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RE: My Walk in the Woods • part 2 • Massive Stonewalls

Beautiful walk with you @orionsbeltbuckle!!
These rock walls are intriguing, rocks in general
fascinate me, but when they are arranged like
so, then even more interesting :-)

As I'm sitting here watching vids on
MegalithomaniaUK ch on youtube, so many
informative goodies. Telerik energies and
astronomy come to mind ☀

So much to see over in the states around
you, just amazing!

I like how the tree shadow is forking the
cracks in the last rock photo, iceage cracking
or electrical magnetical?
5 walls coming together somewhat like
the path, geometry Venus makes.

Love your new banner, miss your old banner
now lol, do you have a larger photo of your
old banner? I like the three ages of coins on
your new one along with Osiris Orion!

⭐⭐⭐ In His Belt


5 walls coming together somewhat like
the path, geometry Venus makes.

I've always wanted to do a post about that.. the 5-pointed Star that Venus and Earth create over an eight-year period.

Because of the Phi-relationship of Earth and Venus' orbital diameters and thus their synodic periods, a star shape is draw in the solar system.. whose vertices are the meeting points between the two planets. In other words, each time that Venus passing right between the Sun and Earth, for example, they will have this "meeting" again in 1.618 Earth years. This synodic period of 1.6, when viewed from above the solar system, results in the exact pattern that a child would draw when creating a 5-pointed star.

If you then fit that giant star shape within Earth's orbit (averaged into a circle) you'd find that the relative size of the orbit of Venus would fit precisely within the inner pentagon of the star thus created.

I've seen that with Venus, amazing the
geometry in Everything
I really like how you explained it!!
I do love geometry, astronomy and
geology and combining the ologies :-)


plus Venus is rotating the wrong way! although she follows Earth and the other planets around the Sun, she is rotating on her axis the opposite direction - very slowly.

Think I heard Uranus also is odd on its
axis, like things were bumped around
a bit out there, all them space rocks 💎

By chance did you see the transit of Venus?

no i didn't.. but yes, Uranus rotates on an axis that is almost 90 degress off from the rest of the planets.

y'know whatever solid mass that Jupiter might have beneath it's 1000s of miles of clouds is likely not much larger than the planet Earth. Same with the other "gas giants". ... and they give poor Pluto a hard time regarding it's planetary status!

Ever read Arthur C Clarke books? was something about
Jupiter having a diamond core 💎

Would a spark turn him into a sun?
Thought of when that probe was dropped into
it's gas layers.

Oh I did get to see Shoemaker Levy 9 crash into
Jupiter when in Germany with my telescope.
Now that was exciting! ☄

Poor Pluto, it is all because of Goofy ;-)

Yes but not that one... i remember reading Dolphin Island in ninth grade..

well with all that methane, and the intense radiation, one would think that Jupiter is a small brown dwarth "star" that just hasn't begun fusion.

Nice about Shoemaker Levy!

Yup Goofy ruined it for him!

There was a book and a movie called
Island of the blue dolphins, I really liked
when I was a kid. Recently found more
info on the ancient things found around
the channel islands off CA.
Is this the same you mentioned reading
in the 9th grade?

So many things I've heard about Jupiter,
including it could turn into a star, a sun.

Amazing stuff abounds all around :-)

@shasta.. click for an enlargement!

Thank you @orionsbeltbuckle!!
I really love this artwork very cool! 🐎

that pic up there is just about the actual size that i originally painted that... so when you click it for the enlargement the resulting image is more than 200% enlargement

Is this the size you used for your banner?
I've tried a couple different sizes for mine
that were suggested for steem size. But it
still does not look very sharp as orig.

Your artwork is astounding @orionsbeltbuckle!!

your banner looks really sharp to me right now

I like how the tree shadow is forking the
cracks in the last rock photo, iceage cracking
or electrical magnetical?

Y'know @shasta, that's what first got me drawn to that boulder.. was the cracks merged with the shadows of a branch.. I knew that something was up.

Rocks have great energies, someone long ago
put many along these magnetic energy lines.
Have you heard of the saint Michael and saint
Mary lines through southern UK? Much built
along these places, likewise the names of
said places. World wide mapping, navigating.

You know there is a cool shadow contest for
awesome shadows, need that tree shadow on
a body part this week lol or other shadow things.
I really enjoy her @melinda010100 contests :-)

So much cool stuff!! It's like a beach full
of agates 2 me :-)

And mesure they did so very long ago!
It's down right mind blowing what is out
there to be seen

The geometry and astronomy seem to be
doing a dance together, mapping out the

Thank you 4 the link!

° 🗻 •

Telerik energies? just looked it up... Is this like the Grounding or Earthing stuff I'd seen last summer in some vids?

Yes, those were sure some interesting
videos on grounding! Concentrated lines
marked out ages ago for these healing,
growing, powerful energies. Could go
a step further and say with the diversion
of waters, injections of, etc, could be
doing a number of interesting things.

It does make me think of many
other things lol

have you seen this:

I don't think I have, will check it out today!
Thank you 🌄 °• .

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