Road To SteemFest - The Physical Road

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago (edited)

For this weeks #Roadtosteemfest we are getting a bit physical.. even though some of us hoped this meant hugs.. apparently @anomadsoul just wants to know how we are physically getting there..

The physical road

• From where are you going to Krakow?
• Do you have to take 2 planes and 3 boats to get to Poland?
• Are you coming alone or are you bringing your 3 kids, the dog and the parrot?
• Tell us all the crazy stuff you have to go through to make it to Poland on the 7th, just to meet a bunch of strangers that already feel like your close friends.

Let us know who's coming with you... Where are you staying in Krakow?

• Are you staying in one of the hotels with your partner? Is it the fancy one?
• Did you get an Airbnb nearby and you are staying with the whole family? Or
• Do you prefer a lie budget hostel to be able to spend more in beers late at night?

Anyway, what's your physical road to Steem Fest?

Honestly I think this is fun topic, the journey is just as important as the destination after all! Great idea @eveuncovered 😉

My Physical Road To SteemFest


Hey look at that! It’s a picture of me on a physical road.. I’m so clever 😜


My journey will start by driving down the mountain to catch a bus to Los Angeles. It’s about a 3hr drive from my home and there is a shuttle that goes back and forth from my nearest city (an hour away) to LA.. way cheaper than paying for airport parking or fuel for someone to take me there and pick me up.. so, shuttle bus with a good book it is.

LAX is a horrid airport so I will be there quite early to successfully get through security and customs to make my afternoon flight. Luckily I found the most perfect one and am going directly from LAX to Warsaw, Poland. It’s a 12 hour flight but hoping that it being overnight will help reset my internal clock so I don’t suffer from jet lag.

I land in Warsaw and just have a quick layover before jumping on the short flight from there to Kraków.. where I will land at 2pm on the 7th. Just enough time to get registered and settled in before the welcoming drinks.

I’ll be in town until the 12th so lots of time to get to know everyone before jumping on another flight to a new destination! (Stay tuned for that adventure)

Who’s coming with me?

My boyfriends and best travel buddies in the world of course; music, good books and my Fuji camera. What? That’s not weird.. just go with it. Also I’ll be bringing a little piggy to help @pechichemena see the world even though he can’t be there (more on that later).

Where am I staying?

Can I just say that I think that @roelandp has done an incredible job at not only partnering up with some amazing hotel opinions for us but group trips, events and have you seen some of the locations we will be doing the conference?? Stunning, I’m really impressed with the hardwork that has gone into this.. so.. just needed to take a minute to applaud you sir.

For me, I’ll be staying at the Qubus Hotel which is pretty centrally located and home of a couple of the events. The hotel looks beautiful and if the description is correct.. looks like a scored a room with a river view 😍.. it’s the small things guys.

I have no idea who else is staying at the hotel.. I know that many will be very close in Airbnb’s and I know @meno will be across the river in the other partner hotel (maybe we can play telephone 🤷‍♀️). So, if you are staying at Qubus let me know so we can meet up for coffee in the mornings before heading out for events.. or share a cab!

Crazy stuff I have to do to get there?

Well the whole thing is pretty crazy for me let’s be honest.. I’m so far out of my comfort zone on this trip I’m not even sure I recognize myself. But, I think that’s a good thing.. I’ll be traveling solo overseas for the first time to meet a bunch of strangers (who don’t feel like strangers anymore) and if that wasn’t enough.. I’ll be attempting to talk to all of you.. from the main stage on day one of conference 😳... hopefully @raj808 is more ready for that than I am. Lol.

Another crazy thing? I’m depending on Steem to pay for this trip.. while I have fronted it from my saving accounts.. (which is essentially all I have to build my small home), the goal is to pay that back with Steem..and I still have full confidence in the ability to do so. I’ve had an outpouring of support on my blog, and I can’t thank you guys enough.. you all are essentially getting me to Poland.. Thank You!!❤️❤️❤️

I’m really excited for this adventure and to meet all of you.. I can’t believe how close we are getting... Ned’s hair won’t know what hit him 😄

See y’all soon!!!

Much Love and Steem On,



Just reading your gruelling journey to get to SteemFest makes me feel both tired and guilty!
It helps me appreciate how lucky I am with my much shorter trip. That is a good thing as gratefulness is important.

