
I guess you meant the year 2018.

I have inched at a snail's pace towards my goal of being published but I got another 99% work yet to be done. So, have I accomplished it? Nope, but surely I shall :P

Thank you for your attention to details! Edited the post :)

2018 has been a wonderful year. This year I decided to study something I loved and in September I got my degree as a pastry chef. Something that makes me immensely happy and especially because I achieve it in part thanks to @esteemapp thanks for all the support and be part of this great dream. That 2019 is a better year and that everything we set out to achieve.


During 2018 my main focus has been on taking care of myself and working my way through the grief of losing the man I loved to cancer in 2017. I feel that I am doing so much better with it all as 2018 comes to an end. Every time someone comes in through the door, I have finally been able to stop expecting that it's him. Having eSteem to fill my days has been a big part of my recovery and I appreciate all of you more than you will ever know

It is never easy to lose those we love and we always want it to be a nightmare and wake up and have them by our side. But it makes me very happy that in all of us you will find some help and you know that we will always try to make your days a little happier. Love you very much! Thanks for being part of my 2018 I think I will never have words to say how grateful I am with you❤

You do make my days brighter! Thanks for your very sweet comment.

Thanks to you for being so wonderful. I hope that in 2019 I can meet you and make you many sweets... Thank you for your joy and your love

So sorry to hear this Melinda. 2018 would have been so difficult as each special occasion brings back all the memories of the time with a loved one. You have been a big part of my 2018 on Steemit and I truly appreciate you kindness and support. You are blessed with a wonderful heart, dear friend. 💕

I know that you understand how hard the anniversaries are. I feel really blessed to have gotten to know you this year! 2019 is going to be a great year for all of us!

Yes, definitely it is onward and upward. 😊

Sad to know about him, almost four years ago I had lost my Mom and diseases was same. I pray to God please keep away people from this disease.

Sad to know about him, almost four years ago I had lost my Mom and diseases was same. I pray to God please keep away people from this disease.

I am so sorry that your mom had cancer, too. It is a horrible disease. Thank you so much for your kind words.

It is hard my dear Melinda but you have to go on. He would have wanted you to do it. The loved ones who leave too soon are never really gone, they stay in our hearts. Plus, you are not alone, you have us, your Steemit gang. 🙂

Thanks for your kind words Roxy! It has taken me a while, but most of the time I'm doing just fine these days. What a process grief is quite incredible. I'm glad to be feeling that I've moved through the worst part of it. But you know how it is, I will miss him forever.

I know, Melinda. The pain will always be there. But what else can we do apart from moving on? It is good you managed to surpass the worst and I think having the loved ones by your side really helped. Also, being active on Steemit had a therapeutic effect. 🙂

2018 will be remembered by me as a series of visits to the dentist and oral surgeon. I had to have a lump removed from inside my cheek and spent a night in the hospital.
Aside from several extractions and surgery, 2018 went quite smoothly and Hubby has made me breakfast every morning since my hospital scare where the surgeon nicked an artery. I had to go back in the operating room after a lot of blood loss. I think Hubby thought I was a goner.
I will remember 2018 as the year I met so many wonderful people as I first signed up for Steemit in 2018 and started using the eSteem mobile app. Thanks @esteemapp!
2018 has certainly been a learning experience and a year to appreciate each day.
Learn to not sweat the small happy! 🥰 💗

This question is inspiring and makes me feel I want to create a big post about it actually. But to sum everything together I can say this year bring a lot of things. One good lesson was about the value of everything we have. Once we loose it we can value. Though I can say it was a year of gratitude yet this year taught me about valuing all I have. I learned a lot of new professional skills this year and a lot of new human qualities raised in me. Feeling more friendliness to others and started to understand what the compassion is (I hope so). Good year!

I just realized I had no plan for 2018 that's why I can not say anything concrete about it. This means I have to sit and plan for 2019 wisely to move on...

Thank you for your competition, it's really nice opportunity to think about life and understand important things.

I want to say a big public Thank You to you for all the work you've done so far for us! Thanks to you we can enjoy these lovely graphics, which makes eSteem more fun. Whatever your plans may be for the upcoming year, I wish you all the best and happiness!
Keep up the good work and be an awesome esteemian as always 🙂

Thanks a lot, Erikah!

My pleasure!

2018 has been a fruitful year. When Baby E started daycare over a year, it took him months to get used to. When Baby M was ready this year, I dreaded it may be the same but he went straight into it after the 1st day. Once both kids are in daycare, my life has been a lot easier. Less stressed and able to focus on myself. 2018 was not just about family but also myself. I realised I didn't look after myself previously when I started having a family and I have changed this in 2018.

I couldn't attend Steemfest in 2017 due to baby being too young but this year in 2018, I made sure I was able to attend and lucky my husband supported this as he knew it was something I really wanted so they whole family flew to Europe and made it a family holiday. Focusing on myself more in 2018 was an achievement and with the support from my partner, I was able to accomplish this goal.

How was your year 2018?

Well, for me, every year were awesome for me even though there were lots of up and downs but, most importantly were the happiness that I had with my family. It's all the same thing and stuffs that we were doing but, the real thing is that our feelings are the only thing that is changing in our everyday life because the love that me and my family have are the best things that always increasing everyday, every week, every month and every year till the very last.

So, What I had accomplished?

I think I already answered the question and it's really understandable.. :D

The Family Man,



This is a nice question and also a sensitive one. It makes you go back in time and review the almost past year. 🙂
Let's see.... 2018 was a good year. Sure, some things could have been better but the overall aspect looks good. We were healthy and we spent a lot of time together as a family.
What could have been better, me having a career change. But time is not lost and hopefully 2019 will bring some good karma towards me.
By the way, in 2018 good karma brought eSteem mobile on my phone and this is a great thing. 🙂

2018 has been nothing short of goodness and challenges. It is the year I started to learn swimming in this ocean called Steemit. A year where I realise I love to blog, to take photos, to do selfies, to mingle around with different types of cultures and ethnic groups here in Steem.

The year started off with us decided to gradually wean off tube-feeding from our 3-year-old CDH son and actually taught him how to eat: chew and swallow and breathe. Now he is eating already although still need to top up with tube-feed in order to ensure he has enough food.

This is also the year I have been given the opportunity to be in eSteem team, something I could not even imagine I would have the chance. My friends said that the lucky charm was with me.

Indeed, I had accomplished much, not without failure and mistakes, but that is when I learn and make improvement. Also, as I typed this one, I am honored to say today is my Steemiversary. 9th December 2019 is my Steemit 1st birthday.

What would I say, I am blessed to come to know Steemit and then esteem and many wonderful communities here namely TeamMalaysia, Steemitbloggers, Steemitmamas, eSteem, TheAlliance and Dtube. And many more which I can't finish typing...

Let us look forward for greater year ahead. 2019, here we come. :)

2018 is happy year for me. First, this year is the time when I join steemit and use the esteem application. Second, I know Steemit community that I meet directly or joins in discord group such as the Esteem University. Third, This year is also a crucial point because I was finally able to return to my birth place after 10 years of moving due to assignments. Fourth, My target is to make a house for my wife and child also happen this year. In general, 2018 is a pleasant year. But one thing that hasn't accomplished is I haven't been able to get 1000 SP. But nevermind, its keep my spirit to accomplish in next year. Thanks @esteemapp.

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