Loyalty is dead: @dlive and human nature

in #steem6 years ago

Last night, I mentioned about how brand loyalty is failing but I didn't really go into details as to why. This morning I woke up to the news that @dlive will be migrating to a new chain rather than stay on Steem, the chain that financed their move. This is good news of sorts because it shows the decentralized nature of the environment and the possibilities of freedom of choice. However, do not confuse this move of theirs as 'normal business' because in normal business, there would be legally binding contracts filled with obligations and consequences for not fulfilling them with potentially criminal charges of misappropriation of funds and intellectual property rights. But, this is the world of crypto, the Wild West.

Death of loyalty

For a long time brand loyalty has been on the decline as globalisation has granted a massive increase in options and combined with a crushing of economies, job loss and the like and brands that have traditionally held markets are failing. On top of this there is an increasing drive for trend purchasing to fulfill desire. Loyalty rarely overpowers desire these days.

I wrote another post about generational impatience a couple days ago and a symptom of that is a reduction in loyalty. People don't wait to get what they want, they buy another. They don't repair a relationship, they swipe for another. They don't care about what is left behind because, they have already forgotten it as the next shiny thing grabs their attention.

We saw it with all of the shilling of ONO some months back where the latest and greatest was going to replace the Steem community that had made them. That shilling stopped however when they discovered that ONO wasn't able to satisfy their desires after all and now, they are back shilling Steem again. The crypto scene is all about speculation on the maximisation of the individual so why would @dlive act any differently?

The disingenuous maximiser

Setting up what @dlive is doing is not an overnight process and knowing what they are doing to the Steem community makes their continued use of the free delegation clever but, the act of assholes. If someone is so inclined to hold grudges, essentially they have leveraged the Steem community and a delegation to finance a move that is likely to at least in the short-term, weaken that very community. People talk about governments being harmful and why crypto can change things but, here we are with people acting in the same very ways. Maximise opportunities of the self at the knowing cost of others intentionally. Some people might not like being used like that but, you just got bent over and politically maneuvered.

This brings up another interesting thing that people keep harping on about and that is, Code is Law which is obviously bullshit because codes, like laws, don't actually have to be followed and people can just write a version that suits their maximiser tendencies, like @wa7 has done. Perhaps on Lino they will be able to have more control over their community so they can do things like force follow like they did in the past. Remember that? Perhaps they were trialling the community reactions and working out ways to be more of Facebook-like authority on Lino.

Human nature is stronger than any code or any law and in a society that values independent maximisation, it is only natural that people will find ways to leverage opportunity to satisfy their desires for money, power, fame, notoriety or anything else they might want. Laws don't force people to be assholes, some people are just assholes that justify their actions through legality. It doesn't really matter whether it is laws that support slavery, genocide or racism, it still takes people to act them out and if someone sees it in their best interest to do so, they will.

The community aspect

This is why a diverse community is required that is engaged, active and interested in building value of the community itself rather than for themselves as individuals. Adding value to the community and the self are not necessarily mutually exclusive events and they can be done in tandem so that both raise in value. A value adding participant need not be harmed by adding that value and a community need not be harmed for the individual to gain. It is not a zero sum activity, especially on Steem with a pool that replenishes in a growing space with an incredibly large amount of possibility. You wouldn't know it from watching common practice behaviours here though.

What all communities need to realise and work out how to approach is that due to the impatience of the current society coupled with the instant gratification process to satisfy any and all desires, loyalty to a product, a platform, a blockchain or a human is close to death. Loyalty is seen as an antiquated trait that is valueless and is in its death throes. What this means is, everything including us as humans have become disposable.

Loyal to death ME.

Without loyalty, there is no reason to maintain, protect, develop, help, grow, build anything or anyone unless there is some immediate return on the action provided. Because disconnected internet people do not value human relationships as much as they once did as they need not rely on a community to provide, all they need is money. Money is a tool that can purchase desire. If we are hungry, we don't care about the farmer's family as long as we have food, if we want a massage, we don't have to ask our partner to rub our shoulders and, if we are lonely, we can get an on -demand program to avoid facing the emptiness. Money buys immediate satisfaction to desire, not necessarily need though which is why there are so many depressed people in this world.

But, that process is coming under threat as more and more of society is being forced into debt cycles where they have to continually compromise on their services, by cheap, support the conglomerates, wait for government handouts and spend a great deal more time as value extractors than adders to their communities. Fuck the community, what can you do FOR ME!

The hierarchy of authority

We all hold a ladder within us as to what we value and despite what we may proclaim, it is our behaviour that is the indicator of the order. I know people who claim friendship is valuable while they gossip and spread rumours about their friends which is an attention seeking behaviour. The indication is that their desire for attention is more valuable than that of the friendships they risk. I have a family member who has thrown me under the bus in order to raise their own station or, chance of even the smallest financial gain. Power/money over Family.

