Have You Noticed These? - And a Huge Thank you!

in #resourcecredits6 years ago (edited)

First of all, the introvert in me was totally caught off guard, so surprised and awkwardly happy, that the extrovert in me never got a change to properly thank @drakos about the delegation that may be small amount to some, but a huge thing for me. So thank you! I will try my best to make this approx 3 weeks I have left, count. Try to pay it forward by upvoting content that I enjoy, comment as much as I can to different people, make blog posts that not only promote the smaller accounts that I've found, but also give you a glimpse of what have I done and where have I been rampaging.

So despite the fact that I'm unfocused, not concentrating, don't want to be optimized and doing funny and pointless things, I will try my best. I know what I should do, I'm just incredibly easy distracted to off topic talk, silly things, jokes, sentences and words with double meanings and all that crap. I will try to find those smaller accounts, comment and upvote them more, than the accounts that are bigger than I am. Tomorrow. Today this post is almost all that I can manage because --> work.

Thank you again drakos. This is a huge help and I hope I can do good deeds with it.

Huge thank you!

If you, dear reader, don't know what I'm talking about, you can, if you want, read this post: https://steemit.com/payitforward/@insaneworks/pay-it-forward-small-sp-delegation-here

The rest of this post is just a mixture of notations to myself so that I have somewhere to click (tomorrow), some info if you want to know more about what I think about things and what I've discussed with other people or a trail for you if you want to support the accounts that I've found.

First: check out @eccles newest post: https://steemit.com/blog/@eccles/doing-fun-little-things-every-day.

And of course @cutthruyou and @pehteem.

Thank you @penderis for this link: https://steemit.com/curation/@xcountytravelers/hey-have-ya-met-october-16-2018. Follow the link if you want to support new people here in Steemit.

Check out @taskmaster4450's post on Resource Credit Delegation and the comments in it: https://steemit.com/busy/@taskmaster4450/resource-credit-delegation-being-worked-on.

And thank you everyone for the good comments and discussion on my Paying It Forward - Small SP Delegation HERE! post, especially @glenalbrethsen. Here's the rest of the comment:

And the fact that we have apps that encourage to leave short posts: dmania, dlike, Steepshot... Now I do understand why it's vital to have that kind of apps and posts when we are thinking about the growth of Steemit in general. It's a good thing. More different kind of users mean more users generally.

But that doesn't mean that I like to read or look at one liner posts all the time. And it again doesn't mean that I don't enjoy memes because I do. And I also do enjoy excellent photography. Or a picture that isn't that good but has a certain witty point in it. But I do not follow the kind of accounts that only post memes. Or only post links to other peoples content, or one link.

But in this case, on supporting smaller accounts so that they could grow. I'm willing to make exceptions about the content. At least that much that they can post one blog post a day AND comment at least 10 comments a day AND make 100% upvote at least 10 times a day AND be fully recovered the next day.

I do understand the thing that at first if one want's to grow (comment and post like it's the end of the world), one has to pay. But I think it's NOT good for Steemit if buying more RC is necessary after one, good, LONG post. Those people who do not have any extra money to spend in Steemit, might be pretty powerful after a year if given the change. But how can they even get a change if they have only few comments or one post to make per day, and if they do not know anyone from Steemit?

Finally I'd like you to look at these numbers I got from posting something with my @worksinsane account. An account that I have drained on purpose. It has only 14 SP. I have plans with it and it's important that I can upvote with it but I refrain from posting with it for now.

Except this experiment below.

I made few comments with it just to see what different kind of commenting costs to an account that has almost nothing. See it here: https://steemit.com/payitforward/@worksinsane/re-pehteem-re-insaneworks-20181015t082405272z

What I would like you to take notice of is that the amounts of how much an account can do with it's RC isn't AND. It's OR. Of cource. Logical. And that approx costs that steemd has put under each accounts RC, arent approx costs on comments. It minimum cost.

It's logical that everything costs. Following, unfollowing, posting, commenting, editing... Everything. But it's an entirely different thing if it's wise when thinking about the fact that we should use the enthusiasm of new accounts that come here. Give them more when they start, so that they are allowed to do mistakes, comment excessively, upvote until they realize that it's useless and ask the same questions over and over again. And of course to offer a change to those who do get it right away and would make excellent, long blog posts and comment wisely, but just cant because of low RC.

