A question of/for the community on advertising rival platforms

in #steemit6 years ago

I have a question for the Steem community about the advertising and promotion of rival platforms on Steem. Lately, my feed has been filled with many of the biggest names on Steemit, people who have been driving for community, now driving for rival communities. EOS and ONO fill the feeds. Is this a problem?

This is a non-censored platform but considering they have convinced many people over the last 24 months to invest into Steem, isn't it a little tacky of them? Competition is good and healthy but it is kind of like the management team of BMW telling every to buy a Mercedes isn't it? Obviously I have many questions about this but it does seem strange to see so many witnesses and self-proclaimed Steem community builders shilling the rivals so heavily.

I am probably skewed in my views too but many of these same people have said about all the hard work it takes here so, how do they expect to maintain two or three or four other platforms? It is also interesting considering that they are going to likely fund their new forays with earning from the Steemit community. Many already have. Have they just decided that Steemit isn't going to happen so, best abandon ship and get out? Or are they opportunists who just don't care at all as long as they make some bank?

There are many reasons they might be doing this and I really might just be feeling quite cynical because of the meds I am on and the headache but, why would we as a community continue to support people who are no longer working for the community, but using it to fund their exits and likely take their communities with them.

Just wondering what people think about this. Again, challenges are going to come for Steem through competition but, it does perhaps tell something about the community builders when they start doing this. Were they building their communities for Steem or for themselves? Perhaps it is also a really good thing to have it all out in the open and see who is or was committed.

I don't know so, let's ask the audience. I am hoping to get a different perspective that shows more upside than downside for Steem as seeing my feed fill up with ONO advertising seems strange. It is definitely going to run into some conflicts of interest issues though.

[ a Steemit original ]


self upvote for visibility - curious to see where these whales are that promote ONO and also curious who said they would be in that ONO concept because of the money

Hiya @tarazkp - I posted twice about ONO as I think the concept has a lot potential and is worth a deeper look! But I assume you are not considering me as big fishes here anyway lol. Have you read the white paper yet? If you did maybe you get a feeling on the approach and the background. It might be not the right fit for everyone, it might be an alternative for others, it might be a great add-on for people that want to use both (3 or 4 platform are probably not working for any human :-)!).

What I like at ONO is the approach, that people should all be equal no matter if they are rich or not, the democratic principle of Super Partners sounds awesome - maybe Steemit can learn from that. The message "Take Care of Others" is a strong one that touched me a lot! Some may laugh but isn't it great to pay attention and care about others instead of only trying to maximise profits?

Speaking of loyalty- I think no one can tell I would not be loyal towards Steemit since I am powering up all my rewards - not planning to power down or leave as well as I have a lot plans on Steemit. I see ONO as something I want to do in addition - and for sure not because of any rewards.

There are however also people on Steemit that might not be happy and consider something else. To me ONO is not a competitor to Steemit at all which I made CLEAR in my posts - I am not taking out anything here to fund other adventures - I am not a trader or someone jumping ships no matter if Steemit has issues.

In contrary I am working toward to make Steemit better especially on the music community front - this is a fantastic community with so many great users. Hence we also have major problems here with broken promises and strange things happening in terms of money making.

Personally I can tell you I am not getting ANY rewards for promoting ONO nor have I bought any single fraction of this EOS crypto. I have a limited time left apart from doing several jobs.

Think it is fair to post about options on a censor free platform - if we consider all posts about other cryptos not being Steem here we could delete around 70% of the posts here too.

To end my comment (I usually never write more than 5 sentences in comments - forgive me any typos):

I will continue promoting the concept of ONO moving forward as I like the "caring" approach a lot

I will be as active on Steemit as before as it is my blockchain home

If i would ever power down it would not be to fund ANY other crypto investment.

Might be useless what I just wrote or even sound like I had to justify myself lol - but I wanted to outline this.... - Namaste!

But I assume you are not considering me as big fishes here anyway lol

This was all directed solely at you :P

The message "Take Care of Others" is a strong one that touched me a lot! Some may laugh but isn't it great to pay attention and care about others instead of only trying to maximise profits?

