Spare Change and Jelly Babies!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

The landscape of my life is greatly altered.

I used to be financially independent and, as a single parent working 60 hours a week, brought up my son whilst running a lucrative antiques business singlehandedly – but then things changed.

These days I hold a few modest assets, a tumbledown Finca in Spain/A 2005 Daihatsui Hijet mini van/a little modest jewellery and other day to day belongings.

I am not destitute and yet, except for my Steemit account, I have no savings and live on a small sliding overdraft, funds my husband, Rick, shares from his disability benefit and money I manage to eke out from the occasional sale of handmade incense, artwork and my newbie crypto trades.

My greatest asset and burden is Rick.

He is my number one fan, my muse and teacher but he is unwell and needs me by his side constantly.

And yet we are wealthy, beyond the material, for the freedom, love and laughter we share daily.

For, in spite of, or perhaps because of difficult circumstances, we have managed to extricate ourselves from ‘The System’ as much as is humanly possible when existing within its’ confines with a long-term health condition.

And due to this twist of fate I now have time to experiment with my writing and art.


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Still, a person has needs.


The other day I was sitting in my van waiting. I won’t bore myself, or you, recounting details of the why but as I sat quietly, I was startled by a sudden tap on my window. A short, slightly dishevelled youngish fella peered into the dark interior and started;

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you jump, but I was wondering if you could help me please. I am 10p short of the £3.50 I need to buy myself a menu meal – can you help me please?”

I immediately reached for a half-eaten bag of Jelly Babies on the dash and answered;

“Here, take these for starters!”

As I fumbled around in the dark for my bag.

I had under a tenner, in loose change, in my purse and fished out £1.20 which the young man gratefully accepted whilst stuffing Jelly Babies in his mouth and mumbling something about a sugar rush as he trotted on!


Now, my computer is on the fritz and liable to imminently die on a less than wondrous whim and so, I have cheekily decided to tap on your virtual window - for what is a woman without Windows 10?!

Rather astonishingly I have managed, here, to save 40 Steem towards a new PC and now know that I am wholly capable, through my own quick wit, repartee and your upvotes and encouragement, to reach my goal of 100.

That said I still thought to reach out to the community and put it out there that I am about 60 Steem short of my goal…

As I wonder out loud -

“Are you able to help me please?”


(Happy to trade - If you are looking for artwork for your home please check out this post of mine here: where I offer my illustrations for personal use by donation).

With Love.


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I invite you to check out my recent posts. I'd sure love to hear your thoughts :)

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Wonderful post / Resteemed / Peace

Aaawh thanks.


That means the world to me.

Enjoy your Sunday.


Thank you for sharing this post! Life always has what we need at any given moment....but sometimes its often hidden from our view like behind a sweet bag jelly beans! Life is a great like! I wish you well and followed/upvoted you! Keep on keepn on!


I agree ~ everything in divine order and timing.

Only hope my PC lasts long enough for me to replace it otherwise it could get messy.



Do this meditation every day. It will work.

I will give it a go.

Although I am a shocker for being unable to commit to anything regularly.


And thanks ~ (hopefully, this time around, my streaming won't fail me).


do not give up what we do it fails, behind to the failing we will succeed, the important thing to do as well as mukin, DO'A + BUSINESS SUCCESS.
good luck ya @ldacey-laforge.
congratulations / peace

Wonderful post / Resteemed / Peace

You have received my 100%upvote and a resteem! Hugs coming your way.

Super generous and supportive of you thanks @cecicastor.

I hope you have a splendid week.

With Love.


I think the beauty of Steemit is for complete strangers to reward each other when we open our hearts and let other people see our pains, weaknesses and also all of our joys and happiness.

This is the concept of the gift economy and I know that someone out there is looking out for you and you'll be successful here in Steemit.

You have been scouted by @promo-mentors. We are always on the look out for promising authors.

I would like to invite you to our discord group

When you are there send me a message! (My Discord name is the same as the one here)

I loved reading this fun little story. Upvoted!

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