Chapter Two: My "Journey" and the Pay It Forward Community

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

At the end of the first 3 months of my Steem "journey," I have decided to "put a wrap" on what I will consider going forward as "Chapter One" of the story. Tonight I would like to share both some things I have learned, as well as a key decision I have made, as I start in to "Chapter Two."

After completing my introductory post on May 14th, I immediately ran into what I refer to as The Challenge in my recent post on encouragement on our Steem blockchain!

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With this introductory comment, let's just jump right into Chapter One and see what The Challenge was:

Chapter One and The Challenge

In my encouragement post referenced above, I wrote the following:

"With all of the best intentions and highest aspirations, all of the resulting work we then put in faces an immediate challenge the moment we click Post on our first content creation."

"How is anyone ever going to see it? Let alone read it! Let alone support it ..."

One of my biggest early frustrations, common to pretty much everyone else, was thinking I had just clicked Post on some great new content. For example, I put a lot into and was pretty proud of one of my first posts - "Essential Foundation for Good Business”. Well, so what! The last time I went there, it still had 2 visitors ...

In my view, this is arguably the singlest biggest problem on Steem. I won't recreate what I put in to my encouragement post, in support of that view, but go on into this one ...

As any of our fellow Steemians finds out very quickly upon choosing to enter the “Steemisphere,” there is a lot going on “in here.” If you can find it! Yes, great, but how do you going about doing that? For a while, I just stumbled around and along the way, picked up a “tidbit” here and a “tidbit” there. Sort of like a “crumb trail” …

Getting to the main focus of this post, fairly quickly I began to be introduced to the idea of communities. Each had its own approach and area of emphasis. A “common theme,” however, for many of them is helping the new Steemian get “built up,” as most start out as a “plankton” or “minnow.”

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Over the next few weeks, I "stumbled" into the following communities, in this order:

  • The Peace, Abundance, and Liberty community found at @minnowsupport.
  • The Partiko development team at @partiko, the creators of the great Android app.
  • The Helpienaut community found at @helpie.
  • The Pay It Forward Community at @pifc.
  • Steem Community found at @steemcommunity.

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There is a lot that goes into these communities - a serious understatement. There have been many posts written about them, so I won't make any attempt to recreate any of that content here. I will also not spend any time on the fact there are many, many more communities, some of which I have a little idea, many of whom I'm sure I've never even heard of yet.

What I would like to say, for the sake of all who might come after me, new in their own "journey" and facing the same fundamental question, is very basic.

"How can I possibly spend the needed time with all of these communities!"

We all have the same fixed constants - there is 1 of us, and our time - 24 / 7 / 365. That's it!! None of us can break out of these constraints.

I would suggest to you that you'll want to make a decision on narrowing your choice down to participating in one or two communities (although others with more time may feel they can adequately support more ...).

Here is a key exchange, while "searching out" all the possibilities and learning as I went. It was part of my original message to @thedarkhorse, on 4 July 2018:

[Note: Found on his Week 14 post, after being introduced to the PIFC community by @headchange in her Week 14 Entry post.]

"Good morning @thedarkhorse! Beautiful day (here at least) in America. Happy Independence Day!

Following up on your original comment to me (did not “know” of you prior to that), I have now read @headchange’s post. Pressed for time, looked through your profile and made two observations:

  1. Your “started in” on August 2017. As did I, with one very notable exception. I started as an investor only. You appear to have been engaged from day one. Well done!

  2. You spend a considerable amount of time to create the content you post, judging by the graphics etc. As a result, so far, while I have encountered other “support groups" (and they all are doing valuable, “heartfelt” work) in our Steem Community, yours stands out to me as the best. I specifically like the format you have put together, whereby those submitting posts for future consideration, must first build a post of their own … And they are nominating someone else, rather than themselves … Great concept!!"

This initial impression stayed with me and was continually reinforced by many of the other great Steemians in the PIFC Community. As an example, as a result of one "encounter," here is a reply written to @lynncoyle1 on 13 July 2018.

Many others could be put down here. I wrote whole posts about some of the ideas generated from my "meeting" some of these Steemians, for the first time, and the impressions made.