Meh, this is what I heard the first 6 months at Steemit until the bidbots started their New World Order.

Hence we also have major problems here with broken promises and strange things happening in terms of money making.

I am hoping some of this 'strange' stops once the others start but, they are set up on auto-pilot so it is unlikely.

I will continue promoting the concept of ONO moving forward as I like the "caring" approach a lot

The lack of care disguised as care here is something that should be addressed. The problem is, the people who the community have so often chosen as their 'caretakers' are the ones wearing the disguises.

Thanks for stopping by too, it means a lot. As said, I have lots of questions about many, many things here but, not often do any answers come. People just blame the code and say the system allows it...

Stop by again sometime... but geez... 5 lines would be plenty.. ;)

Thanks for replying buddy - agree i heard a similar message when I started on Steemit re equality and even years before on a different platform that cheated its users in the end, was before blockchain.

Therefore I appreciate all concerns by everybody - I also do my due diligence before jumping on anything, sometimes it simply requires more gut feel though - can be good, can be wrong.

As of the Steemit things - the lacking care is an issue- or better, the lack of communications what these guys actually do is a major problem, maybe they care but they do not tell it and show it to the community! I know a lot blames - the code - yeah linear or back to the system before HF17 - both have their pros and cons - the discussion of witnesses driving only their own profits with their projects. A lot a lot - probably a topic for 2 weeks of Steemfest or SteemGetTogetherToSolveTheShitFest - not doable via a comment (which is too long again lol)

Probably a lot here also remember the early Steemit message and link ONO to @dan as ONO will run on EOS. I like the ONO message because of what I have heard and seen from the ONO CEO - hope I am right!

I guess we will see how it all plays out but at the end of the day, it will be the little fish who will pay the highest costs if it all goes south.

The highest costs if all goes south might be the ones that always power up on Steemit and gorget to take out some money - the ones that do not invest have nothing to lose.

On ONO I think there is a different scenario - not big stakeholders will be the important ones but people that prove to take care as they will be elected by the community or if they do not care kicked out.

The highest costs if all goes south might be the ones that always power up on Steemit and gorget to take out some money - the ones that do not invest have nothing to lose.


not big stakeholders will be the important ones but people that prove to take care as they will be elected by the community or if they do not care kicked out.

Sounds a little like a Black Mirror episode. social scoring. It is Chinese right? They might integrate it into the other social initiatives they are supposedly rolling out. Perhaps it is worth the investment considering that.

I am just teasing but, this is where a lot of this type of tech will likely lead.

I do not buy the idea though of whales and other big fishes acting as front men and hype men for steemit competition. This is not MySpace and facebook. There is money involved here. There is a cryptocurrency whose worth is based on the trust of the community it was built around. It is dangerous stuff.

Yet again, this whole thing has always been and will always be about money, let's not deceive ourselves. This is not facebook, this is a money making enterprise. I am therefore not surprised that the competition is also getting attention from steemit users. People want to make more money. It is that simple. When the system seem to strangle the opportunity, they will spread their tentacles elsewhere.

Loyalty does not come to play because despite what we say about community, interaction, building relationships and so on, these connections are in most cases superficial. How many of us are hanging out outside steemit? How many friendships have evolved to business connections, family relationships? How many even show up for meet-ups?

Steemit Inc on the other hand, has not seen it fit to interact with the users of its product. There is no customer care service to cater to those who tire and fall off on the way side. It is one thing to get a customer to use your product, it is another thing to keep them coming back to the product. Well because the product pays users, what the heck, right?

Steemit has been having it good because there was no competition and as a result the things that needed fixing were being ignored. The grass may not be greener on the other side but it is said that the taste of the pudding is in the eating. People will migrate as newer and more hyped models of steemit pop up but it will not be the hype that will keep people using these new blogs but the quality of service, the speed of delivery, the return in investment, opportunity for content creators to grow and customer service.

I believe strongly in the vision of steemit but sometimes I wonder if there creators even remember what the vision behind the steem blockchain was.