Is it fair?
Just ask any small account how quickly the RC is drained out.
Oh but wait... THEY CAN'T ANSWER TO YOU!

Spam has reduced. But at what cost?

Picture: CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0), from Wikimedia Commons

Are we sending the wrong message? A message that says: if you don't pay, post short comments and short blog posts with only one photo. Better make those words count and get double and perhaps triple meanings everywhere.

Nice post man.


Congratulations on the delegation from @drakos:) That's awesome for you to get a little assistance and interestingly, @pehteem chose your post in a @pifc contest entry which is all about paying it forward a little bit! :) I'm one of the judges for the contest and am so pleased ... this is exactly what we are looking for in this contest! Thank you so much for your thoughts.

Here is the actual contest if you'd like to have a look and join us with an entry of your own next week :)

Thank you. :)
@pehteem really did pay it forward and around again. I was totally surprised! And thank you for the link.

You deserved it; you're welcome :)

Thanks for your thoughts. We're going through strange times, indeed... but let's face it, hardly no one comes at Steem to make big posts, before they have some followers.

In my first weeks / months here, I mostly posted single photos with just a few lines of description. Fact is, I couldn't be bothered to spend 1 hour making a post... when I knew no one was noticing my account.

It was only after I started gaining followers that I started wasting more time with my posts.

Even though, if new users cannot comment and vote a lot, like I did when I got here, how in the world are the rest of us going to find them...?

Thanks for your post, which I've found because @pehteem featured in an entry for the Pay It Forward Contest

Strange times indeed. And I suppose things are still changing.

hardly no one comes at Steem to make big posts, before they have some followers.

That's true. And the sad fact is that for some, creating a post with at least 100 or maybe even 300 words in it in English is more than a one hours work. So it's balancing with not too much but enough effort. (Almost) everyone here has to do that. Write a post that doesn't take too much of ones time so that one doesn't end up disappointed.

how in the world are the rest of us going to find them...?

That is the big question. Only options now are to check out the introduceyorself tag maybe once a day, glance it through and make a post about it or resteem it right away if you find something that has potential or maybe even is amazing.

As for the newbies: post, post, post, something that has at least a bit of an effort put into it in case someone comes there. And comment, comment, comment.

Thanks for your post, which I've found because @pehteem featured in an entry for the Pay It Forward Contest


Thanx for sharing that link, and I am sure everyone else is also enjoying your rampage. As for the change for smaller users hopefully things change soon but until then I have been fiddling with something so you can get a sense of the cost to your account when posting https://codepen.io/Penderis/full/dgOOvW/ , still need to make the numbers dynamic but for now they are pretty stable and inline with other tests.

Sweet! I'll take a look at it better later. Tomorrow... no, today morning as it is already well pass midnight. :)

Cool project you have going there. I think we need to see you entering the Pay it Forward Contest!
It was @pehteem's entry in the contest that brought me here today. Keep up the great work!

Thank you. :)
Pay it Forward Contest sounds great.

You really have a HYUUGGEE delegation there! Which means you have a friend or friends with HYUUGGEE heart. 😃 And with your plan on how to use your delegation, I think you are one of them. Continue with your plan to make the most of what you got and pay it forward. 😉

As you know, your article was featured by @pehteem on his post as an entry to Pay It Forward Curation Contest. You too are welcome to join the contest.

Thank you for the info, I will definitely check it out. :)

Good going! 😊

Thank you for your kind action and so glad you got something from your paying it forward. Congratulations and thanks for the link too

Hello there @insaneworks, congratulations on the delegation and thanks for your support to my friend @pehteem.. and I think he's doin good by featuring you in his entry post to the pay it forward contest this week.. maybe you should check teh #payitforward because the tag also use for a curation contest where you can participate and find many bloggers who would engage and also need some support from you.

Thank you. :)
And thank you also for the hint! I'll check it out.

you are most welcome, and I hope that you'd enjoyed your dolphin's status even for a month..

I haven't yet realized what has happened, but I will, once it's gone. :D

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