Pay it Forward Week 28 - My First Entry

in #payitforward6 years ago

Hello Steemit Users..

I have been on Steemit for a week (I guess) and I still enjoy the funny side of RC. Sorry If I didn't take it seriously, because I try to understand the situation as a newbies and I think I can accept that, What a new plankton can do but deal with it? Okay.. that's enoug about me, and do you know why I joined this contest? because I read some post about it and it's quite interesting to try. This Contest is aweekly contest with rules to follow, I can simply copy and paste the rules from the direct post @pifc, but I'd like to try how I read it in my perspective.

  1. Create a review post about 2 other bloggers who considered as under-valued blogger. Which mean they create an original and high quality contents, no less than 200 words with a single photo (sure.. the photo is important part of the post and should include the link to the source if it is not yours).
  2. The Under-valued Bloggers must be at reputation 55 or below
  3. Include the link to the latest post of the bloggers
  4. After posting your post and don't forget to include the link to your post in the comment of this post >> Pay It Forward Curation Contest : Week 28
  5. Because the purpose of this contest is to increase the engagement between steemit users and exposure of original high quality posts, we need to support each participant's post through upvote or comments ( I think this is a brilliant idea of @thedarkhorse who also encourage me through his replies)

This is about time to Pay It Forward, and Here is my Featured Bloggers;

1. @insaneworks (54)

The day I started my first post on Steemit and have no ideas about what is Resources Credit, I followed my neighbour trace comments, and I came through @insaneworks post that he is going to delegate 10 sp to some newbies who really need it. I thought that it wasn't so serious because @dipoabasch himself face the problem but not submit his account to get the delegation. After reading the rules, I found that I'mnot eligible to get it too, leave my support and then... Bang! I face the reality that I run out my RC LOL. sitting for while and sip my coffee at the Pehtem Kupi Shop @cicisaja told me about I got a delegation from this guy, 10 SP for a week! and I dunno what it means, but I;m happy and Grateful. I think that so many great people are here on Steemit, in his latest post @insaneworks also create a Thank You post to someone who also delegate some SP to him. Check his post here >>> have you notice these?.

2. @wiseman91 (25)

To be Honest, I dunno who this guy is.. but I read his interaction with @cicisaja and he must be had the same problem about RC too, but after all, I think that He wrote a good post about his adventure in Gdansk, Poland, some beautiful pictures and teh way he describe the beauty of the city is quite exceptional plus a funny experience he did with his friend when he's drunk and almost got beaten by the street musicians... well, You shouldn't sing along with the stranger street performers while you drunk, I supposed. Please take a look at his post and share your support to him in this post >>> How Beautiful was in Gdansk, Poland

So this is my first entry to any contest on Steemit and I'm gonna use my RC wisely to be able to support other participants of this contest, if anyone wants to gimme any information about how to keep steeming (uhmm... I think I can't bother cici and dipo all the time.. LOL) I'll be glad to have it on the comments and Thanks in Advance.

PE, 18.10.2018
RT 07


hello @pehteem, thank you for mentioning my post. It's good to read some good words about my post of my adventure. It was my debut so I am really happy about simple few words from you. These RC points are very important for the Steemit ecosystem. I will try to follow some of your advices.

you are most welcome @wiseman91, We're at the same page except that yoor english is better than me.. LOL, I still struggling to create a good post once a day.. but there's so many distraction around.. but I'm glad that I can make a little exposure on your post.. just passing the advise that I get from a good man in this post too... I'm following you and I hope that we can be a good friend here on steemit

good job @pehteem, at least you following my directional message.. and it save your time.. though I need to clean the mess you did on my account .. LOL. asem lu... kagak merhatiin yee... lhaa kok lu tekan steemplus gw? tapi berhasil juga lu T.. lain kali udah paham kan.. gampang kan? kalau masih ada RC.. sana komentarin partisipan lain, gw mau keluyuran di blogger yang lu ulas.

sorry.. gw salah klik tadi, tapi kan lumayan.. lu jadi bisa ngepost sesuatu lagi, emskipun bukan itu yang lo rencanain..hahahaha, sorry deh Mbak e. setelah ini gw mulai paham dah caranya.. tapi minggu depan kalau gw mau posting lagi, pinjam laptop yee... gw beli kopi dah ntar.. huhuhuhu, pasang wifi napa buk? gw belum ngecek RC cukup buat berapa komen niy hari gegara tadi gw kudu ngedit komentar.. ketinggalan linknya.. hahahaha, tuh orang pada betah aja nongkrongin warung lu ya? udah ngomongnya ngga jelas gitu.. bokin mane?

Laahh... bikin insiden juga rupanya 😂😂😂 pantesin bokin gw jadi banyak tanya kemarin.. terpaksa dah dia bikin postingan asal jadi😂 lu antri bareng gw aja ntar kalau mau pake laptop... barengan gw aja bikinnya.

😁 maklum.. gw kan orang baru dimari bro 😂 laen kali gw bareng lu aja dah.. biar kagak ngerepotin bokin lo.. btw lu udah lihat pilihan gw?

Thanks for your entry. Both bloggers have been upvoted

I appreciate your support and will do my best to join this contest every week if I am around my neighbourhood

Nice first entry. I visited and upvoted them both.

Thank you so much @trincowski for your suppory and warm welcome to pifc😊 I still need to learn how to use my comment wisely

Thank you @pehteem for the mention! :)

I've upvoted both... wait a minute... only one of those people you mentioned. :) And you of course. Steem on!

😂😂 thanks for your support all this time 😊 this is how I pay it Forward

I have visited and supported both of your featured authors with upvotes and comments. You did a great job with your first entry, yeah? Very good! See you again on the future rounds... 😊

thank you @macoolette, what a nice support... this contest already amazed me :D

You're welcome. So we expect your weekly entries then? 😊

Great entry! I've supported both of your bloggers. I especially loved the post about Poland - from the heart and interesting!

Thank you so much @viking-ventures, I was lucky finding him through @cicisaja guidance, and I'll find my own geat bloggers next time

Thank you for the entry @pehteem :) I've enjoyed both posts and upvoted and commented on them too.

Thank you for your support @lynncoyle1😊 not bad for a beginner right?

Not bad at all! :) and you're most welcome!

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