A painting of my Cat, Puss, inspired by her snoring during a storm

in #slothicorn6 years ago

A painting I made as a study of Puss.


Here is is full image:

I draw and sketch or paint everyday. It is a habit I formed a few years back and have never regretted it.

As someone obsessed with animals I am never at a lack of what to sketch or draw. And having a cat, a dog, a flock of chickens and quail, as well as an endless sea of shore birds, I am never lacking for subject matter.

The other day we had a lovely storm with pounding rain. After the rain the winds picked up and the waves were large and loud in the house. It was one of those afternoons where I had just sat down with my first pot of hot tea to take a break.

I begin my day with artwork, then take a break with tea and pets before going onto my 'earned break time' which this time of year means gardening. But, I digress. On this day, I had just sat down and Puss, being more a dog than my dog, followed me out of the studio into the living room and sat down next to me and immediately fell asleep. After the rain subsided I could really hear her snoring and had to take a video of it. You can hear the waves crashing in the background as well.

I figured I'd share the video with all of you and when I watched it I saw what a cute sketch she would make.


I decided I'd play with it in digital oils, as I often use for my final larger pieces. I'm thinking now that she might be a great study to use in one of my SIngularity paintings. I think one of my Robot/hybrid ladies might need a cat encounter.

Here is a gif from sketch to oil study

This, for me, is often a study in colour as well. I love to use colour and the oranges and pinks mingled with the cooler blues and olive for shadow is a combination I love.

Well, the sun is shining now (we had pounding rain again yesterday too) and I am finishing up my morning art and steemit so I have 'earned' my afternoon pot of tea and some gardening time. This time of year getting to play in the garden is like a carrot on a stick for me. I think, "Ok, do your work, stick to your schedule and then you can have the afternoon to play in the soil, mess about with plants and build new planting beds, with occasional visits with the chickens"

I do find that giving myself a reward to 'earn' in the middle of the day really helps my productivity.

How do any of you work? With set schedule? When the mood hits? Does it change?

If you like my work please upvote and feel free to resteem and by all means leave comments.

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My bitcoin wallet as per the @slothicorn request to provide it with your artwork.


Cuteness overload :3
A huge hug for the kitty.
The art is incredible, I can see the fluffines :D Also nice use of cold colors, accentuating the warmth and it adds a sort of reflected shine to the fur ^^

Thank you. I love colour, so I'm often taking liberties with blues in lieu of blacks and greys :)

Aww, that's great work @donnadavisart.. 😻
It sounds so nice to be outside in the garden!! I miss having a garden (currently living in an apartment in the city)..
I try to work on my paintings from Monday to Friday for at least 3hours, max 8. For me I love the days where I have nothing else to do than just paint. There always seems to be something else that needs to be taken care of as well, I think my carrot is just working on my paintings. 😊

This seems a good schedule. I love my art time, for sure, but this time of year I obsess about making gardens so it it definitely my 'carrot' to get my art done for the day :)

Oh my gosh Donna that is soooo cute! I love your kitty!
I admire your work cycle. I was just thinking to myself the other day that I need to bring a bit more structure to my painting days, so perhaps I can get more done. I just find that with art... it rarely abides by a schedule. At least in my case. Haha.
love love your work as always. Cheers!

I just decided a few years back to make sure that at some point during each day I'd do some art, a scribble or full piece and it really seemed a good habit. I still feel the 'freedom' of creativity in that moment, but I try to schedule the 'moment'. I'm always imagining and day dreaming anyway, so I usually have no problem finding a subject to draw/paint when I sit down for my 'designated' time. But, we all work differently and that's what makes us all so different and interesting!

The painting is quite cool. And looks so much like her. So funky that she is more like a dog than Monty. Love the video you added too. A real inspiration. I must admit, she is a very dainty snore-er. Stinky the Cat sounds more like a rutting pig when she sleeps. Such are the fineries of her life.
That is such a great idea to give yourself the 'break' of working in the garden. Kind of like fooling your brain a bit. Some hard labor as respite for the other more cerebral, creative side of 'work'. And I mean that in a positive way, it is quite brilliant. I think I'll try it.