Some people have not found homes here. I do not know about the big names in steemit. I don't know any whale personally or witnesses so I can't speak for those of them who are preaching for the competition except financial gain but I know lots of people here on steemit who, despite their content being great, are struggling to get upvotes and comments on their posts. It is about money too, yes but they are also frustrated with the system. Can you fault them for seeking an alternative even if it is not as it is been hyped out to be?

I can understand the people struggling... the problem is that the people doing the advertising are not, they are among the highest rewarded earners on the platform, whales made solely on the back of Steem. They ar the people who could make a difference here but, haven't. These people are members of the community who have been heavily supported to be the faces of Steemit yet, they are the ones advertising the competition. Poorly chosen representatives perhaps.

Corruption is a disease that has become an epidemic. It has since grafted into the human gene, if I can use that analogy.

These whales touting the awesomness of these new platforms will go there and replicate their actions over there. They will build castles and lock themselves in like dragons admiring their gold. This cannot be avoided. The leopard will not change its spots.
It is now up to steemit Inc to step up their game. I say this because the nature of steemit allows this kind of advertisement. There are no rules. The only thing that can save the situation is for the company to look into ways to shore up the foundation of this platform to it would not be used as an analogy or a byword like MySpace is used today.

The truth is people will go after a new thing because it is new but they will stay if it caters to their desires. People came to steemit for the same reasons, now it is up to steemit Inc to make them stay.

Again, some of the whales are investors in these blogs and their reasons may stem from greed to disatisfaction with the system. There are those who think the steemit platform has failed and they have gone to invest in a vision of what a cryptocurrency blog should look like. Whether they are a reason for the supposed failure of the system is not their concern and it is open for conjecture.

Can they be stopped from advertising cryptocurrencies? For I see bitcoin posts, etherum posts, posts on airdrop of unknown coins everyday. Are these coins not competing with steem? Again, the proliferation of crypto based applications and blogs, is it not to the benefit of the cryptocurrency market as well as its eligibility as a financial instrument.

These I feel are some of the thoughts that come to mind. Yet, I do not approve of whales advertising social media modelled after steemit on the steemit platform. It is totally wrong. That is poaching, plain and simple. Steemit Inc is silent yet again.

Sure you can not talk about me as I have not seen whales support here nor I am and ever been supported by anyone to be a steemit face nor anything like that. I am not a trending guy even if i boost posts I do not come there.

The advertising I do for ONO is because I am convinced about the concept. And advertising is anyway the wrong expression, it is education about other options. For the rest check my reply below or my posts in general if you do not trust what I say.

No, There are many people advertising it.

I don't think anyone making the move or promoting ONO is planning to dump steemit. Many of us will be dualing and will be able to see the differences. In the event they don't live up to their hype there is no loss. Not like people are planning to just copy and paste from one to the other. Many of us are on Sola and what is posted is 100% different and original.

What does Steemit have to worry about? Where is your fear coming from?

While only having 10 weeks in here, I have done quite a bit of research. Much spurred by the curious behavior of those I interact with. I don't think I was here even two days when the shilling for EOS was pushed upon me. As well as stories of how the initial startup was crooked (their words, not mine) and designed to make a handful rich at the expense of the majority.

Upon researching this and finding the thread where Steem was initially mined, I am of the opinion many of the original miners who are the powerful whales may carry a bit of anger at how they were handled. Lack of clear instructions. There was one miner who was really smart and figured out how to mine despite the handicap. Due to issues of the creators this person would have ended up owning the majority of Steem if they had not forced a reset of the mining to prevent that. So we have to keep in mind that the foundation of Steem was built on negative actions that instilled some negative feelings towards it by the most powerful people who got in at the beginning.

It has occurred to me that despite their anger, they amassed a fortune from that event with little effort other than their time and a little bit of electricity. Their investment of their time and knowledge has repaid them in a way most investors will never realize or be a part of. If this were to crash today they have probably cashed out so much already they are set from their investments elsewhere.

