
  4. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in SBD. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is at my discretion!

Last week's winners

Due to the generosity of @apolymask (@ifc) and @charisma777 and the post payout, there were 6 shares of Steem Basic Income to give out. The payout was 1.13 SBD, so my contribution rounds up to 2. So, 6 shares last week!

All the @ifc entries were great, as always! So, instead of trying to pick winners, I have just used a random picker to pick the winners. I won't post the details but here are the winners for the last week.

  1. @artgirl
  2. @bashadow
  3. @wholeself-in
  4. @crypto-econom1st
  5. @mr-bike
  6. @jbreheny

Congratulations, and thanks to everyone that put in an entry!

I will be sending out the SBI applications soon, check in your wallet for the confirmation from SteemBasicIncome!


Referral links

Mene, Investment jewellery (5 dollars credit just for making the account).
Humble Bundle Monthly, PC games package every month! A version of Steemit that allows small accounts to use the Vote Slider! When they get a dark theme, I'll be there full time!
Minnowbooster Bonus for the new account maker as well!
Coinbase, the biggest fiat on and off ramp.
Binance, the biggest crypto exchange.
Coinjar Fiat on ramp for Australia or UK!
Mannabase, Universal income in the blockchain, 50% bonus in the first year if you use this referral.
Cryptopia, Lots of lesser known altcoins.
HitBTC Even more Altcoins!


AirSave Telegram
TheKey Telegram link
THUG Telegram link
Sentinel Protocol


Horizontal Rulers by cryptosharon
Team Australia footer by bearone


The classical music community at #classical-music and Discord.
Follow our community accounts @classical-music and @classical-radio.
Follow our curation trail (classical-radio) at SteemAuto
Community Logo by ivan.atman


Thank you @bengy along with @apolymask and @charisma777 for the donations! Between this and winning round 19, I feel on fire! :D
And congrats to the other winners :)

:) Glad to see you doing well!

What else is on your radar! Feel free to keep entering this one!

Look at you go, man! You're doing so well. Your rep is ballooning and you're doing giveaways.. that's awesome!

Slowly slowly! But at least I'm in a better position to give back to the communities that helped me and also help others!

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Congratulations to all the winners and thank you @bengy for putting this together! you're awesome!

Thanks, sorry it wasn't possible to give everyone a win! But we did as many as possible!

that's okay! It's fun to be a part anyways! :-D they went to well deserving steemians !

Thank you @bengy, Congratulations to all the winner.

Thank you! Feel free to enter this as well.

A colleague told me about steemit as a platform where I can earn.At first,I was skeptical but later on I came on board and the experience as been wonderful.Although,I haven't earned much apart from my introductory post,I have learnt alot on this platform and met wonderful personalities.

My favourite communities are: wafrica, air-clinic, stach, steemchurch ,euronation, teamgirlpowa.

Great communities. Stay active and keep posting, as people find you you will gain a following! At the start of seems hard, but slow steady growth is the way forward!

Thanks for entering into the giveaway for a the Communities Steemit Basic Income giveaway. The next giveaway (along with the recipients of last week's SBI shares) is found here:

I've been a webmaster since about '95. I had heard a bit about blockchain, so got to thinking it would be really cool to do a site with the transparency of a blockchain. I got to poking around and ran across Steemit. Hmm, it's pretty much doing what I had planned, so why bother creating what had already been going for a couple of years? The rest is history.

Thanks for the contest @bengy! 😎 SBI is really cool!

You were going to build a Steemit! That would have been some seriously hard work!

Thanks for making an entry!

Yes it would be hard work, but it would have been a fun challenge. I've built my site from scratch a few times. Other times, like now, I just use open source programs. But they are never just the way I want to do things. So, out of frustration, I was thinking of building it from scratch again.

Thanks for entering into the giveaway for a the Communities Steemit Basic Income giveaway. The next giveaway (along with the recipients of last week's SBI shares) is found here:

Hurray thanks!

No problem! You are welcome to join this one as well!

Btw still unsure how that works. Do I need to send steem or I don't do anything?

As for my entry...

The reason I'm here on Steemit is to earn moolah. I was invited by my Bitlanders friends and of course I was bias to that site at first but I think both sites have their own strengths and weaknesses so I write here and there. 😉

As for communities... Well I like @tagalogtrail because it promotes us using our national language more when posting here. I just hope he wins some delegation. And joining @ifc contests are fun too. I like joining contests too so if there's any interesting contest for me, I'm there. 😂😂😂 Otherwise I'm all over the place.

Nothing to do for the Steem Basic Income, I have handled it at my end. You should receive a note (0.001 SBD/STEEM) with a MEMO saying that you are enrolled. And then from there, each day one post of yours will receive a small upvote.

Communities, we are all everywhere! After all we all have diverse interests!

EDIT: SBI already went through. I can see it in your wallet.

Oh cool! thanks!

Also, Busy does have a night theme. I found it before but now I don't know where it is. Either that or it was another site but I'm pretty sure it was Busy.

Ahhhh! I still can't find it, at least on mobile. I will check the full browser version.

I tried to find in again it mobile and on a computer too but I can't find it either. I wonder where it went. I'm sure I clicked on something before. If not, it must have been something else. Let me think further. Haha. So sorry if in case I'm wrong.

No problem, are you sure it wasn't mspsteem?

Uhm... I thought about it, I think it's steemgigs...

Maybe I'll look at that one. Any good?

My Short Entry. What brought me to steemit is my wife and her understanding that I like to read, and I like to play games, and that I used to like to chat online.

The communities I belong to are @newbieresteemday, and @IFC. Newberesteemday for the desire they have for helping others get a leg up. and IFC for the fun and brain challenges.

Familiar communities! Love them both, especially @ifc!

Thanks for entering into the giveaway for a the Communities Steemit Basic Income giveaway. The next giveaway (along with the recipients of last week's SBI shares) is found here:

please tell me what brought you to Steemit and what your favourite community or communities is/are!

I had been sharing my art and speaking out on Facebook for years when someone I didn't recognize at the time who is a friend now left a comment on one of my status updates about steemit, I researched it for about a week before signing up and trying it out. It's been quite a fascinating ride so far and I look forward to see where it goes.

I'm not really a part of any communities besides the IFC.. I recently dipped my toes into @asapers and haven't done too much there yet, but if I would give them a mention cause they seem pretty good so far! Good peoples and concept behind what they do.

Also.. Glad to see you highlighting and helping out some IFC people. :) But just peoples in general! I think that's something we could use some more of in this often ruthless world.

Thanks for entering into the giveaway for a the Communities Steemit Basic Income giveaway. The next giveaway (along with the recipients of last week's SBI shares) is found here:

The Grandmaster of @ifc himself! It's great that you got in early, I had heard of it when it first launched (I had been following crypto for quite some time), but I wasn't attracted by the "social network on crypto" pitch. Sigh, missed opportunities!

Well, @ifc is a pretty much full time job here for you, so fair enough you haven't seen too many other communities!

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