My Pandora Singularity continues

in #slothicorn6 years ago (edited)

Adding another layer to this peice and reworking the background.


I spent some time over the past few days really fleshing out the detail on my main Pandora figure.


What I love is the ability to work on layers. I reworked the background setting she is in and will need to spend some real time on the detail of the dilapidated manse I've decided to put her in. Being able to focus on her detail whilst leaving the back very rough is a really one of the joys of digital oils.

Here is a close up of the detail I really had fun with in the bustle of her dress.

And in a sort of homage to an old artist that used to be in my life as well as @reinhard-schmid I am using an orange hue underpainting.

A simple gif of one of the underpainted layers with this current layer

I hope you have a creative day and a chance to play.

If you like my work please upvote and feel free to resteem and by all means leave comments.

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This must be so fun, to keep layering and layering as you go. Both physically and experimentally and artistically. There is no limit, like writing. "Where to go NOW"? And so nifty that you can just change it, if you so desire. As you say, SO different than an oil painting (at least with my limited knowledge of such). But I can imagine, I've done that a few times in my life. (Imagine, not paint with oils. That would be more than a bit interesting).
I do really like that cosmic look to the back-lit dress...way cool effect.
And the green dress, don't take this the wrong way, as I love both color and design, but you know me. It brings to mind one of the funniest scenes in TV history. Ms. Burnett and her curtain rod. (Not any reflection on your lady, her dress, or the final product, but my mind just wanders about at a regular pace. And that one just sort of surfaced. Like a big frog in a small pond.) I think I may be rummy here, I think I may go to bed. Have a most wondrous night, though you are probably smarter than I, and asleep as life intends after the midnight hour. Gooten Nachten, or however it's spelled.

Haha, oh that makes me smile. Although I had no intention of that hilarious Carol Burnett episode, I love it now that it made you think that. I tried the dress in a few shades and went with green, as I liked how it had a 'natural earthy living' quality to it on a mainly mechanised being.But, a slight nod to the hilarity of Carol riffing on Gone with the wind only makes me love the colour choice more! I mean, I just like funny quirky things, so it's good.

These pieces are a bit more 'serious' for me, but at the same time I like, in my own dark humor sort of way, the hilarity of a world made thus from a place in time that was sold to us to mechanize and computerize so we could buy groceries more easily and have 'better protection on our credit cards'. The coming android and AI movement is all about how 'good' it will be for the human animal but we all know that most things humans do to 'improve' the world are usually for the improvement of a very few at the cost of the masses cough cough industrial revolution cough.

And speaking of that, we always seem to look at the Victorian Industrial Revolution as this bad time in the past when we polluted cities so much that London was known to be 'foggy' which it is not but was simply clouds of pollution, and young children had to work factory jobs in dangerous situations and poverty was horrible with slave labour cost of living. Yet, we all currently benefit from that very same situation still existing, it's just not directly on our shores as much, so we ignore it. That to me is humanity to a tee which is why, in the 'you have to laugh or you'll cry kind of way', the hilarious world being made for 'us all' is only going to be the very opposite of what we are told. And in a way, we are all in that skit of a world meant to be serious like Gone with the Wind, but is more accurately a Carol Burnett parody.

Whew, well, that went off the rail. I guess we just spur one another on to long comments :) And my bad habit of run on sentences, of which I have no intention of fixing.

I heard once that it takes two people to create an artistic masterpiece... One to create the masterpiece, the other to drag them away when it is done... lol! Your piece is lovely and I am not threatening to drag you off ;) - your description of reworking layers just reminded me of that saying!

Possibly, but I think in this case, my reworking of the background will pay off nicely, but we shall see. I'll take a break from it now for a couple days and do some other quicker pieces or rough out another Singularity piece I sketched awhile back.

Oh honey, I did NOT mean to imply anything about your piece, just that your commentary about reworking it made me chuckle, because I had heard that before. You do just fine knowing when to quit - I just love your work!

It is true that often we don't know what is a good time to stop, so I wasn't offended or anything. Luckily, I'm always working on something so I can set it aside for a bit and work on some other things and come back with a fresh perspective.

That is some first-order detail in the clothing.

I read in the other comments that you didn't use patterns, but worked it up organically. Impressive. I look forward to the progress on this piece.

Thanks for sharing this.

No problem, I love sharing my work.

Yes, I really love that digital allows me to work in the same fashion as traditional oil with many benefits of no drying time, multiple layers and being able to maintain the various under layers as stand alone pieces that don't have to be covered forever.

The details in the bottom of the skirts are just incredible. It is coming up very well.
Have a creative day you too.

Thanks, I spend a couple days on that. I'm trying to build up the colour so it seems to have a glow of light under the fabric and also working on stark light and dark to make the fabric feel 'real'.

Looking forward its development Donna.

Thank you. I'm putting more and more detail and layers into these Singularity pieces. I've been doing much more detail work than I have done on pieces in a long time and I'm really excited about the progress, though it takes more time for one piece. But, luckily, I can take a break from it with some watercolours or other fun pop pieces as palette cleansers :)

Variety is the spice of life.

haha love love this series you're doing my friend- cant wait to see more evolutions ;)

Love the colors, iridescent shimmer, it's almost like everything is moving slightly, and glowing from within

Thank you, I really wanted to play up the light on the figure and I love to do that with fabric and I'm also obsessed with fashion history. :)

I'm completely ignorant in the ways of digital anything, so forgive my asking: is that ALL digital (the colored in parts, I mean)? Jason plays a lot with textures in his stuff as well. I am impressed with the realism you can achieve. The pleats and ruffles in the skirt are great!

Yes the coloured in parts are digital oil paint painted with a digital brush, like I'd do in real life but just digital. I have a page open that is my palette and I mix the colours on it and then use oil on the drawing I made in digital pencil. I basically work the same way I would do on a real canvas.I build up layers usually when I'm done its usually about 25-30 layers :) I don't use texture or pattern hoses if that is what you mean?

yes, i guess that is what i meant...though i didn't realize it. haha
technology is so foreign to me. oh well.

No worries. I love that it allows me to build layers with no drying time unlike real life oils.

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