Based on the actions I see taking place here it feels like many of the top holders care little of the long term stability of the platform, which you write quite a bit about. It has opened my eyes watching how things work around here, as well as many others based on the many posts I read. Many actions take place here that lets newer people know our place here, which is to be blind and post with caution lest you incur the anger of someone with some power and watch your effort get blasted to nothing. Censorship is indeed alive and well.

Then as a last observation, you have the brains behind the blockchain being dissatisfied and moving on to create something touted as being better, that will fix the mistakes this foundation was built on.

The logical question for those of us here is can this be made to work if there is a mass defection of money (dumping Steem) by the initial miners? And something for all to think about, will these same people bring their bad habits to the new and improved version?

My ignorance prevents me from having any answers, yet I am concerned that it will not survive. I do not see hodlers targeting Steem for their portfolios on the exchanges, the low volume indicating that it is mostly people cashing out from here selling to those who are buying in for here. I have seen enough I feel nervous having my money invested here, thinking it will be devalued by the actions of the power players.

Great comment. You've filled in a lot of gaps in my understanding of the early dynamics on here. You've also given me pause in my plans to make a 5 figure investment in STEEM in the coming days. It may be a better idea to wait until June and just put in a small amount to increase the power of my upvote in the meantime.

Yet we can't know if the whales hyping other platforms are actually against STEEM or simply wanting to leverage their success here to also dominate any new platform. Maybe they'll hang on to both. For those of us who are pretty new here and have low SP, we are writing our own content and trying to build relationships, so it's work to be on here. It takes time. But for them to continue profiting mightily on here while focusing themselves elsewhere is easy. They can have their cake and eat it too, so why not just leave their STEEM delegated out here and such?

I have a number of people with massive amounts they can invest who I'm talking to about what crypto to invest in, and none of them would write on here. I'm completely talking to them in terms of price appreciation, transaction times, lack of fees, possibilities for selling delegations, working beta, etc. There could be a lot of money coming in to replace any outgoing whales. The entire STEEM market isn't really all that much money when you place things relative to the traditional investing space.

Still, gives me enough pause to maybe slow down a bit more than I had originally planned. I need to reflect also on how strongly I push STEEM to those who trust me, given the turbulence on here that may adversely affect the price.

I need to reflect also on how strongly I push STEEM to those who trust me, given the turbulence on here that may adversely affect the price.

I find myself in the same position. I lived off my writing for a few years and had thought I was going to write a small how to book on Steem/Steemit when I first got here. Almost immediately I began learning the videos I watched that drew me here (made by one of the top witnesses) was a pack of lies. I ignored the warning my intuition was sending me and began blogging still referencing the misconceptions I came here with.

Now, after 2 1/2 months I find I am uncertain of the platform, enough so I could not possibly write that how to book at this time. I would be pushing lies at this point as the witness I referenced above is doing. Despite all of this, it is not all doom and gloom. I have found these positives:

1- With no ties here when I came, I have slowly built a small circle of people I interact with daily, more that it is a few times per week. These are the main draw bringing me here as much as I log in.

2- There is money to be made here, at least for now. Not a lot for me yet, but enough that I believe it could be scaled up as time goes on and my circle grows.

What I am uncertain of is if this platform is sustainable. My fears come in from how this all started, as I mentioned earlier, and the fact there doesn't seem to be much in the way of action showing the top whales are giving any thought to the future. My ignorance of this coupled with my understanding of human nature isn't inspiring me towards belief it can sustain in the long run.

Retention rate is not good. Getting in without buying your account takes quite awhile. I was reading threads on Reddit where people had waited a month and still not heard anything. So many are just delegating their SP to voting bots, which is used more often than not to pay for less than stellar posts. Visibility is hard, and for new members coming in that don't know better, they will wonder real quick why so many crap posts dominate trending and hot, yet the post they spent hours on got 3 upvotes for nothing.

Thanks for replying, and wish I had some solutions. For now I am in wait mode like yourself as I figure out my place here, trying to get a better feel for if this place can survive the shortsighted greedfest so many are indulging in. There are many of the Deming seven deadly diseases at work here, as well as some of the lesser obstacles he talked about.

and designed to make a handful rich at the expense of the majority.