These investments of time, from others, led to an important decision for me. So, while a lot more could be written about other aspects of my experience during "Chapter One," I will conclude it with the reply I wrote to @thedarkhorse on Labor Day, 3 Sept 2018:

"Good morning @thedarkhorse. Happy Labor Day! Perhaps fitting, given how much time and energy you've put into providing a framework inside which others can join you in your efforts to help build up our Steem blockchain.

Thank you for this great update post on how the PIFC team is doing!

In my recent update post, I mention "recalibrating." As part of that thought process, after careful reflection, I've decided that "chapter one" of my Steem "journey" is over.

So ... Opening "chapter two," I will very intentionally try to be more narrowly focused on where I find the most value in investing my time "in here." I have decided a significant part of that will be toward helping the PIFC team.

I've done what I could, up until now, with financial backing. Moving forward, I'll see what I can do with the investment of more of my time. Don't want to "over promise and under deliver," so I'll just leave it at that, for now.

Doing my small part to provide you a little encouragement @thedarkhorse. For a better tomorrow ...

I appreciate all that you do! 👍

Chapter Two and the Pay It Forward Community

So, decision made, the next step was to “jump in!” I just recently wrote my first entry post for Week 23. Yes, that is Week 23, almost half a year!

I was joining a movement that had been steadily growing over that period, much of it before I ever decided to write my first post. I would encourage you to read through the posts of the PIFC Community founder, @thedarkhorse, to see through his eyes what it took.

I do not know all of the details, but I know there are a core group of dedicated Steemians, who have been there from the beginning. For whatever this movement becomes, those who have joined "the cause," such as myself, owe them a debt of gratitude for their hard work and perseverance. You can read some of the "highlight reel" posts of @thedarkhorse and, then later, through @pifc, to learn more about them.

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A lot of collaboration with many Steemians has led to where the PIFC Community is today. I would like to close this section with my own thoughts about a second great community - the Steem Community (you can follow at @steemcommunity) created by the joint efforts of @abh12345 and @paulag. This is their Witness account and I support and have voted for them as one of our all-important Steem Witnesses.

One key project is "The Curation and Engagement Leagues" and their focus on engagement with other Steemians. Very important for us all to get this "down cold," as soon as we can upon entering the "Steemisphere." Please read this latest post, for an introduction to what they do.

I am a little less familiar with this effort and how long it has been going on, but I believe it has been for quite a while. I do not speak for either @abh12345 or @thedarkhorse, but from my perspective, their respective communities have a lot of opportunity for some synergistic cooperation / partnering between the two.

One Definition of Synergy:

"A state in which two or more things work together in a particularly fruitful way that produces an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects. Expressed also as "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

Business Dictionary

OK, I've done my part. 😉 Over to the two principals, for some "collaboration" on what the future might look like, should they choose to work more closely together in "common cause" in some way.

Please feel free to "weigh in" with your thoughts - pro, con, or neutral - below, on this idea, as we would all benefit, I believe, from the input. Lots of input will result in a better "finished product," should this idea have any merit.

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So, from "stumbling around in the dark" to begin, to closing out "Chapter One" with a little more sense of direction going forward, you now know a little bit more of the story of one Steemian's "journey,"

"Chapter Two" of my story is just getting underway. I am looking forward to the coming weeks, to see what happens!


There you have it! A brief overview of what one Steemian has been through on his "journey" so far and the impact of communities on how much success we achieve. I hope you have found something useful in it, as you continue on your "journey."

If you would like to "join the cause" and throw in with the Pay It Forward Community, we'd love to have you! Please find some helpful links at the end of this post.

All the best to you for a better tomorrow, as we all work together to build our communities and add value to our Steem blockchain! 👍 😊


Steemian @roleerob

Posted using and “immutably enshrined in the blockchain” on Monday, 10 September 2018!


If you have found this post to be of interest, the PIFC team would love to have you join us. Here are some posts to help you in making your decision:

This account is protected by @dustsweeper


Wow...thank you! It's always odd seeing others praise your efforts and at the same time very gratifying. Today was a hard day and I have been procrastinating from writing the @pifc post and @minnowbuilder post just because. Came on to take care of business and I find this...thank you!

My Sister moved across the country after living close by our whole lives and it was her birthday today so it's an odd feeling. Plus my Sister In-law lost her baby and had to deliver a stillborn today so it was an emotional day here. Funny how when you need a little pick me up something like this happens and reminds you that your efforts are seen and appreciated. Doesn't fix my day, but at least clarifies what I'm doing here tonight.