Through our actions and society as a whole we can see a degradation of the behaviours that develop and support strong communities and an increase in behaviours that satisfy individual needs above all else. In a world that is increasingly being automated away from the needs of human interaction this is quite expected and what it does is makes us increasingly irrelevant unless we can continually bring obvious value. This is divide and conquer at its most active level.

Rather than build a global community, we have bought into the shill of governments, banks and corporations that my unique 'identity' is more important than everything else. This concept keeps dividing and dividing us until we are all isolated, all islands, all disconnected and the only reason for one to interact with another is to satisfy desire of the self, a process of take. We have been hacked.

Follow your heart and dream BS

We have bought into the false concept of following our desires without recognising that our mind, heart and very dreams have been hacked, forced upon us through a million different channels that manipulate and nudge us to want whatever an authority wants to sell. The trick of course is to make sure that it is subtle enough that it feels like our idea. Our very desires that we spend so much time scrambling, competing and killing for are not even ours, they are implants.

You may not believe me but spend some time working out what the hell you want in this life and then some more time whittling it down to what is necessary, your needs. Where the hell did you get the idea that you must have that latest phone, a new car, try that new restaurant, travel to that city, join up at that site, watch that TV program or, vote for that political party. You think you own those desires, you think you have randomly come across those products and concepts and then rationally processed it on a needs basis? Really?

The irrelevant loss of @dlive

This is a decentalised community with a great deal of potential with or without one app, dapp, platform or person. The thing is that we are much more like a terrorist organisation (This is going to start getting mentioned in the media FUD I predict so take note) where even though there is a common direction, we are made up of a million different and independent cells. One, two or a hundred can leave, collapse, be killed yet, the organism lives on. This is community.

Many talk about community a lot here, but a community is about that common goal and people need to start realising that they are either a part of adding value into the future or part of the group slowing down the progress. There are a myriad ways to do this and it doesn't all have to be painful but, people really do need to think what they want this world to become. At the moment, all of the things that crypto was meant to solve can't happen because the same thinking that created the system up until this point is being carried in to the development. If we actually want change, we have to change something.

Bye bye @dlive, you will be replaced.

[ a Steem original ]


I thought their rationale for leaving was fair enough...

People aren't being rewarded on the basis of views, rather on the basis of upvote circles.

Lino seems more anti bot and pro user engagement.

Posted using Partiko Android

The outrage was more about how they went about it, in my opinion. It seemed dishonest and opportunistic.

I don't know the details of the timeline of their leaving, but doesn't the steem ecosystem encourage both of those things, so it's sort of got what's coming to it in a way.

I can't blame anyone for leaving. It's only a handful of people keeping me here.

From an individual you might find this interesting... 'why I left the steem blockchain' by Matt Sokol... someone I used to follow.... quite well known on here I think:


I'll come back to this particular issue later, and read through the comments, I might change my mind about whether @Dlive are justified in leaving!

I'll keep an open mind to the issue.

I thought their rationale for leaving was fair enough...

from my understanding and what I have heard/read, a lot of the issues they state as reasons don't hold up after the hf and especially with SMTs. If they had announced earlier and returned the free delegation, it would have given more impetus for alternative platforms to develop and take their place. I don't think they kept it secret to support their user base, it was a calculated move and perhaps good for their new business model but, still not what I would call a move that gives me faith enough to trust their team.

OK thanks for the heads up so underhand hypocrits is more like it then?!

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They seem to have sold to investors before they even launched on Steem... before the delegation. Those delegations from steemit aren't given away, they are asked for as far as I know.

@meno did a post recently

Read it - even resteemed it - very informative

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Rewarding good content, having a fair distribution of wealth, making the system simple enough, getting mass user adoption and thus creating a loyal, thriving community that uses its talent to propel a platform upwards is HARD. Very HARD.

Many factors come into play and I wish Lino all the best of luck. Their start has not been 'perfect', to say the least.

It's how they went about it. Their justification is just a sleazy excuse and a backhand slap at the blockchain that financed them.

Very deep thoughts on this post and have given me perspective on my goals and roles not only here but in society. It seems that sometimes we fall into herd mentality unwilling but to the grasps of what others want. I truly believe in what is trying to be created here with the Steem ecosystem and while I hope it ultimately delivers for me on a financial sense, I currently think more about the journey and the engagement achieved on that journey and how we can improve the experience and lives of all on the way there. However, there is always selfishness is one’s behavior because it is part of our survival instincts I think. I feel I’m getting too philosophical here so I will stop before I embarrass myself but I appreciate the perspectives provided here and look forward to continue reading your content.

However, there is always selfishness is one’s behavior because it is part of our survival instincts I think.

There is because ultimately, there has to be because no matter the platitudes, we are still the most important person in the world to ourselves. This means that we build communities to protect ourselves too through, trust, loyalty and alliance.