This is so exciting. I hope it is fun for you. My wife and I flew from California to Europe back in 2000. I had never been overseas before and didn't know what jetlag felt like. It was like having the flu for 24 hours after we landed. That was not what I expected. After that it the trip of a lifetime, though.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much! I think it’s going to be a really fun adventure 🤗

That sounds horrible! Lol man, I hope that isn’t what I’m faced with. I went to Paris when I was 18 and had an overnight flight that I swear I didn’t sleep at all on.. I didn’t have any issues that trip with jet lag and I’m hoping I’m that lucky again. I’ll bring some herbal tea just in case through 😬

I’ll keep everyone on the journey along the way as well as from SteemFest.. I plan to document a lot of it here even if they are shorter posts.. I figured you all are helping me get there so I need to take you along with me ❤️

It is a pretty amazing experience to travel around the world for this. When you joined up on Steem did you think that this is what you would be doing?

Yeah, that part alone is so incredible.. who knew Steem would give us all this once in a lifetime experience. Not in a million years did I think this was a possibility when joining.. I just planned on sharing some recipes and look at me now 🤷‍♀️

Can’t wait to meet you soon! Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. I Hope you and that precious family of yours is doing well ❤️

who knew Steem would give us all this once in a lifetime experience.

Hang on, SteemFest 4 is only a year away ;)

I had no idea where this would lead me/us/we when I joined. It has been a very arduous road at times but also very rewarding. I am looking forward to meeting you too although, there will be no hotel for me :D

Lol true! But hey, each festival will be a once in a lifetime experience 😉

And I know, you and the cool kids are staying elsewhere.. I’ll see you around though! Lol

I want to say that first picture is badass :) , back picture of an album . ''Cake songs - greatest hits'' .. Seems that I'll be going along in one way or another this SteemFest :P ! ... I really hope I can make it next time , I would have loved to share a coffee and cake with you, we'll find another opportunity :D.

happy for you in making this trip ! you are going to have a blast :)

Much Love


Hey thank you!! It was a happy accident.. went on a walk.. was taking photos of scenery and went *hmm I should snap a shot for the SteemFest thing. I’m a bit out of frame but liked the overall feel of it.

Wish you were coming too 🙁

But we will meet one day!! And little piggy will document his adventures 😉

I love that your photo is literally you on a road. Brilliant! hahah

It would be fun to grab coffee one of these mornings before the event if it works out! I'm not making any promises at this point though - depends how late I'm out the night before. hehe

I already promised @theaustrianguy I'd scout out some good coffee shops around the event since i'll be getting there a few days early. I'll let you know what I find! ;)

Lol! Thank you!!

Yeah, no matter how late I’m up.. Coffee is gonna have to happen but it might just be a half awake coffee in the hotel lobby.

Ohhh that sounds awesome! Yes, I’ll keep a look out for your suggestion.. I want to go find a lovely little cafe to hangout in.

Looking forward to meeting you in a few weeks 🤗

I'm excited for your 1st solo trip overseas. It will change your life. Trust me.

And yeah, LAX is a pretty awful airport. Don't envy you there. But their Int'l terminal is quite good once you get past security.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, I think you are completely right.. I’m getting pretty excited for it 😊

LAX is just a pain, but I’m giving myself plenty of time so it should be fine.. and I’m just thrilled I don’t have a ton of connections.. so no complaints from me! Lol

I don't think I will be staying directly at the Qubus but rather at the other hotel - but you can always hit me up for a good cup of coffee :D

P.S.: I can totally understand your frustration about LAX, also had the pleasure of traveling from there once -.- In general American airports tend to suck, especially compared to the big European ones like Frankfurt.

Well hey that is just a quick walk across the bridge apparently! Roelandps vlog was great to see how pedestrian friendly the city is.. I wondered about that.

And yes.. LAX is well.. it’s LA.. so one can expect crazinesss. I normally travel through smaller airports where it takes me 20mins from walking in the door until I’m at my gate.. but international travel isn’t that easy 🤷‍♀️

It will be an adventure in itself haha! Looking forward to meeting you soon!

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Just checked on google maps... My road to Steemfest is 2500 Km, 22 hours drive.
I got my european health card to be ready just in case.
Tell us more about little piggy :)

Ahhh I hope you guys can come!!! 🤗

The piggy might be a silly thing I do.. stuffed little pig to include Pechi in on the helpie meetup in Poland.. and of course put it on the blockchain 😜

You got a 18.46% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @pharesim!

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