Thank you!

awww @thedarkhorse, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law especially. I've walked similar shoes; there are no words.

Doesn't fix my day, but at least clarifies what I'm doing here tonight.

The same thing happened to me here today, and that's a perfect way to put it.

Sending lots of love to you and your family <3

It is my pleasure @thedarkhorse, to provide some encouragement, after a day like that. I'm very sorry to hear of it. Just let @lyyncoyle1 know I was "brain dead," after clicking the Post button on this, but saw this message on my phone and came "back in."

Wish there was something more I could do. I hope tomorrow is a better day, for you and your dear ones.

We all appreciate what you do @thedarkhorse. Keep leading the charge!

are you really only here 3 months? take this as a good think but your name is so familiar I feel like you have been here a lot lot longer.

Thank you so much for the mention and for supporting our witness @steemcommunity.

Really great post here as you have not only shared your story but a load of very useful links and tips and tricks.

Hope the next 3 months is as awesome as the last 3

Good morning @paulag! Thank you for stopping by and adding value to this post. Coming from you, it means a lot!

Yes, understood. My time "in here" might be confusing, on "the surface," as the listed "start date" on my account is Aug. 2017. My first post, however, on the day I elected to "jump in," was May 14th. I am now in Month 4, Chapter 2, of my "journey."

In the detail of my first reply to @thedarkhorse, in this post, you will see this referenced. He was a lot brighter than I and started adding value to his investment from day ONE! And me? Well, as I've written "in here," I may be a little on the slow side. But, I eventually "get it" ... 😉

All the best to you, for a great new day!

Posted using Partiko Android

Extensive research presented here @roleerob!

I do not speak for either @abh12345 or @thedarkhorse, but from my perspective, their respective communities have a lot of opportunity for some synergistic cooperation / partnering between the two.

Last week I was a guest judge for the @pifc, and this week it is Paula's turn. I would say the synergy is well underway. Cheers!

Up before 🌄 (here) @abh12345 and I appreciate all that you are doing.

"Last week I was a guest judge for the @pifc, and this week it is Paula's turn. I would say the synergy is well underway."

Yes, excellent point! No doubt about that. We all write from our own experience base and what I have written here comes from mine. I won't elaborate here, though, and hopefully have not unintentionally "stepped on some toes" ...

I and many others admire and respect the leadership example you provide. Have a great day @abh12345!

This is why I have enjoyed my journey here as well and look to helping others as much or more as I have been helped by others. Great example as not all rewards come in a monetary fashion as knowledge, support and guidance are some times more valuable than they appear. Relationships and communities can be forged for the long haul while financial incentives are gained and loss in an instant.

Up before 🌄 to thank you @newageinv for contributing your thoughts to this post. Really adds considerable value to it!

"... not all rewards come in a monetary fashion as knowledge, support and guidance are some times more valuable than they appear. Relationships and communities can be forged for the long haul while financial incentives are gained and loss in an instant."

Amen to that! Absolutely right!!

"... forged for the long haul ..."

Extracting that key "nugget." No question, at least in my mind. We are in a marathon race, not a sprint. Anyone who did not "get it" yet is going to be unhappy, perhaps woefully so, in a hurry. The relationships we "forge" will get us through to the finish line ...

Until we "meet" again, have a great day!

P.S. Working on timing, as I saw how quickly you replied and I really appreciate that. Very much! Just didn't have enough "brain cells firing" to compose a sufficient response ...

I'm so glad that you finally realized how cool are steemcommunity and pifc 😉 for me pifc come first because it plays the biggest role in my account growth and with "my chatty" habits then I took a chance to join the engagement league after gorgeous people encouraging me through their comments and then.. here I am, 5 months older tgan your account and still struggling though it's not that hard anymore.

Your post here, just like the same voice in my head that I can't write it up clearly in english 😊 but I'm so grateful and really know how the care of others could mean a help to ourself. Thanks for sharing and wish that I could read your entry every week too👍

Up before 🌄 (here) @cicisaja. Thank you for adding value to this post. And for your kind words of encouragement!

"... you finally realized ..."