Yes, they are the ones shilling...

If this were to crash today they have probably cashed out so much already they are set from their investments elsewhere.

They have no risks. It is all massive upside now and has been for a long time.

The logical question for those of us here is can this be made to work if there is a mass defection of money (dumping Steem) by the initial miners?

Yes, but it will be difficult.

And something for all to think about, will these same people bring their bad habits to the new and improved version?

They will not change their spots, they are mostly incapable.

It is a scary thought. This is why it worries me that those in the position to speak out on these issues are silent. I do not know much of the process of the blockchain technology but I know people. At the end of the day, steem blockchain is unique in that it is built around human beings. If there is one thing I know about humans, it is that we are fickle and we are quick to forget past assistance and tend to remember past hurts.
If the whales are doing it for the sake of money or for the sake of disatisfaction, it still remains that their actions affect we who are not whales, we who are dependent on the system working. It means hours of content and interacting, monies invested losing value just to line some few pockets.
I am not against anyone going to join a new platform, this is a free world but poaching here is wrong. There are over billions of people who do not use crypto. There are millions who are into crypto but do not invest in steem, why not do business with them. Facebook is abound with fruit ripe for the plucking, twitter, instagram... Those are the platforms that make money off their users.

I wish those who can effect change would drop a post asking for opinions from their investors once in a while... gosh. My hands hurt.

It means hours of content and interacting, monies invested losing value just to line some few pockets.

I remain in the dark as to any real solutions, which is part of why I follow tarazkp. He talks daily on these issues and has a much deeper understanding than I. So much of this ultimately depends on what others are doing and will do. I found I had to take a step back and examine what I actually do have control over. I am sure this will change over time as life is ever moving.

The first thing I have done is begin extracting my out of pocket investment. Luckily for me I subscribe to the never invest more than you can afford to lose, and based on my current trajectory it will take me 4-5 more weeks to fully reduce my exposure to their actions to zero.

The second thing I have taken to doing is spending my time mostly curating and adding quality to the posts I find worthy. My upvote is worth so little, and I am often at 50% voting power or less. I find that this is a sound strategy that those of us new here should probably utilize. The connections I am building is where true growth will take place here for newcomers.

It isn't smart for me to post the how to posts I was making that can actually make me money elsewhere. No one sees them and I have posted some things that I published that have earned me thousands over the last few years. Posted many more things that could have made me thousands more via self publishing.

So one area I am still struggling with is what to post, if anything. I won't just post crap in the hopes of an upvote, but I don't want to post things that can make me money elsewhere and here it only benefits whales. I have toyed with the idea that when I do write my next how to book that maybe I will make a post on it here when I am giving it away free on promotion and if someone actually reads my post they can benefit from it.

Once I have my initial investment back, I will then allow my SP to build organically. Then if the whales make the place crash and burn as it appears they are doing, I will only be out my time. And that I won't consider a waste, as I have been exposed to many ideas, taken part in many exchanges whose reward can't be measured monetarily. There is a power in networking, the one thing the whales can't skim off of us.

Good luck to you here. I looked over your posts and you are a great example of what I mean by connections. Your posts offer me a glimpse into a different life, offering hope as well as reminding me of my blessings. Your sincerity in your posts is a doorway to humility for those like myself who at times lack that quality.

I've seen some of the posts you've mentioned. And you're right. It is a little worrying. However, maybe I'm just being naive, but I'm only a little worried.

First, I would have to wonder about the motivation for these posts. Is it because they are just waiting to jump ship until the other platform becomes available for international audiences, or are they simply writing about other platforms because it is newsworthy and likely to gain attention and upvotes, and therefore likely to get rewards. If it's the latter, I wouldn't mind it so much.

Second, if its the former or some variation of it, then I would just be inclined to stop supporting these people, especially if they are witnesses. (Call me selfish, but I would like steemit witnesses to be loyal to steemit). In fact, I would rather they jump ship sooner rather than later.

