My Walk in the Woods • part 1 • A Rusty Hulk

My first deep woods hike of the season.. some new turf in northern Redding and the first thing I see...

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The massive rusted hulk of some strange and forgotten..

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truck body? an old bus perhaps? The sheet metal shapes look odd though.. kinda thin yet very broad sheets.

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Here we can see the rear of the vehicle with tail-light openings and a light nodule on what was the rear roof (left side of photo.)

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There's a frame visible.. looks like a trailer frame the way it all comes to a point with no space for transmission. Has to be an old trailer... an old Horse Trailer!

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Yup.. there's the wheels with a standard ol' horse trailer fender pod.

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But the hike has just begun and further into the woods I must go.. to be continued...

This has been part 1 of My Walk in the Woods.
Here is a link to part 1 • A Rusty Hulk.
Here is a link to part 2 • Massive Stonewalls.
Here is a link to part 3 • The Stones Speak.
Here is a link to part 4 • Relics.
Here is a link to part 5 • Sentinel.
Here is a link to part 6 • The Far Side.

All content 100% original by John Deecken • orionsbeltbuckle



Looks like a cool woods to walk
Those vehicle parts all. Broken up are cool but kind of odd

I've hiked up there also... really as good as it gets in Fairfield County.. Devil's Den also.

Looks like a cool woods to walk
Those vehicle parts all. Broken up are cool but kind of odd

wasn't too far from the parking area at the end of Dodgingtown road...
there's a lotta horse properties nearby... so it musta come from one of those 30+ years ago i'd say.

From a forensics point-of-view... it probably was involved in an accident by the looks of things.. and was then trashed by visitors over the years... thoroughly rusted.

That all makes a lot of sense thanks for explaining

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