ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #6 – One of my own close encounters with a plasma lightship as seen in this Mexican documentary & confirmed by NASA

in #science7 years ago (edited)

In 2002 I experienced my first close encounter with a Plasma Vehicle (otherwise known as a Lightship). To fully understand how this occurred is itself no short exercise or simple task and while I can describe most of the details of the interaction, there are still some aspects that I am uncertain about myself. What I can say is that my 2002 experience was not the last close encounter I would have with such a vehicle and in 2007 I had a second equally close visit at around about 100 Meters distance. I would be somewhat unlikely to be sharing of this publicly now if it weren’t for a friend pointing me to a documentary from Mexico a few years after my experiences, in which one of the same vehicles that I interacted with is seen up close too, just as I experienced it and where the images of the craft are confirmed by NASA specialists as valid and reliable images.

In this post I will introduce the documentary and provide some background as to my own experiences, but to fully explain them will take several posts and a lot of background information – I did not simply wave my hands in the sky and get a response from the Cosmos, the days leading up to my experiences were all significant spiritual journeys of rapid learning and transformation for me – which resulted in strong points of attraction being created between my reality and the reality of the ‘visitors’ - our meeting was not by chance.

Carlos Diaz’s Lightships

It takes quite a journey of discovery to first accept that non human visitors to Earth are present in our Earth’s atmosphere and to then accept that they have interest in communicating with us when we are receptive and to then actually interact with them with minimal actual preparation for the event. Yet that is what I have lived through and yes, I did have 2 direct interactions at close range (less than 100 meters) with different Light Ships – which is to say ‘Plasma Vehicles’ that are not limited to the rules of our commonly perceived physical reality on Earth.

carlos diaz lightship

A similar journey was undertaken by Carlos Diaz, the Mexican photographer about whom a lengthy documentary was made due to his own interactions with the same form of light vehicle that I interacted with in 2007. He stumbled into a late night interaction with this plasma vehicle while driving in Mexico and took some good, clear photos of the ship. That though, was not the end of his experiences and throughout the rest of his life he has continued to interact with the vehicle and it’s occupants, even claiming to have been taken on board and shown special places that are unknown by most humans wherein initiates are shown highly unusual phenomena for the purpose of accelerating their own learning on Earth.

Carlos’ story is all the more powerful for two reasons

His photos were tested by NASA and forensic image specialists

They concluded that his images were 100% authentic and not tampered with in any way. The agreed that the images displayed some kind of light/plasma object/vehicle.

A Mexican University team was invited to meet the craft and did!

Although this may seem impossible because ‘it would be front page headlines’ - the fact remains that this really did occur and can be seen in the documentary below. The University team basically thought their invitation to meet an UFO was a hoax and were utterly terrified when the vehicle manifested in close proximity to them!

The broader context

As you will have seen if you have reviewed the evidence I have posted in the earlier posts in this series, there are numerous high ranking military and other kinds of professionals who are all openly talking about their own interactions with ET vehicles, beings and much, much more than that. Against that backdrop, I am quite comfortable putting my name to my experiences and sharing them with the world.. but that is for another post. For now, I invite you to watch the following documentary.

Documentary: Ships of Light

This is quite a long video that can be a bit slow to progress, perhaps reflecting the slightly slower pace of life in Mexico’s more rural areas that might frustrate ‘city folks’ a bit – but you can always watch it at a sped up rate using Youtube’s video playback speed setting if you want.



What do you think? Got Comments or Info to add?