I wouldn't be so sad to see these people go because I think there are enough whales and emerging users who can take their place.

Third, while it is definitely tacky to use steemit to lure users away from steemit, there's nothing to stop steemit users from doing the same practices, either. We can just go to these other platforms and advertise steemit.

And finally, I'm hoping that if these posts convince someone to jump ship, its the spammers. In fact, I hope these posts advertising the competition are so amazing that the spammers get so convinced and leave steemit in one fell swoop. Like @darkhorse has said,

Leave steemit to those who believe in it's future.

If it's the latter, I wouldn't mind it so much.

It is not the latter.

(Call me selfish, but I would like steemit witnesses to be loyal to steemit). In fact, I would rather they jump ship sooner rather than later.

I agree. Let people willing to work to stay take the lead.

I wouldn't be so sad to see these people go because I think there are enough whales and emerging users who can take their place.

Me either. I am hoping they go sooner and sell out now so Steem drops price now. But, what they will do is wait until things are going well and then dump.

And finally, I'm hoping that if these posts convince someone to jump ship, its the spammers.

Unlikely. Spammers will run on all platforms they can.

So, I can't say that I see Steemit community builders taking their funds and putting them into a different platform. Simply because I don't know them. You're writing about them that means that you know or that you observed it. My questions: Did you ask them why?

Further, when I see ONO, I would not say that it is a direct competitor to Steemit, because of the different alignment of the community system. One Example: There will not be something like ONO POWER(STEEM Power) which determines the weight of your vote.

There is another platform but I forgot the name. This one I would see a potential competitor.

On the other hand, I would call it unwise to abandon Steemit completely!
In my opinion, the STEEM Blockchain has one big advantage: An already existing and constantly improving Ecosystem of different applications. Not only different applications but important different applications.

Steemit, Dtube,Dlive, Appics the first SMT coming soon.
All based on the same Blockchain. We have to keep our eyes open for other potential opportunities in my opinion, but STEEM is one of them.

My questions: Did you ask them why?

Yes. Money. New opportunities. Too hard to change here.

An already existing and constantly improving Ecosystem of different applications. Not only different applications but important different applications.

I don't think it will take a dedicated or motivated team of developers long to replicate.

Timing is everything, was just starting to get annoyed with this too. I was thinking of a post "Grass Is Greener on the Other Side of the Fence, or is it?"

It's so easy to have issues with this platform or any other as nothing is perfect. It can't be as to be perfect it would make everyone happy from the smallest minnow to the largest whale, from the happy go lucky person to the jackasses of the world, from those who put in serious effort into their posts to those who spam the system to earn pennies.

It's impossible to balance the wants and needs of everyone without pissing some people off. So for every "flaw" there is in the system there is a balancing good point. Being able to delegate steempower to bid bots is a flaw in the eyes of many, but a blessing in the eyes of others...plus if you couldn't delegate then you couldn't help out other members with a delegation.

Personally I think it's shady as shit to shill a competitor while profiting from that shilling. If the grass is so green on the other side your shilling won't be needed to draw people in, so don't whore yourself out like that.

Most importantly if the grass is really greener on the other side do us all a favor and move on over. Leave steemit to those who believe in it's future. Sell all your coins and please crush the price so I can buy super cheap coins and laugh for years to come.

It's impossible to balance the wants and needs of everyone without pissing some people off. So for every "flaw" there is in the system there is a balancing good point.

You're right about that. That's why rather than jump ship to steemit's competitors, I'd rather just stay on here. After all, who's to say that the issues steemit has won't happen elsewhere. And that by the time the competition experiences these issues, who's to say steemit hasn't already come up with a solution to address them.

Well, it is not just the issues. These people aren't Madonna, thy can't reinvent themselves. It will be the same tired content on every platform.

You're right. I wouldn't be surprised if the posts they've written on "How to earn Steem on Steemit" will literally be repurposed to "How to earn [insert cryptocurrency here] on [insert new platform I just joined here]".

Yep. They will set up the same initiatives and use the same silly memes and gifs and whatever to do the same thing. Unfortunately, the audience will lap it up all over again. Same con, new town.