Hi Taraz. I actually welcome them leaving. if you are not onboard thinking long term and trying to benefit from the system then you are just taking.
being loyal is something that is disappearing and I struggle with that. Being bought up with loyalty and just your word meant something and had value. I shudder to think what happens 20 or 30 years from now.


We'll see what happens when all of the exchanges are open again. Binance and Bittrex are still disabled post-crash, I see Blocktrades looks to be up again. But it's kind of silly to draw conclusions about the price from a period when no one can move money in or out of their Steem accounts.

How dare you disagree with me, point out my mistake and make me feel silly.
The nerve! Don't you know how important I am?

I understand it's their freedom to choose but It was quite disheartening knowing their PR moves. But like you mentioned, crypto is like the wild west. So, it's not legal binding. I'd love to hear your thought on Weku ? cause I think it's somewhat copy-pasting except they have their own token called weku.

Maybe government isn't the only factor of our society's problems? maybe it's also us and I always believe a change starts within us.

Maybe government isn't the only factor of our society's problems? maybe it's also us and I always believe a change starts within us.

Government is us, it is a shell filled with people who act to maximize themselves for wealth and power. No different anywhere so you are right, if we want change, we have to change.

I don't know about Weku at all but I took my account name from there so it doesn't get screwed over. Reminds me of Steem when I joined.

Good idea, maybe I should secure my name there, just incase.

What Weku does is entirely possible because of the opensource MIT license used for the Steem blockchain. Hopefully, they will innovate on it. If not... their token value may somewhere end up being in the nominal price range of 1 Cardano.

You know what is truly disheartening? That the Steem community hasn’t matured yet and contributes to specwork even in 2018.

Ah thank you for shedding a light! I wasn't well aware of steemit licensing. In that case, then it's possible. also, I read their white paper that they'll be integrating chat on it. So we'll have to see how it develops.

That one is also interesting read! I just realized it now :D so much to ponder!

Well the cryptospace may seem small bit more developers are coming with new ideas every day. If Dlive has chosen a new platform for their operations then so be it. Another will come but the point is learning from this.

Those who delegate to these apps and dapps should find a way to not only protect their investments but also ensure that the terms of their agreements protects the blockchain itself.

After all delegating is basically buying a partnership. So if I am buying a partnership in a company then it also means that said company should not do anything to jeopardize my own source of income. Simple business sense.

Well what do I know about business and blockchain technology? Dsound and steempeak are the only apps I use on the platform anyhow and that is not all the time. More will come mist definitely.

Those who delegate to these apps and dapps should find a way to not only protect their investments but also ensure that the terms of their agreements protects the blockchain itself.

They don't do much in this way it seems, they trust people to act well and are consistently burned.

More will come mist definitely.

There are already replacement options and more developing as we speak.

Many are disappointed by @dlive but, it got what it needed and went back to where it was originated. (or so I heard that somewhere)

Loyalty didn't die. Most people don't even know what the heck it is. They never had to band together to make it work. Just like a family, many make the load lighter. Community works the same way. Many hands make is stronger.

Ta-ta @dlive

Community works the same way. Many hands make is stronger.

yep and the problem is that many hands are in the jar without many more filling it.

It's a joke T. How legit the excuse was I don't know. This fantasy of a 'meritocracy' where noone games the system is fanciful. I did a post on it earlier. They would be better remaining loyal to this platform and growing through the perceived problems. But reckon there is an alterior motive anyhow. SK.

Posted using Partiko Android

But reckon there is an alterior motive anyhow.

There is only two. Money and Power. One begets the other.

For some T - but not us right

Posted using Partiko Android

both are tools. having them isn't as important as how they are used.

Both are tools. having
Them isn't as important
As how they are used.

                 - tarazkp

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I think the dlive saw the opportunity to push their agenda using the dispute many users have on the issue of the distribution of the steem from the reward pool. Their major grievance, from the post they put up, is that power is centralise in the hands of a few. But from recent develop it shows that their actions are actually selfish and premeditated.
Like I have said several times, we as humans are narcissistic but we do know the importance and benefit of being in a community of people with like minds, and many like the Dlive company have exploited this to their advantage. However this has lead to a backlash as many have seen their true intention. My take is that they might stay and push this move to a later time, but the damage has been done.
I think steem inc should put more clauses to discourage this from happening again. Yes rules and regulations have their loopholes but they serve as a necessary measure for unscrupulous individuals who would want to take advantage of other, or a community in this situation.

This has been in the works for the last year or so by the looks and had a private funding sale in February. Premeditation is the game here which is fine but, they have also predated on the community itself in various ways which I disagree with.

True that, reading @meno post on this issue even got me more pissed. The crypto world is not well regulated so chances are that they will get away with this, which is sad.

The lack of regulation is what makes crypto possible at all at the moment but it cuts both ways.

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