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Posts in this Series

  1. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #1 - US Air Force & CIA Contractor ('Blackbird' Spy Plane Inventor) Confirms Roswell UFO Crash & US Mil. Deals with & Shares Tech with ETs.
  2. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #2 - U.S. Colonel Exposed Roswell ET Crash inc. Survivors. U.S. Uses ET Technology and so do WE in our Computers!
  3. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #3 - Many Pro & High Ranking Witnesses Testify to ET/UFO Interactions on Earth & A Corporate, Un-Constitutional Coverup (2 hour video)
  4. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #4 - TOP Apollo NASA Engineer States an ET Race is Working with NASA + Describes Nazi Infiltration of NASA
  5. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #5 - BUILD YOUR OWN 'UFO'? - PUBLISHED PATENTS For Top Secret Flying Vehicles + US Air Force Design Whistleblower Speaks
  6. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #6 – One of my own close encounters with a plasma lightship as seen in mexican documentary & confirmed by NASA
  7. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #7 – HUMAN OR NOT? A Detailed, Visual Presentation of MANY Top Secret Military Vehicles - Spanning 60 Years.
  8. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #8 – US Air Force Whistleblower: An E.T. was Shot & Killed at a US Military Base; Plus, His Encounter With a Massive UFO.
  9. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #9 – US Military Whistleblower Speaks About Complex Interactions with ET Races During the Famous RAF Bentwaters (Rendelsham Forest) Case in Britain.
  10. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #10 – NASA Found ET Extraterrestrial Structures on the Moon – US Whistleblower – Sgt. Karl Wolfe
  11. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #11 – Is this tiny skeleton found in the Atacama region of Chile really an ET Being?
  12. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #12 – The Mathematical Proof of Ancient Society on Planet Mars Is Found In Earth's Pyramid Structures



We actually had a similar encounter in my home. My mother, aunt, cousin and I were sitting in the very dimly lit study room at my parent's home waiting for my sister to come home, it was between 11/12 at night. Both my mother, aunt, myself and cousin are sensitive so we were discussing working with the elements. Suddenly we saw a fast giant ball of oval light come to the window facing east, stay put for a quick moment lighting up the room in a flame-like​ color, then quickly disappearing the other way in a flash! After a moment of awe and silence my mother and aunt told us it was an orb. Now I'm thinking it's this you describe!

Thanks for sharing. The Light ships I am talking about are probably larger than the average house, so what you saw must not have been exactly the same. However, there is no reason why you couldn't have experienced the same form of energy but in a smaller form and perhaps travelling and visiting for a slightly different purpose. I am informed that often the smaller objects are a kind of probe or remote viewing vehicle, but there is a wide variety of possible sources for them and the purpose of their visits - each case is unique.

I feel that we can best understand the situation by feeling the vibration involved and tracing them back to source. <3

Wow, I was unaware of these smaller "vehicles". So much to learn and yet to fully understand. In Mexico there is a small village my uncle recruited workers for our tobacco plantations and while he was there he was told at a certain time there was a spaceship that came and refueled at the top of an inactive volcano. He didn't believe them but decided to go with them to see, camera in hand. He managed to take pictures of this impressive almond shaped glowing object hovering and then quickly disappearing over said volcano. His pictures and experience were featured in a show. :) Do you think this could have been a lightship?

It would help to see the photos, lightships can be described as glowing objects, certainly - but I think there are other possibilities too that could also be described in the same way but that may be slightly different forms of matter/energy.

Wow, around 22 minutes for the first video, amazing!

Yes, the form pulsed with different colours when it flew directly over my own head in 2007 - at that time it was more reddy/orange with yellow highlights. I am not exactly sure what the colour signifies, but it is surely pretty!

Cool little series you got going! I'll research some more for sure.

Greetings! Thanks for the kind words of support. :)

Greetings! After a moment of awe and silence my mother and aunt told us it was an orb. Now I'm thinking it's this you describe!

Aloha! Is this an Alt account for @artedellavita ?

An interesting subject to say the least. I'd not heard of these encounters.

Yes, it is my experience that the most interesting stories are always conveniently avoided by the alleged 'experts' in the world's media - even those who are presented as being 'alternatives'. :/

Hello, I like your post greetings from Venezuela

Thanks! Greetings!

This post has received a 13.65 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.

I will watch dreckly!

Reminds me of an experience, with an orb I had; phew must have been 2006 ish. I do a post, keep and eye out.

This post gets a 2.08 % upvote thanks to @ura-soul - Hail Eris !

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