Recap (Summer 2017)

in #recap7 years ago

    Hello my friends! I'm pretty sure that many of you have problems finding what they want inside of this steemit blog. So, I decided to make Recap's/Rewinds from time to time, where I will put the Posts organized so that you can find what you want much easier! I'm thinking of doing it every 3 months and so for every season. I will also put a little description for everything, cause sometimes that title was a little to compact. So, let's get started!


    Let's start out with my first Category called Programming and split it up depending on Languages also! I started off with C, got into Java and then talked about Assembly, but mixed C in between of everything!



    C Beginner Codes -> I got into the Basics of C Programming on 2 Example Codes
    C Beginner Arrays -> In this post we extended the previous Codes using Arrays and also random

    C Pointers, String and Files -> We talked about Pointers, Strings, File and Functions!

    C Dynamic Memory Allocation -> I talked off malloc/realloc and used it on an Example Code

    C Structs and Switch Case -> I created a switch case menu that handles a struct


    C Recursive Algorithms -> We got into Recursions as an reminder for the next posts

    C Linked Lists -> We talked about the Linked List Implementation in C

    C Binary Trees -> We got into Simple Binary Trees in C

    C Queues using Arrays -> Implemetation of a Queue using Arrays

    C Stacks using Arrays -> Implementation of a Stack using Arrays

    C Queues using Linked Lists -> Implementation of a Queue using a List

    C Stacks using Linked Lists -> Implementation of a Stack using a List

    C Advanced Lists and Queues -> Double, Circular Linked Lists and Priority Queues

    C Advanced Trees -> AVL (implemented), Red-Black (featured) and 2-3 Trees (featured)

    C Stack-Queue Exercise using Dynamic Arrays -> Exercise for Stacks-Queues with Arrays

    C Stack-Queue Exercise using Linked Lists -> Edited Exercise, but using Lists

    C Hashtables with Chaining -> Hashtable Theory and Implementation with Chaining

    C Hashtables with Linear Probing -> Implementation with Linear Probing


    Can I run a Dual Monitor Setup? (C Code) -> Calculate Angle using Law of Cosines

    C Function Comparison -> Compare Functions using Time or Iterations

    In C I will get into Networking that will be a Category on it's own!



    From C To Java -> I talked off Objects/Classes (introduction), Scanner Input, Printing and Arrays

    Java Classes and Methods -> We got into Constructors, Getters-Setters, ToString() and User Defined Methods

    Java Composition and ArrayList -> We talked about Java Composition and ArrayLists

    Java Inheritance ->  We talked about Inheritance (extends), Abstract Classes and super.toString()

    Java Interfaces ->  We talked about Interfaces (implements) and Abstract Methods

    Java Exceptions -> We got into Exceptions using the try-catch statement

    Java Files -> We got into Textfiles and Binary Files using serializable

    Java All-In-One Exercise -> University Task edited to contain only Basics

    Java All-In-One Exercise (Solution) -> Solution to the Task

    Data Structures

    Java Data Structures -> Implementing Lists, Stacks and Queues in Java

    I plan to upload Java Graph Implementation


    Java GUI (awt) -> Getting into GUI Programming using the awt library

    Java GUI (swing) -> Extend previous Knowledge using the swing Library and JOptionPane's

    Java GUI Events and Listeners -> Getting into Events and ActionListeners

    Java GUI Examples -> Examples of GUI's that implement everything told

    Java All-In-One Exercise Extended -> Previous Task Edited to include GUI

    Java All-In-One Exercise Extended (Solution) -> Solution to the Task

    Java Web Applets -> Writing a Applet in Java



    Assembly Basic Coding Structure -> Introduction to Assembly

    Assembly Input/Output Calls -> System Calls to Input and Output

    Assembly Branches and Jumps -> Getting into Branches, Jumps that help us write if, for, while statements

    Assembly Arrays and Memory Instructions -> Arrays and sw, lw instructions

    Assembly Code Examples -> Examples to make sure everything until now is understandable


    Assembly Functions and Pseudodynamic Arrays -> Switch case that calls functions for an pseudodynamic Array

    Assembly Stack and Recursive Algorithms -> Stack Introduction and 3 Recursion Code Examples

    Assemly Heap Memory Allocation -> Heap Allocation and Dynamic Memory

    Assembly File Inputs/Output Calls -> File Input and Output using System Calls

    We will get into more Examples writing C Code uploaded in Assembly and I also have in mind to upload a whole Series where we will write a C Compiler in Assembly!



    Numeral Systems -> Numeral Systems, Conversions, Operations

    Logical (Boolean) Functions -> Boolean Expressions, Truth Tables, Minterms, Maxterms

    Boolean Algebra and Simplification Theorems -> Boolean Algebra, Laws and De Morgan

    Karnaugh Map Simplification -> Karnaugh Maps

    Basic Logic Gates -> NOT, OR, AND, XOR and XNORGates

    Universal Logic Gates -> NOR and NAND Logic

    From Function to Circuits using Multi-Input Gates -> Multi-Inputs Gates and Tips

    Adder Circuits -> Half, Full and N-bit Adder Circuits

    Multiplexer, Encoder and Decoder Circuits -> MUX, Encoder and Decoder Circuits

    Waveforms and Clocks -> Waveforms and Clocks, How to test all Inputs

    Latches and Flip Flops -> Latches and D, T, JK Flip Flops

    Sequential (Synchronous) Circuits -> State Table, Equations and Diagram

    Quine McCluskey (Tabular) Simplification Method -> Example Tabular Simplication

    Statetable Simplification and Implementation with one-hot encoding -> Staircase DFF Implementation

    Binary Decision Diagrams -> Binary Decision Trees, Diagrams and ROBDD's

    Multisim Implementation

    Multisim Getting Started Tutorial -> Multisim Introduction

    Logic Gates in Multisim -> Testing out Logic Gates in Multisim

    Simple Circuits in Multisim -> Circuits using Logic Gates in Multisim in 3 ways

    Adder Circuits in Multisim -> Implementing Half, Full and N-bit Adders in Multisim

    Multiplexer, Encoder and Decoder Circuits in Multisim -> Multisim Implementation Examples

    Advanced Sequential Circuits in Multisim -> JK Flip Flop Implementation of a State Diagram


    VHDL Introduction -> What are HDL Languages, VHDL Theory

    VHDL Basic Coding Structure -> Structure, Libraries, Assignment Statements and Processes

    VHDL Basic Circuits -> Simple VHDL Coding using knowledge from the previous post

    and it goes on...

This is actually it!

Hope you like this idea and I see you next time in VHDL!


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