My Walk in the Woods • part 2 • Massive Stonewalls

I continued a bit further into the Redding woods..

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.. and am confronted by centuries-old stonewalls.. all placed carefully and still balanced.

IMG_0086 site 1.JPG

.. then appears a big intersection of several huge walls...

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So whoa.. it's like 5 walls all coming together..

IMG_0088 site 1.JPG

Just beyond the intersection looking back now.. Two of the walls run parallel for a bit..

IMG_0089 site 1 pano.JPG

This boulder nearby got sliced like a piece of bread it seems.. evidence of massive glacial powers at work during the last Ice Age.

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I was then drawn to this boulder perched atop another...

IMG_0092 cracked rock.JPG

At closer examination you can see a double-fissure or crack that the boulder shares with the larger rock below.

They must have been a unified piece of rock long ago.
IMG_0093 cracked rock.JPG

Onward into the woods I must go.. to be continued...

This has been part 2 of My Walk in the Woods.
Here is a link to part 1 • A Rusty Hulk.
Here is a link to part 2 • Massive Stonewalls.
Here is a link to part 3 • The Stones Speak.
Here is a link to part 4 • Relics.
Here is a link to part 5 • Sentinel.
Here is a link to part 6 • The Far Side.

All content 100% original by John Deecken • orionsbeltbuckle



At first I thought you were talking about Redding, CA and wondered where you would be finding those stonewalls. Do have any idea about the history of those walls? Those matching fissures are fascinating. Nature is so wonderfully mysterious. I'm enjoying your series...keep up the excellent work.

Hi @samanthajbarnes.. thanks for your support! yeah Redding, CT is a small colonial kinda woodsy town... pristine actually. Mark Twain had a house there for the last 2 years of his life.

This particular area, Collis P. Huntington State Park was a private estate/hunting area of Commodore Walther Luttgen, a New York banker in the late 1800s. He added much of the stonewalls.. and several earthen dams that created a series of lakes. He eventually sold the land to a step-son of Collis P. Huntington whom was a big railroad magnate and one of the Golden Spike guys 1869. His wife was famous sculptor, Anna Huntington.

But the place was strictly for pleasure.. very little evidence of "standard" human activity... only became a State Park in '73, so the place is MINT.

Wow! Thank you so much for that extra background info...I love getting the inside scoop! My mother and father were from CT. They moved to Southern California in 1950 when it was mostly orange groves. I have never been back to Connecticutt and I have so many cousins there. I should definitely visit.

very nice place to visit or to live!

Just noticed the you mention Redding CA,
I use to live near Red Bluff a few years ago.
There is some old rock walls, along
Jellys Ferry Road, just north of Red Bluff.
Real pretty drive, up along some hills to the
west side of road before you see the
Sacramento river is this old rock wall.
There is a video somewhere about more
old rock walls all along CA and CT.

Another trippy thing is Redding CA and
Redding CT sit along about the same
latitude line. Funny thing with names
and places :-)

One of my good friends was born in Red Bluff...small world. I know Jellys Ferry Road. I will have to look for those walls next time I'm up there. Thanks for all the interesting tidbits of information!

Indeed a small world :-)

There is some more walls, modern and way cool stone
walls up Ash creek rd, off Jellys past Roosters landing
resort. Up Ash creek a ways is a road called Wildcat.
All along these roads are walls and awesome picture
opportunities. Wildcat has the big ranch house and
tons of rock corrals. This road leads to Shingletown.
I heard it is all owned by the owner of the Holiday markets.

It's a skinny twisty fun road lol

there's an Ash Creek in Fairfield, CT just a coupla miles southwest of me..

Hmmm now this is getting even more trippy :-)

during the Clinton/Gore campaign of 2000, my son and I were looking at a globe of the earth... on the opposite side from where we live... and found Clinton, New Zealand right next door (few miles away) to Gore, New Zealand. Kinda weird.

Thanks again! It's always good to get the inside scoop. There are so many back roads that need to be explored...the skinnier and twistier the better!!!

hey thanks cool!

Love a bit of landscape archaeology.

Do you know that in Australia, orions belt is what we call the handle of a saucepan.

I'd love to see the stars from your area @riverflows! 🌌

You know they are the right way up, right? ;)

Can't be Bridgeport, there isn't any graffiti!

i had to photoshop over some gang tags. just kiddin... I added "Redding" to the headline. Just 20 miles north of Bport.