Exactly. Just because something is new doesn't mean it will be better. The issues maybe different or the same, but either way there will be issues on the new platform. It took time for steemit to get even this good and there plans to make it better. Really looking forward to where steemit can go long term.

And at this point, we have to consider the possibility that the new platform is still a "maybe" competitor. We're not even sure if it will be a direct competitor. And even if it was, we have no idea if it will be successful or if the people who jump ship will be successful there, at all.

Most importantly if the grass is really greener on the other side do us all a favor and move on over. Leave steemit to those who believe in it's future.

This is what I wonder. Why would they keep getting support?

I dropped someone the other day, but it's really hard to keep track of all the positions that witnesses hold. Really think a page that tracks witnesses behavior would be killer! Can show all delegations be each, their voting habits, bid bot ownership, their recent posts, and more. Everything that should be a factor in deciding your witness all in one spot.

If I had the time to do this project I would, since I don't someone run with this please!!!!

I tried to organize one but without the skills myself, there was no interest.

Hopefully someone will take this on. Would be nice to see this data.

Really think a page that tracks witnesses behavior would be killer!

Well, perhaps you'd like to fill your aqualung to the max and take a deep immersion trip sniffing some dirty secrets under these dark waters:

... and don't forget to breathe only through your mouth @thedarkhorse. }:)

From reading up on EOS and possible rivals to Steemit on that platform it seems that @dan has watched the difficulties Steem faces with abuse by certain users and the bitbots making it pay to play and is working hard to try and make a fairer system for all.
I am also interested to see what comes out of it all but I do agree there does seem to be alot of established users doing as you say.
Now is the time for the community to fight for steem before it is too late or on june 1st when EOS the battle may already be lost. Only time will tell. Maybe steem will need to adopt similar constitutional rules to EOS if it wants to survive.

The problem with EOS? The same people who are giving up here have bought in there.

Maybe so but, it seems like dan is trying to code against bad actors.
I should say that I have a couple of Eos, 21 to be exact but steemit has been good to me, so I hope it succeeds and that the community will overcome the issue it faces.

Exactly. They are going to build on the issues in steemit. That is what worries me.

From my understanding the year long ico is to provent whales from gaining control and vote buying will be a no no on EOS. I coukd be wrong on this, maybe it is only for block producer/ witnesses . Also please read my above conent.

There is an element of truth in your argument - I say this as an EOS supporter myself.
But I think there is more to it than just the the simplicity of ad-whoring here on Seemit. A lot of people involved in this project are veteran Steemians. That being said I think they are free to use the platform just like another noob who can pretty much promotes anything of theirs including porn and plagiarism without almost any consequence.
These vet. are basically showing off their project here on steemit - a completely legit thing to do. In fact I think it should be this way. Just because their project might come out to rival Steemit doesn't mean that they are still not in the same boat as Bitcoin or Etherium.

As for abandoning ship.......I am not really clear. I mean people were still on facebook when they were using twitter, right?

A lot of people involved in this project are veteran Steemians.

Yes they are. So, while they are developing their new platform to rival steem, they are telling their steemit followers to invest into Steem... oh, and they get paid for that. Isn't there some kind of ethical dilemma somewhere? I know there isn't because most people these days seem to not use the term ethics or integrity anymore as it requires commitment ;)

As for abandoning ship.......I am not really clear. I mean people were still on facebook when they were using twitter, right?

I think there is a difference between these. Money.

I think Steemit would survive for the long haul. The situation then would be that Steemit won't be the only shark in the ocean as competing parties come up with even more efficient ideas. Then Steemit would counter with upgrades of it's own.
So what happens when people start promoting Steemit on those platforms. Do we tell them to not to promote Steemit there because we won't be promoting them here. No matter how much we like Steemit, it would not always be the only fish in the water.
I think this debate had even far more reaching consequences. I think it would be more favorable for the platform as a whole to thrive with collaborations rather then duking it out alone in a world that is already been made hostile for platform like ours.