I've always dreamed of being disciplined, but seem to be more of an inspiration driven, seat of the shorts sort of creator, often when the mood 'drops'. Moving from idea to idea sometimes. But they come fast and furious quicker than any finishing is possible (hence about 201 story/writing/photo ideas in the queue at the moment), and there are also many endless prep things to do in the in-between's. Like taking photos for stories, finding NEW fascinating things to photo on bike rides that create MORE ideas, editing/organizing (once more, a theory at times), commenting and voting, and the other things of Steemit, and Life Stuff that keeps it all running. Now that I put it onto virtual paper, it seems like a real mish-mash of wackiness. But as that little poster[↓] in my office discusses, we really might get to it.
Whatever the method to our creativity, it sure is a darn lot of fun doing it.

P1640359-1 154kb.jpg
(A small print above my desk, by an all-knowing artist in 1955...)

Well, using the garden for my carrot is a good system for me during the Spring. And though I have been rather 'good' about my daily art, I certainly let other things go. Laundry might pile up or the idea of dusting merely a concept rather than a practice put into action. :)

Considering digital it actually helps with my chaos. I might still have this or that with a doodle on or idea for a painting stuck in desk drawers or between forgotten novels laid aside, I at least digitally have folders on my desk top. However, my desktop (meaning my computer desktop i.e. screen) is a littered mess that gets a 'tsk tsk' from @winstonalden if he sees it, as it is FULL of folders. But, there is a method to my chaos and I can usually find what it is I'm looking for.

Regarding Puss, she is pretty good as far as cat's go. She ONLY scratches her nails on the deck outside, she'll go out in the morning with Monty and scratch her nails on it. She never does it indoors on furniture. She only uses her litter box which is in the garage (which she can access with her little cat door) and mainly is quiet, though sometimes, if I am not in sight, she makes the most wretched caterwauling if she cannot find me and I have to shout out "I'm Here!" and she'll shut up and come find me.

I love that poster, good advice, I mean sitting with your feet up, the other bit not as important ;)

Ooh this is so sweet drawing my dear ! and the snoring in the video... ^_^ she has a wonderful fur, and the position is so awww ...LoL

I art-work every day, whether I draw, paint or collage, I just can not do otherwise, it is under my skin and in my blood now... ;-) I stop to have a walk by the lake or a tour in the old town, and then I come back to my desk that calls me out of loud =D there are days I feel no inspiration so I go out and do something that makes me feel good, I let go of any pressure or must very easily and inspiration comes back very quickly...LoL

That is so true. If we do the things we love and surround ourselves with these, then inspiration is never very far! It sounds like art plays a similar role in your life as it does to mine.

Most probably my dear ! Maybe it is because it is so intimately blended with our lives and with our being, it is something that has to be expressed, it's a part of our nature that found how to flow through the creation .. ^_^

omg , just like my Orange Cat , so Beautiful <3

There is something about a ginger cat and her colours always entice me to draw and paint her :)

ah, the kitty snoring is adorable.

SO do you have a program with which you do the digital oils? This sounds interesting!

Yes, I mainly use painter. IT has endless tools, but I mainly use oil brushes, oil pastels and the pens and pencils. There are so many tools in it that I haven't even touched, so there is no limit to what you could do. Having been an artist and printmaker I tend to work as I did in real media, but simply in the digital format. The ability to have endless layers and instant dry time as well as be able to also move and smude old oil layers makes it truly magical.

hehe is a cute cat. I always love them very much. and its a great drawing!
congratulations dear friend.

Thank you so much.

Looool, omg that cat is rly snoring. I rarely hear mine and never that loud. Love the study too...just gorgeous.

Thank you so much. Now, Puss and I are off to have our hot tea and garden time. She is so funny, she sits and watches me when I dig and mess about or she'll curl up on my jacket, when I get too hot and take it off. I am always after her to get the rabbits, but she is too busy snoring :)

Was just having coffee on my balcony! With puss 1,2 and 3...the forth doesnt like outdoors (even though just a balcony ledge). :) Have fun gardening. :)

I did have fun and have fun on your 'cat balcony' :)

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