It's #sbisharesaturday which means just one thing.......... COMPETITION TIME with 1 x 5 and min 10 x 1 SBI Shares to win


I mentioned in a post yesterday that I like street photography and so todays competition will be just that. Pictures taken in the street where you live, or at least the close locality.

Now I'm not that Julian fella who used to run all those photography competitions and I'm not a photographer. I also don't want any of those nancy, fancy professionals to enter. If I see anything that resembles 'taken on a Canon69 Mk4' and mentions of ISOs and shutter speeds, you're out.
This is a snapshot of real life and must be taken this week during the period of the competition.

This competition is run on trust, so I have a few criteria.

  1. Post a picture taken on or very close to the place you live or work.
  2. Write a brief description and location.
  3. Pin it to @steemitworldmap . (If you have never used it before, simply go here and pin the location before copying the location tag and pasting it to the bottom of your post. It's a brilliant and underutilised Steem resource.
  4. You must be one of my followers so follow if you're not already.
  5. Resteems and upvotes are optional and not necessary but always gratefully received.

I just want to see real places from real people!! So definitely no 'shoppin' ! something like my Postcards from Thailand Posts or something like this pic I took from a bus near where I live...


Let's all get to know each others places a bit better and share some SBI shares on #sbisharesaturday #contest

The competition will run for a week and I will do the winners post and show off the entries next week. The winner will receive 5 x SBI shares and there will be a minimum of 10 x 1 SBI shares for runners up and entrants.

Wishing everyone a great weekend. Take care, be safe and be happy :-)



Great idea Nathan, and this kind of photograph will be a little familiar to you. Its in the Philippines and contains a very apprehensive girl sitting in the tricycle.

That's my daughter in 2010 on a visit to her family and my in-laws.


She doesn't look convinced, does she? 😎

lol...with good cause! but they are fun :-)

LOL that takes me right back to about 2007 when I was doing a loop of Negros and was stopping in a small town called Escalante City, doing some research about the 'Escalante Massacre'.
I'd met some people and it was one of their kids birthdays so I got to invited to a beach party. I got to their house and there was two tricycles for 9 of us and all the food and stuff. Grandad, who must have been 80, pulled out a bamboo ladder and climbed on top of the sidecar and sat cross-legged for the 5 mile journey. I wanted so much to sit up there but they wouldn't let me!!
It looked just like that one and was also red.
Boring fact: First thing the drivers do when they get a new motorcycle is to strip the gearbox and re-gear it to have lower ratios and better torque!
Thanks so much for that pic mate....reminded me of some absolutely amazing memories. I have no pictures from that time as a long time ago, I lost a camera bag with my old Ixus and all my memory cards in.
Bless her, if they'd pulled out the motorcycle with the plank strapped across, she'd have been a lot more than 'apprehensive' lol...You need a trip back mate. Can I ask whereabouts this is please?

It's here... it seems the world map doesn't work on comments.. even though I added the code.. that's a shame.

Yes mate. I just discovered that too...I will talk to the lovely @livinguktaiwan about it :-)

Mmm... It probably was designed with posts in mind

Unbelievable! So my old memory served me well as this is on Negros too near Bacolod lol....Phils like in Thailand, the tuk tuks are very regional designs!

It is about 1.5 hours south of Bacolod.. by taxi.. holding on to dear life as it overtakes Cirrus liners (buses). Wife's in-laws live there.

Hi there, here's what it looks like at my local in Taiwan. I posted about it here as well. Cheers!


Dig it, I'll come up with something for sure..

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you. Looking forward to a Leicester picture :-)

There you go: post and picture:


I'll do the world map thing tomorrow - shattered right now :)

Excellent. Thank you. Thats just the sort of thing :-)

The sign is beside an interesting house, I think it was originally a gatekeeper's house for one of the estates. My friend always calls it the Witches house and it does look a bit spooky. Looking a bit closer yesterday, it seems to have been empty for some time.

Send in @slobberchops to investigate! It seems every area has a mysterious and long time empty house that no one knows why but the rumours abound lol...We loved places like that when we were a time kids played out and rode their bikes all over and no one worried too much!

Posted using Partiko Android

I would be in there like a bullet. You should too @shanibeer, just take a buddy with you. It takes years off your age.. you will feel 20 again.. trust me!

You already had me investigating the outside! I hadn't really looked at it properly before, it was only because I went close to it to photograph the sign.

I know what you mean about playing out!
I took another one of this place which had a fire last year - unfortunately there was a fatality. This is about three or four houses from me (my house doesn't look anything like this, I'm one of six houses that were built in the garden of one of these houses)!

I've posted about this house next to mine before, but I thought this was an interesting view:


Is it still not finished or sold yet ?

Yes, I've been thinking about what to take. There's a little cut through that might make a good picture, I'm not surevwhat it's like at this time of year.

Raw real local pics right? On it!!!

yes please, just a raw local pic when you're out and about this week please :-)

Done! Or my other half did 🙂

Very nice contest for amateur photographers!! Thanks!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks @kaminchan , looking forward to seeing your pic :-)

Thank you so much for participating in the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!

I've never used the map thingy before I hope I'm doing this right? Please LMK if I blew it 😂.. This is simply a pic I took whilst taking out a year's worth of plastic bottles, I know not where to properly dispose of them but I knew if I put them behind my place someone would sure know how to turn them into cash. I wasn't finished unloading before some aunty came and happily walked off with the whole lot. Malaysia boleh (can) [//]:# (!steemitworldmap 3.026763 lat 101.440069 long d3scr)

I don't think this looks right 🙄 the here link isn't working and I dunno what to do.. assistance when u have time please mate

FYI using steemit anything is a nightmare of glitching freezing and bugging out on me, the map address was very problematic as well. Droid user

Thats great thanks mate! Just the sort of thong I wanted. You did the map thing fine but now Ithink I have made a mistake as Im not sure they add from a comment. No matter either way. Thanks :-)

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