I think it would be more favorable for the platform as a whole to thrive with collaborations rather then duking it out alone in a world that is already been made hostile for platform like ours.

I agree but, I don't think that is what is going to happen considering well, here. People can't even come together on the simplest of community actions. What happens across platforms?

I think that has been the issue with any democratic process since..........ever. People would try to hijack it for their own gains. Then a countering force would try to establish a balance. There are no easy solutions I guess. The process is a time consuming one but it is the only one we have.

It's an interesting concept for sure. A lot of the people here are interested in cryptocurrency, so it seems natural that they would want to talk about upcoming crypto projects. On the other hand, like you said, it's sort of strange that they would be "shilling" for the other platforms on this platform. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, hopefully it's the former.

Didn't steve Jobs say to Steal great ideas not Go work for them ? ;)

I can't believe I actually read this entire comment thread! Really great topic. I've also been wondering about all the EOS/ONO posts I've been seeing on here in recent weeks.

I won't repeat things I've already said in response to the comments of others, but will simply add additional perspectives here.

I think one of the problems with Steemit is that the makers of STEEM seem to only see it as a proof of concept. They don't seem to actually care about the steemit community or any of the other steem platforms per se. It's more to prove what can be done with SMTs, which is what they really care about for the company's future.

So it does stand to reason that there's an opening for competitors. A competitor just needs to come along with a governing team that prioritizes the needs of the platform and makes the technical changes needed for it to thrive. That would be things like groups and mobile on here, not SMTs. A new platform that can offer groups and mobile right off the bat definitely has an advantage, and more so if it seems that the reason it can is simply because someone cares enough to be bothered.

That said, while I can understand the desire of some people to find their FB and let steemit become their myspace now, I don't share that sentiment. I have absolutely loved what I've found on steemit and am not really all that bothered by the problems. I feel like I can work within what I've been given to make this worth my while, so want to see more effort put into improving this place instead of fleeing for another.

But I'm not here all about the money. I love the quality of conversation I get to engage in on here more than anything and consider it a bonus that I get paid for it. I do work to get paid a decent amount, say $10-20 per post, to compensate me somewhat for my time, but I actually make more like $300 per hour in my real work, so really, I can't take the money that seriously.

Yet others do take the money that seriously. So for them, if they see the number of people they're splitting payouts with go from say 200k people to suddenly 500k people (I don't recall the actual numbers, so really just making a point) they may reasonably think, "Well I'd like to go do this someplace where only 100k people are splitting the pot."

And since nothing stops them from doing it in both places, since the ones you're talking about are not needing to invest a lot of time to see great rewards anymore (if they ever did), again, it just makes sense that this would be happening.

Understood or not, I would however appreciate your posting the names of what witnesses you're referring to, because I would definitely want to make sure I'm not supporting them as witness.

As a user here, if I see that a platform like Ono has groups working and working mobile, and that quality content and conversations are in fact happening there, I will start using both platforms. I feel that's the user's prerogative and no loyalty should be expected of platform users if the platform doesn't keep up with competitors. But witness is a role that is beyond 'user.' I don't expect loyalty to the platform out of users, but I do out of witnesses.

I can't believe I actually read this entire comment thread! Really great topic.

Interesting isn't it.

"Well I'd like to go do this someplace where only 100k people are splitting the pot."

And as it grows, they go to the next and the next and the next. There is no longevity or community in that, just optimization of personal value. That is fine, but don't sell community.

And since nothing stops them from doing it in both places, since the ones you're talking about are not needing to invest a lot of time to see great rewards anymore (if they ever did), again, it just makes sense that this would be happening

This is where the communities should perhaps stop supporting them considering they are no longer interested in delivering content tailored to build this community.

Understood or not, I would however appreciate your posting the names of what witnesses you're referring to, because I would definitely want to make sure I'm not supporting them as witness.

I don't call people out like that but search ono and eos and you will find them easily enough.

But witness is a role that is beyond 'user.' I don't expect loyalty to the platform out of users, but I do out of witnesses.

I think that this is something that all need to consider.

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