Beautiful walk with you @orionsbeltbuckle!!
These rock walls are intriguing, rocks in general
fascinate me, but when they are arranged like
so, then even more interesting :-)

As I'm sitting here watching vids on
MegalithomaniaUK ch on youtube, so many
informative goodies. Telerik energies and
astronomy come to mind ☀

So much to see over in the states around
you, just amazing!

I like how the tree shadow is forking the
cracks in the last rock photo, iceage cracking
or electrical magnetical?
5 walls coming together somewhat like
the path, geometry Venus makes.

Love your new banner, miss your old banner
now lol, do you have a larger photo of your
old banner? I like the three ages of coins on
your new one along with Osiris Orion!

⭐⭐⭐ In His Belt

5 walls coming together somewhat like
the path, geometry Venus makes.

I've always wanted to do a post about that.. the 5-pointed Star that Venus and Earth create over an eight-year period.

Because of the Phi-relationship of Earth and Venus' orbital diameters and thus their synodic periods, a star shape is draw in the solar system.. whose vertices are the meeting points between the two planets. In other words, each time that Venus passing right between the Sun and Earth, for example, they will have this "meeting" again in 1.618 Earth years. This synodic period of 1.6, when viewed from above the solar system, results in the exact pattern that a child would draw when creating a 5-pointed star.

If you then fit that giant star shape within Earth's orbit (averaged into a circle) you'd find that the relative size of the orbit of Venus would fit precisely within the inner pentagon of the star thus created.

I've seen that with Venus, amazing the
geometry in Everything
I really like how you explained it!!
I do love geometry, astronomy and
geology and combining the ologies :-)


plus Venus is rotating the wrong way! although she follows Earth and the other planets around the Sun, she is rotating on her axis the opposite direction - very slowly.

Think I heard Uranus also is odd on its
axis, like things were bumped around
a bit out there, all them space rocks 💎

By chance did you see the transit of Venus?

no i didn't.. but yes, Uranus rotates on an axis that is almost 90 degress off from the rest of the planets.

y'know whatever solid mass that Jupiter might have beneath it's 1000s of miles of clouds is likely not much larger than the planet Earth. Same with the other "gas giants". ... and they give poor Pluto a hard time regarding it's planetary status!

Ever read Arthur C Clarke books? was something about
Jupiter having a diamond core 💎

Would a spark turn him into a sun?
Thought of when that probe was dropped into
it's gas layers.

Oh I did get to see Shoemaker Levy 9 crash into
Jupiter when in Germany with my telescope.
Now that was exciting! ☄

Poor Pluto, it is all because of Goofy ;-)

Yes but not that one... i remember reading Dolphin Island in ninth grade..

well with all that methane, and the intense radiation, one would think that Jupiter is a small brown dwarth "star" that just hasn't begun fusion.

Nice about Shoemaker Levy!

Yup Goofy ruined it for him!

@shasta.. click for an enlargement!

Thank you @orionsbeltbuckle!!
I really love this artwork very cool! 🐎

that pic up there is just about the actual size that i originally painted that... so when you click it for the enlargement the resulting image is more than 200% enlargement

Is this the size you used for your banner?
I've tried a couple different sizes for mine
that were suggested for steem size. But it
still does not look very sharp as orig.

Your artwork is astounding @orionsbeltbuckle!!

your banner looks really sharp to me right now

I like how the tree shadow is forking the
cracks in the last rock photo, iceage cracking
or electrical magnetical?

Y'know @shasta, that's what first got me drawn to that boulder.. was the cracks merged with the shadows of a branch.. I knew that something was up.

Rocks have great energies, someone long ago
put many along these magnetic energy lines.
Have you heard of the saint Michael and saint
Mary lines through southern UK? Much built
along these places, likewise the names of
said places. World wide mapping, navigating.

You know there is a cool shadow contest for
awesome shadows, need that tree shadow on
a body part this week lol or other shadow things.
I really enjoy her @melinda010100 contests :-)

So much cool stuff!! It's like a beach full
of agates 2 me :-)

And mesure they did so very long ago!
It's down right mind blowing what is out
there to be seen

The geometry and astronomy seem to be
doing a dance together, mapping out the

Thank you 4 the link!

° 🗻 •

Telerik energies? just looked it up... Is this like the Grounding or Earthing stuff I'd seen last summer in some vids?

Yes, those were sure some interesting
videos on grounding! Concentrated lines
marked out ages ago for these healing,
growing, powerful energies. Could go
a step further and say with the diversion
of waters, injections of, etc, could be
doing a number of interesting things.

It does make me think of many
other things lol

have you seen this:

I don't think I have, will check it out today!
Thank you 🌄 °• .

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