Yes, as mentioned in my writing, I maybe slow, but I eventually "get it" ... 😊

"... for me pifc come first because it plays the biggest role in my account growth and with "my chatty" habits then I took a chance to join the engagement league after gorgeous people encouraging me through their comments ..."

Well, I would say, from "watching you" over time, you are always contributing upbeat, positive words to others, wherever you go "in here" @cicisaja. Both of these communities are encouraging sources of some help from others, but the heart of the content you create comes from inside you.

"Your post here, just like the same voice in my head that I can't write it up clearly in english ..."

I can't speak for others, but I admire the effort you put in to communicate in a language which is not your native language. From my perspective, you make yourself understood and that is what counts. I've shared above, for example, the impression I am left with, upon reading what you have written.

I would imagine you have already thought of this, but no matter what we do, if we keep putting in the time and effort, we get better at it. So, day by day, you put in the effort and your communication in English, or any language, will just get better and better!

Until we "meet" again, all the best to you @cicisaja for a better tomorrow!

What a comment @roleerob 😉 you amazed me again 😉 I'll see you again .. soon. You've submitted your entry for this week and I'll take my chance to roaming around the featured bloggers while my VP is still "good". 👋

Happy to do it @cicisaja. Why did I take the time? I am investing in you and your great attitude! 😉👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @roleerob!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 2.231 which ranks you at #20138 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has improved 819 places in the last three days (old rank 20957).

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 271 contributions, your post is ranked at #48.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • Only a few people are following you, try to convince more people with good work.
  • The readers like your work!
  • Good user engagement!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

Looks like I added you to the steemauto list to late for this post so manually added the vote.

Very good. Thank you @minnowbuilder!

By the way, any post links or input anywhere which you used to select the best auto voter? One item on my " to do" list I need to get done, so any help would be greatly appreciated!

Posted using Partiko Android

I personally use, but it only allows 20 free votes then you have to pay.

For this project I'm using SteemAuto which is great when it's up and running. They seem to have more downtime lately then any other autovoter.

But going to be talking with a programmer about creating our own vote bot that will do things like accumulate upvote power in case you don't vote daily with a max of 3x vote (or it could kill our voting power if a large account waited a week or something.

Up before 🌄 (here) @minnowbuilder2.

"... talking with a programmer about creating our own vote bot ..."

Wow! Very interesting. A lot going on.

Have a related thought for you this morning. I found this post from one of our all-important Steem Witnesses - @timcliff - and found it to be encouraging. If interested, perhaps you will as well.

You've hit on some pretty awesome initiatives and people here @roleerob! I'd say you are well on your way to understanding what's important here ... the rest will come in time ... or not haha

Currently I am part of the @steemcommunity, @pifc and @minnowbuilder. I think they are all affiliated, with a primary goal of building a steem middle class and boosting engagement. For now, I'm investing in this 3 communities as they are in line with my goals, which are growth and community building.

Up before 🌄 and pleased to find your reply @nonsowrites. Thank you for adding value to this post!

"... a primary goal of building a steem middle class and boosting engagement"

A Steem "middle class" ... Yep! A lot has been written on this topic. By "brighter lights" than I, but well done that you are investing your efforts in it. I personally think that is the key to adding value to our Steem blockchain, for the benefit of us all.

Have a great day!

Thank you very much. I am glad to be part of The movement and contributing my own quota to the overall growth of Te steel blockchain

Great update! Looks like you are coming along nicely. I really do believe community involvement is the best way to grow an account.
There is a lot of Steemit that remains a mystery to me. From what I can see it will be the communities making a difference that will lead to the long term survival of the platform.
I am glad the @pifc still holds value in your eyes. I will certainly be looking forward to your future participation, in what ever form it takes.
Congrats on your growth and success so far.

Hi @headchange. Thank you for stopping by. I really appreciate it. Glad to work along side you and the other members of the @pifc community. I think it will be exciting to see what it becomes, over time.

Oh, and thank you for stepping in to be a judge!

P.S. Well, on this one ...

"There is a lot of Steemit that remains a mystery to me"

There is an update for you on our Discord conversation, as your time permits ...

Thank you so much for that Discord update. I am still mulling it over. Some things just take time to sink in with me.
I am so glad to see you taking a more active role in @pifc. I love that through their project even a small account like mine can give a little boost to someone.

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