Biggest SCAM ever exposed on STEEMIT by Xtrodinarypilot


Is meant to be taken both figuratively and literally in this vlog. Driving is something I do more than sleeping, so it only makes sense that I take my steemit homies with me on a typical ride. After the Steemit Austin Meet Up, i had to drive alone back to Houston. My wife wasn't with me to listen to my thoughts, so thanks for taking her place in this moment.

There's Adventure in all of Us

I showed you how to pay rent with STEEM
I showed you how to turn STEEM into CASH
N-word etiquette on steem!
I took you to #STEEMITGUNCLUB    

 Animation by the one and only @xtrodinarypilot


...mostly in Texas LOL 


Totally agree. Thinking is not encouraged in our culture. Information is meant to be downloaded and regurgatated. A lot of us are trying to unprogram what we have learned and reprogram what is beneficial.

Man that is the simplest way to to explain it. Our society tries too hard to unprogram our natural knowledge that helped propel our civilization where it is today.

I know for me old habits die hard. Things I have learned over the years seem to want to stay with you. As we get older it is harder to get new things to stay. I need a lot of aha moments then the perserverance to carry them out.

Followed and upvoted.

Some sage advice. You got to have a plan to work towards.

Before there is a plan to work towards , there has to be an idea. Everything starts as an idea. Before a plan exists, it is simply an "idea." My video is a raw thought that would normally be processed before ever being shared. My video is suppose to touch on the birth of a new idea

I totally agree with what you are saying here. I went to college, got a degree in engineering along with $40,000 worth of student loans. I would of been better off following my passion and creating my own ideas rather than getting programmed. I really want to create a business, have something for my children to take over rather than them being a 40 hour per week slave.

Nobody gets rich or fufilled punching a clock. Some people may confuse fufilled with content though.

@dwhntx that is good to hear that you are dreaming beyond "punch in and punch out". Perhaps next week when I am in East Texas, we can sit down and discuss this amongst other topics.

Absolutely bro. I am way beyond the punch in and out mentality, now I just have to make it happen.

The land of broken dreams an ample opportunity is a great description of the whole country. (sound of writing that down)
I completely agree. You have to think. The problem I see is that people like being told what to do. I have been guilty of this my self. When I was a helper doing HVAC work, it was convenient to have my boss tell me what I was going to be doing all the time. Now that I am in a position where I need manage the work, there are times when I am like "it was nice to be at the bottom." Just for the fact that I did't have to think. This is one of the reasons that in my home you won't find a TV. It is the place where you sit down, and surrender your ability to think. Sure you might be moved by some emotions, you might be swooned into a story and even be inspired for a moment. For the most part, the TV is a place to sit down and turn the brain off.
15 years later, my kids are able to hold a conversation with you, they look you in the face when the communicate with you, they are intuitive and inventive. Leaving yourself room to think is critical!
Great vlog. Thanks for sharing that with us. see you in the air

Thanks @captainobviou3 that is a comfort to hear what you are doing with your kids. We have a huge TV in our house, but it is connected to a PC lol.

Check out The Art of Allowing, it puts a name to what you're describing, I love the Maserati purr in the background lol

Great share. I will definitely put that on my list. We did a book store run earlier today. Wish you had told me earlier lol. Thanks for the props on the Maserati!!!

Just digging all that Texas my man. Been in Cambodia a while and the homesickness is real! Lol

Great comments. Upvoted an followed. Also thanks for the easy way in terms of turning Steem to cash. Thanks a lot.

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