Shout Out Caturday- Shout Out to the Cat lovers on Steemit!

in #shoutoutsaturdays6 years ago (edited)

Hello from Our Cat to Yours!


This week I was not feeling well, and I did not have a chance to prepare a shout out post for #shoutoutsaturdays. I did however have some pictures saved up of my cat, Ruby Roo. I decided I would look though the #cat tag to see if I could find some posts from the cat lovers of Steemit to produce a combo post that combines the Shout out with the #caturday tag.

This has become my Shout Out Caturday post.

I did find a few gems among the #cat posts that I thought I would share this week-end. Here they are:

@simplylizelle- Teddy's User Manual: the guide to life with a special needs cat.
This is a very sweet story about how to take care of a special needs cat. The poor kitty Teddy hurt his legs and can not do all the things he used to do so his owner must help. This post shows the everyday routine of helping Teddy go about his kitty day. Stop by and say hello and maybe give Teddy a friendly upvote.

@harktheshark- Sally and Noah - I sleep where ever i want
This is a sweet little story about a guy and his cat. He shows the morning with his cat Noah. Noah likes to sleep on his chest, and @harktheshark provides reasons for why cats prefer to sleep with their humans. I have always wondered why my cat insists on laying on my head, and now I know! Be sure to check out his other cat Sally in previous posts.

@elektropunkz- My late introduction
This post is a late introduction post from @elektropunkz. He is giving Steemit a second shot and is looking for more friends on here; as he claims his only friends are his wife and his cat iPoes. He seems like a nice enough person and could really use the support of the community. He is also into the music scene, which is very cool. Take a minute to say hello.

If you have the time, stop by and check out these writers who incorporate the #catlife into their posts and show them some love!

And don’t forget to feed your cat today!!!

Have a great week-end!!!

More post by @simgirl
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Thanks to @snook for this super cool gif!


Thank you for the feature :)

You are welcome :)

Hope you are feeling better!! A great post still and I got to meet Ruby Roo who is a cutie-pie!!

Thank you! I do feel better now. Ruby is a hoot she loves the camera.

And a very happy #caturday to you! 🐱

Thank you and thank you for reading!

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