Sikhs in UK want to be Known by their own name

What if the Sikhs don't want to be identified as Indian? In the UK, the Gurudwaras (places of worship) want their people documented differently than Indian. In light of this, we want to rewire our brain carefully and not make ourselves a threat to justice anywhere. Especially, at a time of human history, when others have decided their own gender no matter what their biology is. The Sikhs, just as any other people, want a correct label, which may be different than the will of others that behave like slave owners against their neighbors.

They're not my cow, not my dog, not my property, what about you, do you feel differently than me? Name the loss, name the gain, say what you stand to lose or gain from the identity politics of another person, let me judge you like you judge others. Historically, the Sikhs have fought and died for British-India and India. Now, they want a little bit of self-love.

The man in his dying breath, opened his mouth in thirst, asked his sister to pee, and she did; it was in the street, in India, when the Anti-Sikh Riot was in full red in tooth and claw. Google search, 'Anti-Sikh Riot', for more details. Understandably, for some, it's an insult to be known by the name of their own abusers.

I also have my own story to tell. Would you believe me, if I told you... that babies had been thrown into the fire... that foetus had been torn out from the womb itself only to be handed in the palm of the husband, who stood with hands tied behind the back, at gunpoint? [(Research Paper) Combating State Sponsored Terrorism With The Pen (A case study of the fifty eight year Indo-Naga conflict), Kaka D. Iralu]. This, in the words of an Indian author of a banned book (B.N. Mullik, My Years With Nehru), is the war on ethnic Naga, by Indian army. Hitler, a name synonymous with terror, was nicer than someone of our time; you had to be living under the rock, if it caught you by surprise... that someone's willing to die fighting... just to be known differently than their abusers; no, you're not a hero, if you sided with the abusers of babies, foetuses, pregnant women and unarmed farmers. Rule of law, as opposed to law of ruler, does not exist in the land, if it is not to be found when sorely needed.

Injustice in one place is a threat to justice everywhere. UK however wants money from India more than justice for the Sikhs or ethnic Naga. Their colonialism has merely undergone a change in form and expression. Now, it's proxified and harder to detect; somebody has perfected the art of colonialism. Human beings find love, they find peace, they find freedom, they find joy, when the lies of the age stand exposed... and the truth takes its place on the highest throne, in the society. Not when the order gets reversed.

The Sikhs shouldn't be made to live and die just for the profit & pleasure of another person, I supposed? Are you a slave owner, don't scare me with a yes.

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Many Sikhs in UK don’t want to be identified as ‘Indian’


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